
part or full time rigger earnings

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So how much can you make rigging part or full tim. Is it a cash, cow can you make a living off it, or is it better left as a hobby. And if your in school would it make a good part time job.??????


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Usually comes out to about $0.25 per hour

Dammit Beezy, I wanna come work for you, that's a pay raise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pete Draper,

Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

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Dammit Beezy, I wanna come work for you, that's a pay raise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me too. Must be the cost of living in TN.:P

All kidding aside, you won't make much rigging. If you get into rigging for the $, you'll either be disappointed or spend very little time on each rig to make more $ per rig. Don't do that.


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Seriously, though, it's piece work.

I'm probably making about 10$/ hour packing reserves, then figure cost of equipment, tools, etc. If you're not packing or repairing something billable, you're not making any money. If I had customer base of 255 (rigs) spaced out evenly (5 day work week) over a repack cycle I would be busy all year and make about $35,000. This would be an ideal world rigging business. I don't know 255 skydivers who want me to pack for them so rigging as a business is not a real option.

I work at distribution warehouse and get paid more than $10 an hour,B| overtimeB| full medical benefitsB|B|, the boss is a skydiverB|B|B| and I made quite a bit more than $35,000 last year.

Real jobs pay better.

"Buttons aren't toys." - Trillian

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Seriously, though, it's piece work.

I'm probably making about 10$/ hour packing reserves


Sure the hours are long and the pay is lousy, but rigging still beats getting a real job (retching noises).
Most of my pay comes from tandems, PFF, coaching, PFF, talking students down on the radio, video, dropping the occasional IAD student, packing mains on busy days, etc.
I count rigging as a way to fill in on rainy days when everyone else is sitting around - making zero dollars - whining about the weather.
Or maybe I just got tired of listening to skydivers whine and sewing machines are louder than whiners.

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Yes compared to a real job the pays sucks, the hours are long and glory will seldom be yours but, I have managed to rig full time for 12 years before breaking down and getting a real job. During that time, I was even able to buy a house. Also during that time I never really worried much about money either. There was always plenty of work.
Does that mean that I am wealthy? Perhaps only in experience. I just didn't (and still don't) require much money to be happy. Have I enjoyed it? Mostly yes. Do I want to be doing it when I'm 60? HELL NO But it was an experience I would never trade even if I could.
Because I was a rigger, I was given the opportunity to do many things that most working folk could not even dream of and if I had a real job I never would have experienced them.
My advice to any one is if you want it, go after it, but do it because it enriches your soul, not your bank account.
O.K. O.K. I'll get off my soap box now

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