
What makes a girl good in bed?

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watch a porn, and do what they do. Guys won't tell you, but thats what they want you to do as shallow as it sounds. The dirtier you are in bed, the better.

LOL! you might want to qualify the type of porn. I've seen some pretty strange porn & I'm pretty sure a guy would run like hell if I tried it......:D

try me, I might suprise you :P

you're into pterodactyls?

If you're down, ill try it........I do first though lol.

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Ladies, don't be quiet...and don't be loud either.
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Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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Yeah, I vote confidence as the #1 trait for a good girl in bed. I mean, without it, they're afraid to try new things, afraid to take something in a direction they want, afraid to leave their comfort zone, and afraid to do let things take care of themselves.
=========Shaun ==========

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Hey, if it was good the night before, we sometimes like a second helping in the morning!:)

OR a third!
Some of us are ready go to on the hour every hour!

Not me, but that probably still leaves you 58 1/2 minutes rest between sessions.
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ooo that brings up a whole new question: tile floors? landing strip? au naturale?:D

I'll take tile thank you!
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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So it was brought up in one of Shah's threads: What makes a girl good in bed? And not just physical differences, but things the girl actually DOES.

One moist crevice is pretty much like the next.
"The ground does not care who you are. It will always be tougher than the human behind the controls."

~ CanuckInUSA

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So many girls just lay there...it's horrible!
And have so many hang ups it's not even funny!
Relax have fun and smile!
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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There is nothing sexier then a girl who is comfortable in her own skin.... A smile/giggle goes a long way in telling the man your having fun and want to be there... AND DON"T have a list of more things you don't do:( then things you do DO...:o:)


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