Used Canopy Prices

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I have been looking for a Canopy. When I see some of the prices I just have to laugh. People have 2-3 year old canopies with 50-200 jumps on them and they want the same price as a new custom canopy. I would rather pay 100 more for a new canopy in my colors than some of the ones for sale here.

I'm sure people will disagree but are these canopies in pristine condition worth 1800 or more when a new one can be bought, in custom colors, for 1905/1910 respectively?

If you do things that don't make you appreciate life than why do them

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Eh -
- 100 jumps on makes it easy to pack.
- You can have it right now instead of 3 months from now.
- You aren't the test jumper putting the first jumps on the stitching and lineset from the factory.

If you would rather pay the new price, pay it.
If you don't, buy one of the used ones.

Either way, quit whining.:S

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Canopies sized appropriately for newer jumpers hold their resale value very well. Don't expect deep discounts.

I'm looking for 150ish, and not another SA2cantfindoutwhatdirectionitsgoingtoopen/letthefunbegin. I guess it's still the first downsize point. Should have just been a 25jump wonder and gotten a 150 from the start, 300 jumps later I would have been at the right size!
If you do things that don't make you appreciate life than why do them

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Nah, I probably wouldn't spend that kind of money for a used canopy, unless I needed something urgently and availability was key.

Of the 4 main canopies I've owned, three were purchased used. The only one I bought new was my first Pulse, because I bought it within a couple months of it coming on the market, so there wasn't a used market. My Spectre had 450 when I bought it, Pilot had 200+, Pulse #2 had 100+ but was discounted enough from the new price to make it make sense.

Pulses pack easy even when new, but for the others I appreciated someone else breaking them in for me and knocking a few hundred off the purchase price.

It looks like those you're looking at are trying to see if they can get close to new price for their lightly-used canopies. They might get it, but the reality is that canopies are like new cars - the person who buys it off the lot tends to take the biggest depreciation hit.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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but the reality is that canopies are like new cars - the person who buys it off the lot tends to take the biggest depreciation hit.

Yep. I sold a canopy with only a few jumps on it. Vskydiver just didn't like it. Took a couple of hundred $ hit on it. Oh well. :)

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Would you buy it for three quarters price assuming it had no damage? if you had bought canopies that were not discontinued Ten years ago in popular sizes and set them aside it would have been a very good investment...

Depending on number of jumps, that might be a very good price. I figure modern canopies are good for about 2000 jumps and will need a new lineset twice, around 7-800 jumps.

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***Would you buy it for three quarters price assuming it had no damage? if you had bought canopies that were not discontinued Ten years ago in popular sizes and set them aside it would have been a very good investment...

Depending on number of jumps, that might be a very good price. I figure modern canopies are good for about 2000 jumps and will need a new lineset twice, around 7-800 jumps.

Yep, for a popular design that hasn't changed in 10 years (and there are a lot of canopies that fit that criteria), I'd evaluate "10 years old with 100 jumps" the same as "1 year old with 100 jumps," so long as those 10 years had been spent in a clean, climate-controlled environment.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Not as a car cover in a Florida carport?:D

Yeah, yeah you clown.

On hard-to-find cars (like my Prius kinda was in 2007), I can imagine buying "slightly used" for near new, but would otherwise prefer new in most cases. For canopies, maybe I won't ever buy new unless I happen to come into more money or whatever and want to throw down a couple of G's on a custom design. Until then, of my three canopies, I haven't had any issues with the Sabre1-150 (1000+ jumps) which was part of my first rig for $2500; the Sabre1-120 (500ish jumps) which I paid $500 and the Crossfire1-99 (11-1200?) which I paid $500. The latter two are currently in service - no clue about the first since I sold it.

Ask yourself - how much is a new (or even slightly used), modern design worth to you? The Sabre1-150 works great for wingsuiting and I'd have to seriously up my swoop game (or maybe lack-thereof to even having some sort of game) for a more "modern" design at the same size to any real difference to me. What are your skills? What are your preferences and how much is it worth to you? I'm fine with great deals on used, older designs that still fly fine. Use 'em until they're worn out and then move on!

(Btw, I wonder what wingsuiters will do once all the Sabre1's are worn out. I suppose move on to something gawd aweful like a Spectre/Pilot/Sabre/etc. being a bit facetious of course.) :)

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Like everything else...

Something is worth what someone will pay for it.


Unless of course there is defacto price fixing, like the Whalmart effect...

This is when there is no market pressure to lower your price, in effect if there is only a few places to purchase goods, then why try to beat the other guy, you would then only be shortchanging yourself. Kind of like the insurance, media, and so many other goods that are heavely advertised on TV. In other words profit is tied to market share, this is the reason why certian grossly overpriced products like auto insurance advertise so much. By the way they are some of the most profitable companies in this day and age. We have come a long way since as a nation we used to regulate these industries as a moral imperative, now the only imperative is greed and lot's of it. Thanks Regan and the Whalmart ilk for screwing Amerika up the sun don't shine in here hole!
But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."

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******Would you buy it for three quarters price assuming it had no damage? if you had bought canopies that were not discontinued Ten years ago in popular sizes and set them aside it would have been a very good investment...

Depending on number of jumps, that might be a very good price. I figure modern canopies are good for about 2000 jumps and will need a new lineset twice, around 7-800 jumps.

Yep, for a popular design that hasn't changed in 10 years (and there are a lot of canopies that fit that criteria), I'd evaluate "10 years old with 100 jumps" the same as "1 year old with 100 jumps," so long as those 10 years had been spent in a clean, climate-controlled environment.

I bought an 11 year old Stiletto last year with a grand total of 25 jumps on it. The thing was freaking brand new. Lovely white, crisp lines still with their waxy coating. Cost me I think £200. Bargain of the century. It's not even neon pink.

I guess a Stiletto is a bit of an odd case though.

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