
Stolen riggin kit

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Maybe I'll get lucky here, most likely not, but I need to vent. My car was broken into last night and my riggin kit was taken. All of my manuels, tools, extra parts, my log, seal and, well....you get the idea. Yeah, shame on me for leaving it in my car, but it has NO use to anyone unless they know riggin. The crescent wrench and leathermen were the only things that looked like normal tools. The bag I had made myself. I'm pissed. It was taken from northeast San Diego sometime last night. The bag is made of navy blue cordura with a black zipper, and black webbing handles. And of course, I have no photo's of it either. I hate thieves!
my pics & stuff!

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Been there, had that happen (it also had my logbooks to then in it), and it totally totally sucks.

I still remember it clearly, and it happened in 1980 [:/]

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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The sad part is, most of it probably went into a dumpster. The average 'thief', wouldn't know what any of the tools are for, let alone your instruction manuals. The really sorry part is, they don't have the balls to return it. Like you, I hate a thief. I feel bad for your loss.


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My car was broken into last night and my riggin kit was taken.

Make a claim against your car insurance - they should cover items stolen from your locked vehicle. List everything that was inside, and work up a value from the ParaGear catalog.

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looks like my renters insurance is gonna cover it, but there were lots of things that really can't be replaced. That bag for one. I made that thing. Took me a while, a lot of time was spent on it. And the log book of course. Not too mention, I can't remember what all was in there. That's the killer. I've gone through the paragear and started a list, but I know there is sooooo much more. UGH!!!
my pics & stuff!

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Make a claim against your car insurance

If you have really good insurance. Most will only cover things that are permanently attached to your vehicle. Everything else is homeowner's or renter's insurance, which probably has a deductible so high that it'll be hard to file a claim. Insurance is a waste, except for big-ticket claims.

It's also gonna be hard to prove the value of those tools, since they are uncommon and probably many are home-made. I feel for ya - I've been slowly acquiring rigging tools for a year, and I don't even have 1/3rd what I need to pack a reserve. No tools are irreplaceable, but rigger's tools are pretty close.
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Hi Stretch,
Had "2" not "1" but "2" rigging tool kits stolen from me also!! Really sux!! Fortunately my Log and seal press were separate so they didn't get those!! When they broke into my Econoline they tore up the dash to get the stereo (their primary goal) and just grabbed the rest of the stuff for fun. Funny thing, my Dragonfly and Vector was "unpacked" and piled up in back and "THEY LEFT IT!!!!!" I also had an R/C sailplane they left but stole the Transmitter???? Only thing I could figure out is they thought it was some kind of "Walkie-talkie!!" Really Dumb!!
SCR-2034, SCS-680


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