
I'm new but i wanna be like you...

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I want to jump like u guys(and girls). I live in Las vegas and am beyond addicted and obsessively interested, kinda like the first girlfriend crush minus the letdown. If skydiving were a female i'd stalk her. I know to some of you this is old news..."whoooo new guys" but I'm jealous and its not often that I am. So with that all cleared up I'd like to say Hi, How r u doing everybody and is anybody located in Vegas?

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Welcome to the forums! :)

You say freak like it's a bad thing.:P

And anybody who is that enthusiastic about wanting to jump has a pretty good chance of fitting in.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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Hi 112,
OK, when's the First Jump??? Quit yakin', start packin' and ya' can make the 20 minute call!! 'Wanna' hear it all,"NO SHIT, THERE I WAS, THOUGHT I WAS GONNA' DIE!!!!!!"

PS, BEER RULES! It's your "FIRST JUMP!!" right??
SCR-2034, SCS-680


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Hi 112,
OK, when's the First Jump??? Quit yakin', start packin' and ya' can make the 20 minute call!! 'Wanna' hear it all,"NO SHIT, THERE I WAS, THOUGHT I WAS GONNA' DIE!!!!!!"

PS, BEER RULES! It's your "FIRST JUMP!!" right??

I actually already had my first jump man...I want MORE!! Plus I wanna jump by myself

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Hi 112,
OK, when's the First Jump??? Quit yakin', start packin' and ya' can make the 20 minute call!! 'Wanna' hear it all,"NO SHIT, THERE I WAS, THOUGHT I WAS GONNA' DIE!!!!!!"

PS, BEER RULES! It's your "FIRST JUMP!!" right??

I actually already had my first jump man...I want MORE!! Plus I wanna jump by myself

Hi 112,
Cool Beans! So, when and where is #2,#3, going down?? U-doin' AFF, Static line or?? Either way Have a Blast and keep us posted. You'll get bored jumping by yourself unless you become a style and accuracy freak. The more Skydivers the merrier!!
SCR-2034, SCS-680


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I actually already had my first jump man...I want MORE!! Plus I wanna jump by myself

Hi 112,
Cool Beans! So, when and where is #2,#3, going down?? U-doin' AFF, Static line or?? Either way Have a Blast and keep us posted. You'll get bored jumping by yourself unless you become a style and accuracy freak. The more Skydivers the merrier!!

I'm working on #2 #3 I'm talking to a place that does the AFF course here in Vegas. I was curious tho...what do you do in the AFF course? Also anybody on here do it for a living?

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what do you do in the AFF course?

1. Learn how to not die.
2. Learn to fall stable, and return to stability after intentionally going back to earth (flip).
3. Elementary turns.
4. These videos should give you a good idea of what is ahead. http://www.uspa.org/USPAMembers/Downloads/tabid/84/Default.aspx#2271
The choices we make have consequences, for us & for others!

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You don't wanna be like me.... you want to keep your hair and get laid regularly.

Damn it Jim im already married, now i just have to wait to start losing hair[:/]>:(

To OP caongrats on jump and welcome:)
Nothing opens like a Deere!

You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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