
Two questions from a newbie

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Ok, I'm hooked. I jumped for the first time three weeks ago, and have jumped twice more since. I begin AFF this weekend, and I can't wait. I have two questions:

1. Who is the oldest newbie? I'm 48, and my only regret is that I didn't start 20 years ago.
2. How long does it take to get a regular life back? In other words, how long before I'm not spending every waking moment thinking about or talking about skydiving?

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1. Who is the oldest newbie? I'm 48, and my only regret is that I didn't start 20 years ago.
2. How long does it take to get a regular life back? In other words, how long before I'm not spending every waking moment thinking about or talking about skydiving?

1) the oldest student currently attaining classes at my dz is 65 - so u c its never to late

2) forget it! :P:)

welcome & enjoy it 4 the rest of your days. but hold on a second - wait till you get to know the rest of the crazy bunch in here :S
The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle

dudeist skydiver # 666

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2. How long does it take to get a regular life back? In other words, how long before I'm not spending every waking moment thinking about or talking about skydiving?

It's been a couple of years now and occasionally I slip and think about something else.:)Keep us posted on your student progress. Always fascinating are the first time experiences.


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1. as far as age is concerned we are all eternally young if we are jumping.
2. It has been two months, I have my A and I forsee no end in sight in wanting to stop thinking about skydiving. My life began two months ago, that's the way I see it. The rest is just details as they say.

Blue skies, and Ballz out!

"Make your plans dark and as inpenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt" -Sun Tsu


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I forsee no end in sight in wanting to stop thinking about skydiving.

I didn't mean to imply that I wanted to stop thinking about jumping. It's just that my family, friends and co-workers are getting tired of hearing about it, and I've resorted to calling up long-lost acquaintances and stopping total strangers on the street! :P

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I am new to the sport, and I have totally neglected the other people I know. Wen I am done doing relative work at the DZ, I usually have to go do the other 'relative work" if you know what I mean. I didn't think you wanted to quit, but realize skydiving is something that cannot be explained. the whuffos are completely lost. They always will be, in life and other things. Skydiving is for those who understand why we are here. That's all.

Blue Skies and ballz out!

"Make your plans dark and as inpenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt" -Sun Tsu


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Hi there.
We had a 90 year old lady do a tandem jump at our DZ and and a 3 year old boy doing a tandem with his father Chris,who is a TM at the DZ.

For more info check out www.jsc.co.za So you are never too old or too young to start Jumping.


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I just started jumping again.. in my 50's......I am aging well I suppose. I did take a 22 year layoff from jumping....

We have ahd several people at our DZ in thier 60's doing Static line First Jump course... and some in their 70's doing tandem jumps....

Speaking of spending.. I think I am at about $10,000 spent this year( so far) on gear and jumps. Oh well its only money.


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I didn't mean to imply that I wanted to stop thinking about jumping. It's just that my family, friends and co-workers are getting tired of hearing about it, and I've resorted to calling up long-lost acquaintances and stopping total strangers on the street! :P

Yup, thats the way it is with us. My friends are the same way...they think I have no life (ROFLMAO! they don't know what they are missing)!!!B| You've- just gotta hang out with the people at your DZ or the people here at DZ.com. They will listen to you.
Flying Hellfish #470

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Every year, I static-line a guy in his 80's. He comes out every year for his birthday. His first jump was on his birthday in WWII out of a flaming aircraft.

He pays for the full course and goes through the training. This year he was 85 when we put him out.

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I just started jumping again.. in my 50's......I am aging well I suppose.

You are aging quite well. You most definitely do not look like you are in your 50's, and nor do you act like it! :)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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I just started jumping again.. in my 50's......I am aging well I suppose.

You are aging quite well. You most definitely do not look like you are in your 50's, and nor do you act like it! :)

I have to agree with skymama, haveing jumped with
Amazon a couple of times at Ralf's. She also has some good stories for those long rides to altitude.

blue skies


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NO. 2 This is your regular life now, welcome.

blue skies


Yup, I only have 1 friend left that doesn't skydive, but she hangs out w/ skydivers really well. Finally got my dad & bro to do tandems. Bro said "now I see why you talk about it all the time" Dad's been to the dz a few times & says if he had more $$ & time he'd get into the sport.
Like everyone else said...
welcome to your new real life -it's a blast here!!

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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Hi, I jumped for the first time two weeks ago, and will do two more tandems on August 15. My instructor is at Summer Fest and I felt so comfortable with him I'm willing to wait for his return. It's killing me though! This will be the longest two weeks of my life! After that I start AFF.

I totally know where your coming from. All I talk about at work is jumping and doing it again and again, and getting my license, ad nauseum. I show the pictures to anyone who shows the remotest interest, I'm talking total strangers here! I'm really glad these forums are available so at least I know I'm not the only one obsessed with this sport. It's funny, I ran into a guy at a party tonight that jumped a couple of times in college, and I was confused that he didn't seem to have a desire to do it again. So I did the hosts a favor and didn't whip out my video (oh yeah, I brought the damn thing). I guess it's like some people who take that first drink instantly become alcoholics, that first jump was all it took for me.

I read alot of these posts where people, as you do, wonder why they didn't do it sooner. Speaking for myself, skydiving never really occurred to me, I just assumed I'd freeze and land with the plane. But when I did decide to do it, (that would be about a 3 weeks ago), it was the most natural thing in the world. For one of the few times in my life I had no fear, it just seemed right.

Life as you knew it will never be the same, because now it is "normal".

Oh, I'm 42.

Blue Skies

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Well as for a normal life, I do truly believe that once one makes his/her first tandem, life has just begun! Life before was a nice prelude!
I definately believe that you will not get your regular life back so just give up already! :P
I am always told, that I am obsessed with skydiving...well duh, of course I am! We all are, I think the minute the door opens!

:)Blue skies!:)


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I dun really know who is the oldest in here... but that doesn't matter... anyway.. i think i started this addiction a bit too later too........ oh well, better be later then never.. then u'll miss out all the fun....

thinking of not thinking about skydive..... maybe ur next life......... U just cannot stop thinking about it.............. *Congrats* :P

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1) There is a thread in Talkback about how old everyone was when they started skydiving.

2) Many people will not understand your passion. Others will think you are just nuts! Some will have the utmost respect for you. Mainly, your desire to talk about skydiving won't ever go away unless you walk away from the sport all together (I hope not).

Meanwhile enjoy your new love . . . I still do after all these years!
Arrive Safely


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You are aging quite well. You most definitely do not look like you are in your 50's, and nor do you act like it!

Yup... and no one is going to make me either...most of the people my age are so freakin boring it hurts....

I like being the Evil Jeanne:P


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I have to agree with skymama, haveing jumped with
Amazon a couple of times at Ralf's

Hey I didnt realize you were a DZ.Com peep...woo hoo.. never know just where you will find some of the people here. I love going down to Skydive Eagle Creek.. it is an interesting..experience... I always end up spending way too much money down there.. I think Ralph thinks I have money or sumpin.. can't dicker for a better price with him at all>:(
It must be the red truck...... oh well..

I will make it down again from time to time. I will be out at the Oregon Coast for the next couple of weeks... The big chinooks are coming in.


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