
Do you jump without an AAD?

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I rarely use the term never but I will never jump without a Cypress and I know there are some that would say that a Cypress is a substitute for training, but that is not true for me. I feel that I have prepared myself very well for emergency situations and am constantly asking questions and reading everything i can about what can go wrong and how to avoid it or deal with it if it should happen. There are always going to be things that can happen even if you have done everything right, i.e getting knocked unconscious, losing altitude awareness, going into shock or "freezing up" when it comes time to deal with a certain situation, if I thought about it I could go on and on about the many possible scenarios even to an extreme of having a heart attack, stroke or seizure in freefall. I know that these are rare occurrences but I am not willing to risk it, and having a Cypress puts my mind at ease.


"May the best of your past be the worst of your future"

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I don't have one. I wouldn't mind having one but in all reality I'm simply too damn cheap to spend to spend $1100 on something I'll probably never use.It's not something I really think about until someone brings up the subject.
On the other hand, when I found a great deal on a used Cypres, I bought it immediatly and put it in my girlfriends' rig.
If there's someone out there who wants to give me one I'll gladly install it in my rig;)
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Well in Denmark it´s very easy !

We have to jump with a AAD, acording to the Danish Skydiving federation rules.

That makes it very easy to "chose" ;)

But i wouldent jump without it if i had the choice.

I seen a cypres save, and this guy also tought he could pull his handles. But he could NOT. So no matter how sure you think you are on your self and your abilities, there can be situations where you come out short.

Seen people in freefall, crash into a open parashute, and hitting the person under it! :S

The bottom line is, a Cypres save lifes :)
Buy it, you could need it someday.

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I like the posts that include something like 'I dont have one but I put one in my (girlfriend/kids)' do

you think given the chance after you explain to them why they have one in their rig they might want you to have one in yours?

I will give no one shit for jumping without one, but I don't understand the culture of tearing into those who choose to have one or choose not to jump without one. (not that that was said by either of the posters I've refrenced with the kid/girlfriend thing)
I've recently been told that I'm dependent on a cypress becaue I choose not to jump without it. I'm curious howmany people agree/disagree and why?
My opinion .. its a back up one that I dont trust to do its job 100% nothing is perfect, but I choose to have it for those lighning strike type of odd happenings. Could I step out of a plane with it off Yea I think I can I just never have, and other then the bragging rights (which I see as macho bullshit) I don't see a benifit to not having it, as long as I have access to one I'll turn it on. I don't drive harder because I have an airbag, and I wouldn't drive differiently if I had to disconnect my airbag for some reason, that having been said other then bragging rights why the hell woud I go disconnect my air bag/cypress just to show someone else what I personally already know to be true?
BOTTOM LINE cypress or not call other divers for stupid behavior. But for those who choose not to have an AAD for whatever your personal reason don't assume that those who do choose one have anything in common with eachother or different from you then that one thing.

Good Judgment comes from experience...a lot of experience comes from bad

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To answer the original question, I have two rigs, one has a Cypres and one does not. I do only low solo jumps without a Cypres. Over the long haul, I have more RW jumps without an AAD than with, but they have been perfected and I just don't trust others to be safe and proficient.


If you like, I can come up with other possibilities. For example, do you choose who jumps out behind you and isn't supposed to be there? There are lots more.

It is difficult to see how an active skydiver can avoid jumping with strangers. I do it every week.

Ed, you said the each of the above quotes in two different posts. Can you see a little inconsistency in your comments? I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with either, I just wish you would make up your mind.

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Ed, you said the each of the above quotes in two different posts. Can you see a little inconsistency in your comments? I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with either, I just wish you would make up your mind.

My mind is made up and stated. I began jumping before AAD's were available, hence the fact that I have more R/W jumps without an AAD than with.

As for the accuracy rig that I presently jump, without one, that is soon to be remedied. I want all of the odds in my favor. Finally, I support each person making up his own mind.


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i usually jump with an AAD, had like 5 jumps without an AAD (3 ParaCommander jumps, 2 jumps on a rig which was not equipped), and a bunch of jumps with my Cypres turned off (off limits with the difference in height between take off and landing).
I prefer to jump with, just in case...
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Except for 50 or so jumps on student/rental gear and less than a half dozen on borrowed gear, I've never jumped an AAD. I couldn't afford one when I got my first rig and by the time I'd saved up the cash I was into CRW, so I spent it on a new Lightning instead. These days I jump exclusively CRW and my gear is not freefall compatible (Lightning main with a tail pocket and mesh slider), so every jump is a hop and pop. I have no concern for forgetting to pull, but getting knocked out on exit (or in an entaglement/wrap) is a possibility. To lessen the risk I wear a helmet on every jump and avoid low tail multis like the plague.

I've made a conscious decision against using an AAD on CRW jumps and have reevaluated that decision several times. At present I still feel better without an AAD than with one. I do think they are a good piece of equipment and would use one if I did any amount freefall.


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I use 2 rigs.

Primary is a Mirage G4, Stilleto 107, Tempo 120 and is used mainly for AFF.

Secondary is a Mirage G3, Safire 135, PD 126 R, and is used as an occasional back to back or Wingsuit rig.

I jumped for 7 years before Cypres came out, and another 4 before someone bought me one as a gift after our team placed in the medals at Nationals.

I'm not device dependant, and my attitude and behavior doesn't alter between cypres equiped and cypres free rigs.

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