
my first chicken...

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was last nite... true solo... 280 ft crane
sitting in the cab, contemplating. clean lz, no balls...[:/]

the walkway on the boom only went out about 20 ft from the structure....
there was also a basket that looked like it moved with the cable pulley, but was out of reach.. what now?

shimmy on the outside of the boom hand over hand? or just go from the end of the walkway?....

scary as hell, easing up the stairs, totally alone...

and the 4 ft gap between the crane and building was unnerving while stepping over 160 ft of nothing but black death....


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Way to exercise judgement. If it doesn't feel right, don't do it. The crane probably wasn't up for one night. You can go back (or not) when you're ready.


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Good call, you are here today.... :)Its the mental battle, if you figure it out, let me know :P

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Some of the most proud moments of my jumping has been when I climbed down. I've never regretted backing off, but I have looked back and been aware that I was lucky on that jump.
Someone wrote something like "You have to listen to that little voice inside and determine if it's the fear talking or intuition."

If I get really scared I just act like I'm trying to get some video of exits and watch my partner go first. He falls for it every time!

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Good call man. I chickened out of my first A last night too. I got up to about 600' and the winds were probably 25 degrees off the wire and pretty light, so I decided to head back down and jump it another night when i liked the winds a bit better.
Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.

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Good call man. I chickened out of my first A last night too. I got up to about 600' and the winds were probably 25 degrees off the wire and pretty light, so I decided to head back down and jump it another night when i liked the winds a bit better.

Climbing down because of winds is not a chicken. A chicken is mental only.

Nonetheless, good judgement...

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Good call . . . Better than being a paragraph in the morning papers.

Walking back down is easy . . .

NickD :)BASE 194

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OHhhhh fuck me runnin. 600- Feet -- WINDS off the Wire !
I don't get any better than that.
That's not called Chicken. That's called PUSSY, meow meow meow

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solo as well..

i think i just opened up a whole new can of worms...

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I cant wait untill the day comes when i can understand that walking back down takes bigger balls than jumping off. I totally respect those comments since they come from experienced base jumpers... i am a lowley skydiver still and its just hard for me to fully grasp that ideology that it takes MORE balls to walk back down that to jump.. I guess fully understnding that will just take some time... and BASE experience. please dont misinterpret my comments as being disrespectfull in any way.

HISPA 72 ----- "Muff Brother" 3733

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ideology that it takes MORE balls to walk back down that to jump

while there may be some objects with particularly scary climb downs, this is simply NOT TRUE for the vast majority of basejumps

it frequently takes better judgement to walk or climb down rather than to jump and most of those times the jumps would've been far scarier, a worse idea granted, but also far scarier

your mileage will vary

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