
Excessive jumps on lineset

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I've got around 12-1300 jumps on the original line set on my stiletto...

I've never ever had line twists, but the openings are a bit wacky.

I realize this is very very bad.. and I actually just contacted pd about ordering some new lines.

"Life is a temporary victory over the causes which induce death." - Sylvester Graham

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I know someone in z-hills who put 2500 jumps on his stiletto lineset. When it was relined finally he hated it. Said if flew funny with the new lines. I guess he was used to it being out of trim.

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I jumped a Nitro which had ~800 jumps on one line set. It was probaly too many as two lines broke on opening which lead to my 1st reserve.

Edit to add; If you look at my post and the post above from bjornufknu , you can see that although it's possible, it's perhaps not the best thing to do.

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I met someone that claimed they had put 3000 jumps on their Stiletto without a broken line ever. Is that even possible?

It might be possible, but he's flirting with a cut-away, or worse...

It's been my experience, through 4,500 jumps, that once a canopy gets over about 700 jumps on a line set, then they are going to start breaking soon. All it takes is a lop-sided opening to overstress already weakened lines, and *pop*, one or more are going to break.

There may be some variability according to the amount of wear they get, based upon climate, geography, etc.

I used to be stupid and just jumped them until something broke, then replaced the line set. I my old age, I'm getting smarter, and I replace them proactively at about 600 jumps. The manufacturers usually recommend replacement at 500 jumps.

If he's got 3,000 jumps on his lines, I might call him a fool.

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I´ve seen a guy die 10 meters from me because one of his steering lines broke when he began to flare. Please, don´t do the same mistake he did. May he RIP.

sorry for him, and for you who saw that.
very good reason to change lines
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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Three thousand jumps is probably possible, but the openings, handling, and foreward speed would be terrible, My stiletto 135 had over 1000 jumps on it when I bought it, I put 500 on it myself then had it relined......
The DZO of Skydive Yakima in Wa. state had over 2000 jumps on his sabre 135 without changing any lines other than the brakes.
They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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