
Post your Infinity

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The left and right main side flaps look all out of whack, with some of the main d-bag showing. Was it possibly packed with the flaps in the wrong sequence, or is it too loose, or ?
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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You are so Tiny. It looks huge on you! Tell everybody what size canopies that holds.

That was one of the SQ1 demo's right? We will see if we can get a better pic this weekend for you. It may be good for folks to see how an Infinity that has a LOT of jumps on looks. Yours looks great in real life. How many jumps did they tell you it had on it? I can't remember. It will be good to show people the quality after all the abuse our demo's take.

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I know I'm tiny :$ But at least we know I can fall fast! ;)

Yeah I picked it up from SQ1 after they replaced it with a new rig. I believe it has 1,300 something jumps on it and is still in excellent shape, especially by being used by many different people for a demo as opposed to it being owned by one person. I'm very happy with it. For now ;)

Right now I have a Tempo 150 reserve and I'm using a 150 main. I was told I can go down to a 135 in this container.

I don't have a digicam, so if you do, we can snap off some better pics, all I have is my webcam and obviously, the quality of the pics is crap. :ph34r:

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I thought that one had over 100o jumps on it. It will be a good example of how rugged the rig is.

THose demos get abused by so many new jumpers. I have seen that came back in covered in Mud I mean every inch of it and they just get washed up repacked and look great after all that! I have a cheapo digital camera but it should do ok gettin the pics up.

BTW you can fall fast! Put a few pounds of weight on ya and you fall like I do! FAAAAAASSSSSSSSTTTTTTT.

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Right now I have a Tempo 150 reserve and I'm using a 150 main. I was told I can go down to a 135 in this container.

I have a container built for a 150 and a crossfire 119 in there right now and it fits really well. A little soft but snug enough to go full speed in any position.

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Right now I have a Tempo 150 reserve and I'm using a 150 main. I was told I can go down to a 135 in this container.

I have a container built for a 150 and a crossfire 119 in there right now and it fits really well. A little soft but snug enough to go full speed in any position.

You have an I-33, she has an I-34;)

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That may work fine. Something to keep in mind is that different canopies will pack larger or smaller per square foot due to different construction techniques. For example, a Crossfire will pack a little bit bigger than a Stiletto of the same size partially due to the design of the nose, a Vengeance will pack considerably larger due to the airlocks. A Vengeance 97 packs just a little bit softer than a Stiletto 97, in my experience. So you can put a smaller canopy in a container than it was designed for if the construction method of the canopy is "non standard":)
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I wanna thank everybody for keeping pretty much on topic in this thread so far. I have had a little reminder from one of the Greenies that we need to watch out with the little personal comments. So let's try and keep it on topic and not get this great thread locked or moved over to TALKBACK where it will get lost in a heart beat! Thanks guys and girls!

Hopefully the Greenie Gods will understand that people are people and will from time to time say hello to a friend even in the most rigid of forums.


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Just saw "Bad Taste" at Eloy....i knew there couldnt be TWOrigs like that in the world....guess its going to get a little more color on Monday.;) wish i could hang out to watch, but my flight before then...

i dont know whats going to happen to it, but it should be interesting......;)
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oooh, oooh! By the way, I just want to send a HUGE shout to Kelly for getting a replacement freebag/reserve PC to Perris in such a short time!

YAY on VSE's customer service!

Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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I am ordering my Infinity endof next week....:)

PS-Kelly rocks, huge help, and has one kick ass car.
For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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I like the scheme. I will tell you that you should change the bottom closiong flap to a darker color. That is gonna get so dirty so fast you will be mad!

When we looked at the different schemes you sent in. My choice would have been the scheme you have but with Charcole instead of the white. At least change the bottom flap. White looks so good when it is new but it picks up every piece of dirt and dust in the world.

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The white tab at the bottom has been changed to red on the actual design....I just use that image so I dont have to remake another one.....:P

For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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