
Bass Jumping . . .

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I picked up a bass guitar a few years ago and now I'm starting to see things in another prospective.

It could be the structure, or the sweet moves, or even the mathematics and notational theory behind music in general, but I know now it doesn't matter if I came up listening to Janis and you came up listening to Snoop Dog . . .

I just cranked it up and did a good job holding down the bottom end with 50 Cent. Really, I was slaying it, and now I realize why NASA sent music on that golden recording they launched with Voyager in 1977.

No matter what planet you're from, and no matter how different you look, everywhere in the cosmos, everyone's gonna dig Elvis . . . .

I'm thinking of that little tee/pee in AZ for New Years. Anybody want to go with me?

NickD :)BASE 194

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You should listen to Danzig. Great Bass Music and it appears that he is very popular in the BASE Scene...;) Don’t take the lyrics to serious, thought...
Michi (#1068)

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Tragically Hip - "Grace Too" or, "Don't wake daddy".

I'll burn 'em, send 'em and play lead, but I'm not singin'.

-spacemonkey danger seven.

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I love BASE jumping. I think BASE jumping is very related to music in the sense that both have an amazing ability to level my head when everything around me seems to be on the verge of coming crashing down.

I thought this thread should have something relating it to base, therefore necessitating its existence in the BASE forum.

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I just cranked it up and did a good job holding down the bottom end with 50 Cent.

Right on, Nick! :)
So you got yourself a bass rig, eh?

When I had one, the Ramones were one of my favorites to play along too. Hmm, I miss that....

(I thought this thread was gonna have something to do with bass fishing.)

Edited to say: Oh, am I in the BASE Zone? Oops, sorry to be off topic... But it's Nick's fault. :)

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your going to be in AZ for the new year? i'd love to buy you a beer for all the insight and education you've provided already.... and i'm sure we can find some low end enjoyment somewhere as well...
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Listen to the Minutemen. It allows us bass players to be humbled...

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Music IS important to BASE videos

An old fat UK fart did open my eyes to "new"music this summer.
I always use hard rock-metal in my videos,that music is close to how i feel just before/just after i pitched waiting the 10 min before the canopy crack open...
But this guy(lets call him Iv#n so people dont regonice his name:)),tryed to convince me that classic music also can be used,atleast at videos were people seems to fly forever before they pull their chute.I then tryed to "track" do´wn some of thouse vids as i got home,and i must admit that this guy is ahead of himself thinking that good in his state of beeing so wrong i guess he used alot of time thinking that out:D:ph34r:

Iv#n,i miss you guys way funny drunk dial last saturday,why arnt you that concerned after having me in your house for 1 week:)
Hope we hook up in easter,will be a great time(atleast to me:P:D)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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An old fat UK fart did open my eyes to "new"music this summer.


(lets call him Iv#n so people dont regonice his name:))

.....good job you kept his identity concealed, otherwise everyone would think the poor bastard is an old fat UK fart....


way funny drunk dial last saturday

....and boy am I glad I turned my phone off after that call ;)


Hope we hook up in easter,will be a great time(atleast to me:P:D)

I need to know the dates dude - long haul flights are cheaper if you book ahead :P

I tried putting a short edit together using classical music; think it works OK, but not sure if it would work for a whole video. If I can get the permission of the jumpers concerned, I'll put it on skydiving movies...
"If you can keep your head when all around you have lost theirs, then you probably haven't understood the seriousness of the situation."
David Brent

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Hey Nick and all!

I can totally relate to this thread. I have been a Basshead my whole life. I finally figured it out, that all of my favorite tunes have killer bass lines, and no wonder my favorite bands had guys like John Paul Jones (Ramble On!), Geddy Lee, Roger Waters and Chris Squire in them. How does this relate to BASE? BASE is Bass is Bass...we're all BASE heads, eh? (except the fish thing, I guess I'm not behind that as much)

And this isn't the first BASE jumper to discover bass guitar. Another dear friend of ours in doing the same thing, jamming the bass and totally groovin' over in Colorado!

Peace out,

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I've been going to clubs now just to watch bass players and I saw this guy the other night laying it down and he's singing too. Gee, what planet do you need to be from to be able to do that . . .

Oh yes, my humble attempts at playing bass has been all good, and I even learned a new word, a word I'd heard before, but now I know how to use it correctly.

WooHoo . . . !

NickD :)BASE 194

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>> I think BASE jumping is very related to music in the sense that both have an amazing ability to level my head when everything around me seems to be on the verge of coming crashing down.<<

That's a nugget . . .

I was going to use this one.

Two things to sober you right up:

- Johnny gives you all 12-volts of his flashlight and asks for your license and registration.

- Looking over the edge.

I like yours, it says the same thing, but better . . .

NickD :)BASE 194

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- Johnny gives you all 12-volts of his flashlight and asks for your license and registration.

Interesting you should say that.

I have found that I get a bigger rush of adrenaline from passing a cop while speeding than I do on most BASE jumps.

BASE has never really been about the adrenaline for me anyway, so if I need a serious shot of the juice all I have to do is go speeding.

My heart beats all fast and I get shaky hands. Weird huh?

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Agreed. I'm always more scared sitting in a car than sitting in a rig . . .

NickD :)BASE 194

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I miss Mark.... but if you are a fan check out www.Twinemen.com

laurie is cute too.... :)
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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I have found that I get a bigger rush of adrenaline from passing a cop while speeding than I do on most BASE jumps.

Interesting analogy. Especially from someone who has experienced not so friendly people with assault weapons trying to do him in.

BASE for me is, on the good days, not about adrenaline at all. It's more of a Zen experience, where I become calmer, rather than more excited.

I'm not a musician, but I have known two concert level pianists. Both seemed to enter a similar focused-but-unfocused Zen-like state while playing.

I have a lot of random thoughts on this one, too. I've gone so far as to try to push myself into a similar state of mind in a variety of other ways. None, so far, has had as a high a success rate (for me) as BASE. Perhaps it's time to learn to play an instrument.
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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Hey Tom, love your work, mate....but i've seen you jump, once, and it scared the bejesus out of me. My advice? Don't bother with a musical instrument...you'll only break it.


Love ya,

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