
any one know any welders?

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Hey I saw this on ebay, and he also has a 40ft one listed as well...

Anyone on here weld and think that they could weld them both together? There is also another tower that is 100ft tall...think all three can be welded together?

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that would be kewl... 260 ft? almost as high as a certian smokestack... safer to

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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yep it would be awesome. I emailed the seller to let me know if he comes across any 500ft+ towers...hehehehehehe.... Of course Todd and I are looking into buying 54 acres of land and includes a private lake so it would be absolutly perfect for it.... just need some way to get it there, weld it and put it up, and someone to build an elevator... not that I am lazy, but it would be my tower and I could jump off of it as much as I like too...and others...includeing dz.commers

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with a video waiver for protection

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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its liek the movies trust no one, except me... lol

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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Best welder I know has BASE # 516, maybe he'll add his comments...

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for the price of 2000$thats cheap.. BUT,who to maintain your tower and who to pay for it?

I like the idea of building a big A,and welcome all BASE jumpers,but i figure no one would join for 2 reassons.

1.A´s are evrywere no need to travel for one..

2.If you want people to pay just abit to jump your tower to the maintain i then guess you scared the rest...

Why? i see BASE as freedom,i like it that way,it will be restricted if i had to pay to jump a tower that i easily could jump(illegal ofcours)free... i think i would thake the risk of the bust instead...

nope what to do is to build somthing people want...
Make a huge B,let people rent rooms in it,paying you,then let BASE jumpers come and jump it for free or perhaps a small cost,just for the cause.. then you get people attention..

you need to make somthing extra if people want to be interested and help the cause..

anyway if i had the mony i ofcourse would skip my job,start as a maintain guy at my A(need the grass shortned,beers to the bar and so on..)and jump my ass off..;)

Blair i tryed to contact you,but got mail bounced back,you changed?
I might need some extra,if it could happen it could be coolB|

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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That's just become my new favorite web page.

There's nothing like a field full of well-hung badgers to brighten you day.

I feel rejuvinated.

Thanks for sharing,

Prizes to anyone who gets to read my posts before Mr Aiello's son, Tom deletes them.

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nope what to do is to build somthing people want...
Make a huge B,let people rent rooms in it,paying you,then let BASE jumpers come and jump it for free or perhaps a small cost,just for the cause.. then you get people attention..

I was thinking that as well. Actually, it is a lottery dream of mine to buy a cliff and a lot of the land bellow and have a B an A and a bridge as well...of course finding a cliff that has a river and alot of land to do it might be pretty hard to do. But when I win the lottery I will, then I will charge the first jump courses to come out and teach on all objects...I even thought about a crane as well. Infact I tried to find one on ebay but there was only a toy...

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This has been a long time "dream" of many. Some have come pretty close. The Kockelman brothers had a 260-foot crane (they used it in their bungee jumping business) that we BASE jumped a number of times.

Mike Allen sent me a magazine called, "Radio Engineer" back in the 80s. In the classified section there were many towers for sale. They are the result of radio stations going out of business, or upgrading their equipment.

They ranged from 500 to 2000-feet and the deal is you hired a company to come take it down and remove it. They weren't really that expensive to buy, but the removing, moving, and re-erecting is quite expensive.

If you do hit the lottery (or better, put a business prospectus together and get the right people to invest in it) there's no reason it wouldn't fly, so to speak. There are companies that will build you a new tower to your specifications, elevator and everything.

Here’s a company that builds freestanding towers to 500-feet: http://www.glenmartin.com/hstowers.html

And some more links to manufactures are here: http://www.dxzone.com/catalog/Manufacturers/Towers_and_Accessories

The FAA or FCC couldn’t stop you as not being an actual radio transmitter should have little to do with it. It would be a legitimate business that uses a tower. I almost had Ben Conaster talked into erecting a thousand footer at Perris. He lit up like a bulb when he suddenly realized he could sell jumps without using an airplane. (I suppose he went with the wind tunnel instead :)
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Another consideration is there’s a chance current broadcast technology may become obsolete. If satellite radio comes to the forefront there’s going to be radio stations going out of business all over the country. This would be the best thing as you could purchase the station and it’s tower, at fire sale prices, and leave it right in place.

Nick :)BASE 194

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yeah why not glue loads of match sticks together and see if you can build a tower over 200ft....................



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Yep..we have a welder at my home dz. I'll ask him tomorrow what he thinks. B|


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why not glue loads of match sticks together and see if you can build a tower over 200ft....................

huh? you cant climb that far anyway.. just let it be in the 200ft range;)B|

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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In order to connect those towers you would need more than a welder. You would need to have a structural engineer ok and map the pressures the welds will be subjected to. Then the entire structure would have to be NDT(Non-destructive testing) before you could feasible charge folks to come and play.
PS NDT and S.E's are very expensive.

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Why weld it? the sections are joined together by plates and bolts now. You can see this in the pictures. On one of the pic's you can see they cut it about two inches from one of these joint's. Just join them back together the same way
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