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Everything posted by grue

  1. Meanwhile your counterpart on the other side is thinking that if they want to torture christians they'll have to leave anything to do with the asshole being penetrated out of it, since that's something the crucifix-wearing crowd grow up on the receiving end and it's just nostalgia. To really offend his victims, he'd need to subject them to living without hypocrisy. cavete terrae.
  2. Do you have sympathy for people who view the US's actions overseas as terroristic, who have lost their loved ones to unprovoked attacks on civilians? cavete terrae.
  3. On Discovery Health right now… not sure if this is completely made up, or based on a real thing. Interesting if true, sounds like they were dragged by wind and skewered, didn't happen during the actual landing. Anyone know more? cavete terrae.
  4. What do Canadians have to be thankful for? cavete terrae.
  5. I won't even have a layover there, let alone spend money there. cavete terrae.
  6. Self defense. In a one on one situation I will do everything I can to not throw the first punch… but if the other person does, I'm going to do everything I can to throw the last one. cavete terrae.
  7. I moved back a month ago, and into my own place this weekend. Here's what I've been thinkin': 1. Amazon Prime is fucking amaz(on)ing. Everything from motorcycle tires to vacuum cleaners appearing within 2 days (sometimes hours! I ordered vacuum food sealer on Sunday night at 8pm, it arrived yesterday morning!). 2. It's nice being able to split traffic on the bike (at a reasonable relative speed, not much more than +10mph) without constantly wondering if a cop is going to pull me over. People also get over in their lane quite frequently to make it easier, which I appreciate. 3. Having to park my bike on the street instead of just throwing it on the footpath/sidewalk sucks, though! 4. Wow, fuel is cheap. 5. Wow, food is cheap. 6. Wow, everything is cheap 7. Barely anyone seems to smoke tobacco here, which is pretty nice compared to the near-constant cloud that is walking down a footpath in any Australian city. 8. Sour cream and milk here are inferior. Not sure how the latter happens, but… 9. Oh lord I have a dishwasher and a garbage disposal. This is the life. Dishwashers aren't rare per se in Australia but they're not nearly as much of an assumption as they are here, especially if you're renting. Garbage disposals, otoh, I don't think I saw more than once or twice. 10. BART isn't bad, but the trains are pretty gnarly and old. The ticketing system is MUCH better than the Myki shit in Melbourne, though (which cost more than the Mars Curiosity Rover project!). 11. Everyone sounds funny to me now 12. Oh my god the roads are bad. If I had any fillings they'd have been rattled out by now. 13. Being able to pay for fuel at the pump isn't new, but once you spend 8 years not being able to do it you'll really appreciate it. 14. WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH PUMPKIN SPICE EVERYTHING? 15. There's a lot of sugar in bread here, it's weird. cavete terrae.
  8. Exactly it. Between this, and stories of donors ending up having to pay child support, etc… f that. cavete terrae.
  9. Just another reason not to donate, sheesh. cavete terrae.
  10. grue describes Vatican's top ethicist as "a cunt". cavete terrae.
  11. Who are we (as a society) to tell someone they're not capable of making a decision for himself or herself? Nobody asked these people if they wanted to be brought into the world, how we can deny them their RIGHT to leave it? Because as a society we feel we need to protect certain people from themselves. Those with mental afflictions resulting in deminished mental capacities. Those who have not reached a certain age. These are but a few examples. When not just related to assisted suicide, as a society we constantly tell people they are not capable at making certain decisions at different parts or situations in their lives. Age restrictions, reduced or eliminated culpability in criminal proceedings, the list goes on and on. People used to get killed for saying the earth circled the sun, because society at large believed otherwise. I'm not convinced we've improved much. cavete terrae.
  12. Who are we (as a society) to tell someone they're not capable of making a decision for himself or herself? Nobody asked these people if they wanted to be brought into the world, how we can deny them their RIGHT to leave it? cavete terrae.
  13. It's their body, and their choice. I don't see how anyone thinks they should have the right to tell a consenting adult what he or she can do with his or her own meat. cavete terrae.
  14. If you're going to log out from life, ideally your affairs will be in order and you won't leave an enormous mess, be it logistical financial or physical, for others to clean up. If people insist on using firearms they should do it in a chest freezer for easiest possible cleanup. cavete terrae.
  15. I don't know about other states, but body armour is illegal in Victoria. Granted, Victoria is a police-run nanny state full of completely risk-adverse pussies, but still. cavete terrae.
  16. If Patreus hadn't run the Olympics on carbon fiber legs, I doubt the world would have followed the murder trial. NFL and NBA transgressions get more press than any other sport here. In Europe that would probably be the leaders for the teams in the Premiere League. I think this is interesting, though perhaps not great science: cavete terrae.
  17. Well, just remember it's not always like that. I was a two-sport university athlete, and while I hate what college basketball and football are, there was a lot less pressure for those of us on the ice hockey and soccer teams because we're not the "face" of college athletics. That's not to say we didn't have our share of people who probably wouldn't have been admitted if it weren't for athletic prowess, just an anecdotally much lower proportion. Interesting too how professional basketball and football seem to have the most criminal drama with their players, too… cavete terrae.
  18. The hell? cavete terrae.
  19. Similarly, the best president was William Henry Harrison who had the good grace to die of natural causes before he signed anything into law, an ideal that more presidents should aspire to. cavete terrae.
  20. The only test I do is "does it fit?" cavete terrae.
  21. grue

    Wednesday haiku

    A series of tubes No transmission, only junk Sinus congestion cavete terrae.
  22. grue

    Wednesday haiku

    Planning for the move Transpacific for new job Sixteen days are left cavete terrae.
  23. So what happens now?? Nothing? Had your insurance paid you the value of the bike ?? Yeah, the insurance company paid me out after 7 days or something like that (it's been a while), so the bike became theirs at that point. I'm sure they'll sell it cheap to someone at auction or something. cavete terrae.
  24. Looks like I'm set now, though, so brace yourselves! cavete terrae.
  25. I know this doens't help you but it's so timely I can't stop laughing! 2 days after my post, over a yeah and a half since it was stolen… they found my bike Granted it belongs to the insurance company now, but my name was on the police report that they matched it to. 3 weeks before I move back to the US… sheesh cavete terrae.