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Everything posted by BobKnoss

  1. You don't "tell" these people to do anything. You might ask, but why should they accommodate me or you? With your diligent work on the planted evidence, you are the butt of their joke. They are too busy rolling on the floor to take a 'Crime Magazine' photo for you. It is no revolation that nothing can be proved. They excluded Duane's finger prints as evidence! Swapped out the Medallion, lost the Raleigh's and glasses, who you pretending to buffalo your with bull poop? Outscore with horse hockey? Outbake with cowpies? Out minutialize with micro-poo. You funnier guys than JT and his goldmine! Try working on real evidence. You refuse. Just dangle a rotten carrot in front of an easily entertained old woman. Despicable!
  2. agree - your pics are definitive - plus its round like a pearl as shown in your photos 2 & 3, not wide like the cooper clasp inlay. plus its on the midline of the tie (pretty much) just where a tac would be vs a clasp. Does not look like the cooper clasp at all, it stands up too high and is spherical in shape vs. flat. heres your photo enlarged to show more depth of field - you can almost see the shadow of it, it stands up so high .. ? good work. Why do you persist in reviewing this tie clasp when it was not even an item found on the plane? They found McCoy's BYU pin. Look at the information from one of Calame's original books, 'The Real McCoy' if you can find one. Rhodes, B and Calame, R. (1991) D.B. Cooper: The Real McCoy. Univ. of Utah Press ISBN 0-87480-377-2. The information on the internet has now been rewritten and changed from the pin to the clasp!!! Some of the changes are really obvious because the type is not lined up correctly and the characters are slightly different. It has now even been moved up to the second paragraph in the story!!! " He wore a black lightweight raincoat, loafers, a dark suit, a neatly pressed white collared shirt, a black necktie, and a mother of pearl tie pin.[11]" a 2005 newspaper quotation!! THAT is TOTALLY laughable!! There is still information that has not been modified yet, if you search Brigham Young Medallion. That will disappear soon too, I expect. It is a game of "information keep-away." "Oh, what a tangled web they weave when first they practice to deceive." You are wasting your time studying planted evidence. McCoy has his medallion back. Instead of studying the details of the objects, please investigate the history of it's mention, as it was replaced long after McCoy got out of Pa. Ask McCoy's brother-in-law about it, there my be a connection. Did he ever own one just like it? When did it disappear? I think there might be a connection as pay-back for Sister-in-law's involvement. But what do I know? I'm just another crazy addict who runs the drug business in the Central US on my free days out of the Sanitarium. And I'm the real BTK guy, or whoever it was that I am. I'm a fart blossom on the Flower Shop of life. I can't prove anything, no one can. But I know what happened. Kinda like the 30# Northern Pike you threw back.
  3. A girlfriend made the association in appearance. If you wish to equate anything more, you're on your own. He was the most decorated soldier in WW2. He did not fight in VietNam.
  4. " JUST GO TO HELL AND PLEASE DO NOT COME BACK." Audie Murphy, "to Hell and Back!" Autobiography. A look-alike of mine. I expect it is the subject of the comment.
  5. I wish NO publicity, no notoriety, no compensation, nothing. Only an end to the falsehoods. I wish no harm to anyone, and I believe that is the situation. If our conversation can't be remembered, it is useless to pursue it. I remember it very clearly. That was the basis of the whole story you refuse to get into. I have no problem with that. I do have a problem with you putting words in my mouth and then crying Wolf. That is a bad habit.
  6. "Please refrain from putting me in the same sentence with BK. I discredited him yrs ago with my own version of the lie detector." The actual conversation went something like this: I don't want to bring McCoy into the story because it just gets too unbelievable. If people are going to believe my story it has to be kept simple. I don't want to get XXX involved either, and I promised him I would not. He has kids and a reputation and we just don't need to get him involved. It has to be that Duane planned everything himself and maybe he had help, but NO conspiracy theory. That is just not believable. Remember that? Of course not, it is not in your best interest, but it is pretty close to exact words, huh? OUCH!
  7. "Our government has no problem destroying lives of survivors who seek truths. So what is the FBI hiding on Duane Weber - aka John C. Collins." That is the loose cannon, Jo. They can't risk what you might say, so they can give you no quarter. And, yes, they seemed to have destroyed a number of lives without hesitation. It was 'for the better good.'
  8. "Neither of you can put yourselves "on the plane along with Cooper"! And if your stories were true you should be able to do precisely that - very easily." Not so easy when facts are changed from both ends of the story. The BYU Medallion was found on the plane, not the tie clasp. THAT is the withheld evidence that "puts me on the plane with Cooper." My pictures of McCoy "put me on Norjak." End of argument. I think you know that, Jerry.
  9. Not my concept. I just repeat statements as they were made. I have never participated in the drug culture, even 420. I am in the 99th percentile, do not misrepresent Norjak facts intentionally, love my miserable country, and am a strong advocate of truth in Government. I hate lies. And, most importantly, I know the truth of Norjak, so I can spot the fiction immediately. The hair on the back of my head stands right up and barks. Sorry, people. I'm only telling the truth here. Unbelievable as it may seem, it is what it is. Barking hair and all.
  10. 100% accurate and true. Glad to hear you are finally absorbing some of the information correctly. It has taken long enough! When the project was practiced it was a safety exercise, by the time it was executed it was something else entirely. Three or four years of this bantering back and forth and you may finally grasp the total picture. Would be so much simpler if the retired SA's or key perps would just cough up the truth. I'd rather be out in my shop.
  11. I know or care little about the information you just posted. If you want no comments from me then quit posting lies about me. I am not mentally challenged, and I do not lie as you admit to doing. And I will point out when you are not on point and I know it. I do not wish to interfere, simply assure we are dealing with the truth, and not more trash. You do tend to wander through the back roads collecting nonsense and rummaging through it for us. This is good if it makes you happy, but it has no bearing on the case. The FBI has even thrown out the honest to goodness information about DW, and THAT is not my fault. Loose cannons get no play. Either of us. Best wishes. "I really hate posting some of this because I am sure BK will suddenly claim new things and have new memories. My memories have been repeated over and over and the record player (me) is getting worn out and there is NO one left to replace me when it come to finding out if Duane Weber was Dan Cooper, by his own words." I am certifying my sworn affidavit for you. Duane Weber WAS Dan Cooper and I know at least six living people who can confirm the same thing. I'm your only Huckleberry.
  12. Matt can you break this down into the steps, of what you think would happen? 550 is rated for what breaking force? ~1000lbs? 550 cord is called 550 for a not so obscure reason.... From Wiki AND... the idiocy of "tying" a reserve to the back.... uh.. DOES NOT COMPUTE... No one in the BK fantasy group would have had a clue who would provide the rigs so how do you plan for a skydiving rigger to show up with a bail out rig... and not a skydiving one. Then the stupidity REALLY shows its mettle. 1. It would interfere with the operation of the main...if it is tied onto the top of the bailout rig. 2. If the "main" did open.. it would slam the "reserve" into your neck... probably breaking it. 3. If you did have to use the reserve... I would love to see someone find AND then pull the handle behind their head. Shows what you know! Asked and answered. He said NOBODY would know what he knew. You just confirmed his self-esteemed expertise. A main was not mentioned, but the handle reach was!! I can certify that! Oh, they briefly discussed and dismissed carabeaners, wrist altimeters, head gear, oxygen, higher altitude too, as being too professional.
  13. You eating cobras again striped man? I said I know nothing of chutes, I am not a chute expert. TOG is a master and probably knows lots of tricks. How do you get your conclusion without a cobra fight and a long summers' nap? You don't listen, you don't care, you just don't give a shit. Your only goal is to counter anything with anything. You been wired to a bail of hay, badger dude. Your pissedness is showing. I do not recall saying he even had a main chute. When did I say that? These things just come out of left field like clockwork whenever I mention the other guy. If he didn't want to be recognized, he should not have worn a jump suit with his weird Frickin' NAME over the left chest pocket. Or, worn his squadron jacket with the painting on the back, or a dozen other tell-tale give-aways. But I won't say who he is. McCoy calls him "the other guy." He calls himself "the tall guy." I don't call him at all. Not sure who you are referring to, but it was not the bleached blond guy with the indoor complexion and the great smile....the peeping pervert.
  14. "Cooper would walk down the stairs relatively slowly until they lowered enough for him to make a clean jump without hitting the fuselage or the stairs. So it was an interaction between Cooper, the stairs, and the aerodynamics of the stairs." But he did hit the stairs as they came back up, so he probably did a spring-board thingie to get whapped on the right leg by the stairs rebounding. Or, perhaps he did not go to the last step? Anyway, he got a really sound hit according to McCoy and even more recent accounts. I can certify this as fact.
  15. "The rigging you state, would not work for the Harness that was used (or the harness believed to be used)." Since the rig that was used has not been found we can not assume the description was correct. He jumped with the one marked with the "X", and THAT is fact. He may have tied the reserve onto the back of whatever was with the "X" rig. That was an option depending on how everything was going to be tied. The decision was Duane's. I do not know what he did, only that he was give those instructions, weird as they may be. I think he did the swap as he wanted the money in front, which fits what I've heard on here. I do not question what I've been told. I just repeat it word for word when I can. I have no purpose to do otherwise.
  16. I'll stick with the stairs slamming back against the fuselage at the speeds the hijacked airliner was traveling (about 170 KIAS) when Cooper jumped. As a streetwise dumb ass with a smart mouth, I think the aeronautical analysis of the stairs would be such to create a vacuum under the stairs above horizontal, increasing in vacuum as the stairs would approach the fuselage. Below horizontal there would be an upward force on the stairs, counteracted by the weight of the jumper (Duane Weber) the money and equipment. He left the stairs face first and hit his right leg on the railing as he left. The stairs were not fully extended due to wind pressure of 170 knots? The stairs would immediately react to the loss of 225 est. load at the end of the stairs and, assisted by wind force, head for the fuselage as you surmise. But there I see a rub. The width of the stairs and the angle of the fuselage, the weight of the stairs, the slow speed do not add up to enough force to quite reach the closed position. The fact that the crew only experienced a dip/lift and not a slam or crash or bang would support this analysis. I conducted all my experiments with the index finger of my left hand. I can certify my criteria so you may rerun for verification. "well if the stairs were not in the locked position, would this video be plausible for showing there was probably no oscillation after jumping, the door didn't reach the closing point pushing air inside?" Cabin pressure was shut off. Cabin pressure would be negative. "and maybe, just maybe another reason he wanted the stairs down at take off, not that he was going to jump very early in the game but, if the stairs were in the locked position, they would have no idea when he jumped? so possibly he created a jump point for them himself, since the stairs were not locked, crazy yes, possible, who knows " You can not take off with the stairs locked down on a standard runway. Watch a 727 takeoff. The stairs would drag big time! The jump point was predetermined in 1968 and the run was double checked and zeroed more than once. If the stairs were locked down when landing they would have been planted in the tarmac.
  17. Looking at the harness, there is no place for this to happen. Plus two strands of 550 cord type parachute shroud is only ~1000lbs for a tensile strength rating. If this was the plan, and these are actual instructions, in the event of a total mal, this would prove to be most likely a fatal plan. Not to mention that the Reserve being tied to the BACK of the harness would start the fatal sequence of events. Matt As a complete novice and knowing NOTHING of this subject, it would be totally fool hearty of me to try to fabricate a parachute modification such as this. It was the concept of one of the best riggers in the business, and if I told you who he had rigged for you would be impressed. If you knew who it was that claimed this, you would not doubt it for one second, but because you assume some amateur thinking you brush it off. Assume quietly in your own mind so nobody see you, that a rigger of, say The Blue Angels (NOT) told you this is what they did. What then, smarty pants? What then? Crow is better when roasted over mesquite. Be nice and we can talk nice.
  18. "Quade: Feel free to delete my account. Actually, that is a REQUEST." That is a most honorable request. I fully support your decision. You may wish to seek professional help, perhaps BlueBird, to cure you of your Coopermonia. Prednezone and Valium may be necessary to break your dependance on the Forum. Don't call me in the morning. In your memory, I will personally erect a plastic monument to you and all future Cooper Crew Members who wish to fall on their tin swords. The skelletual "Thinker" is applicable for that as well.
  19. I think there was a post on this subject within the past month of so. And I believe it said that Tom Kaye measured the length of the missing shroud lines and that it was about the equivalent of two shroud lines (maybe three). Each shroud line on the reserve from the riser to the skirt of the canopy is about 15 feet long. So that would be about 30 (maybe 45) feet of shroud line used by Cooper. In reality, that isn't an excessive amount for just tying the money bag to the harness or his body. Don't forget the two lengths of rope to tie the reserve chute onto the back of the harness, if he followed instructions, which I am convinced he did. Lots and lots of gramma knots or whatever. Duane was supposedly a knot expert, but one would not have to be a knot expert to tie knots, wether or not the knots were not gramma knots. That's just nuts, not knots. ......Knoss.
  20. I don't communicate regularly with Richard. He was very polite during our last telephone exchange, but I suspect he'd like to be left out of this. He stirred the pot, but it is not his kitchen. He was serving as an immigration advisor/advocate, which is typical for this generous and helping man.
  21. Yup! McCoy said. I believe McCoy. McCoy said, "sandwich" or "sandwiches", not three cheeseburgers. I believe there was at least one sandwich, which may have been a cheeseburger or more. I think the stories correlate sufficiently well for recounting irrelevant history from 1971. I'll take another two points.
  22. You betcha, Masked Man. Going through my pictures of the episode this morning I see development dates on all my slides. July 1967 for our belated spring honeymoon to Grand Canyon and a visit to Denny N. and his wife. Pictures of my new 67 VW, all the period stuff. My pictures arrived right after we returned. When the SS records get here I expect it to be even one year earlier than I thought. As I said, this was not an overnight thing, it took years to evolve, but now I've got better record of when things happened. Right after Duane jumped, we moved to Haapala's company. Amazing what one can learn from a couple documented dates, huh?
  23. you are mixing two different hijackings, A quick-thinking stewardess slipped three Valiums into Tripp's drink, and the plane never left the ground. During the ten hour standoff, Tripp lowered his demands, and released all 52 of the passengers, settling for three cheeseburgers and a demand to be driven from the airport in a rental car by the two pilots left with him. (July 11, 1980) Yes. That sounds accurate. He traded the gun for three cheesburgers. I thought it was just one. Can't believe anything written about hyjackers nowadays, it's all lies! That could be your caller. Or, it could have been Mr. Ed. Yah, that's it! Makes perfect sense. Explains the four canopies and the olive green complexion. Horseface, hisself! Blevins would certify that one!
  24. You could extrapolate that to mean he wanted the money...but not necessarily to kill people or injure them in order to get it. According to Ralph Himmelsbach, he thinks the bomb was a fake, too. Since the "bomb" parts were left on the plane it is safe to assume it was a "fake". I think that is a relatively safe assumption. There are a ton of things one can extrapolate from the remnants of information, but you ALL refuse to check ANY of it. The BYU Medallion, the reported wind directions and a 15-35 mile location discrepancy, dead reckoning, Janet's sighting, McCoy's visit to Janet, The Co-Pilot's meeting with Ralph, Cooper's missing notes to the cockpit, the X parachute debacle, O'Hara's promise to keep a secret, missing radio transcripts, Scott's missing final statement, KC's written note to Lyle in his will, Tina's BlueBird zombie state of mind, my entire offering of information, the Walker timeline connection to the McCoy/O'Hara team, Goerge Tenent's admissions, un-interviewed known witnesses, lack of honest investigation by the FBI, constant misdirection by the Cooper Crew, obvious falsehoods ignored while major points are made of insignificant trivia, International records IGNORED, number one suspect protected from any discussion, the Cooper Vane, the Pilot's Union activities in 1967-8 IGNORED, leader covered up, McCoy's photographs from 1995 and later, and the list just goes on and on. Point is proven with beyond any reasonable question, guys. You REFUSE to approach any of the above topics, only discuss evidence that is planted or erroneous, and make only conclusions that support some alternative hoax. Unbelievable. Nixon incarnate.
  25. The short answer is I don't know. The longer answer is that Jayme and her family seem to think that it was close enough in time to the Cooper skyjacking for the grandfather, Stan Gilliam, to make a connection between the phone call and the hijacking. Jayme is saying maybe months before the skyjacking, which would make it still 1971 and not 1968. However, family discussions on the subject are now proceeding more robustly, and Jayme will have more to say on the subject in the near furture, I am sure. She made a video interview of her grandfather just before he passed away, and when that is reviewed I suspect more pertinent information will be forthcoming. One interesting note to come forth so far is from a brother who remembers the grandfather recounting how the Mysterious Caller was very concerned about impacts on the passengers when the aft stairs were opened in flight. Tog did his investigation on the subject in the spring of 1968. He would not have made an inquiry in 1971 because he had almost forgotten about the Project. It came as a surprise to him. Cooper was not the type to investigate technical data, and particularly not after having gotten all the information from TOG earlier. There was another hijacker just before Cooper who used a pistol. Two weeks before Cooper’s hijacking, a passenger named Paul Cini brandished a handgun aboard an Air Canada flight over Montana. According to McCoy, they talked him into trading a sandwich for the gun as he put on his parachute. This could be your caller. He was NOT associated with Norjak, and he was not too bright. This would be my expert guess based on observing the guys do their research. TOG had constant access to the stairs for dimensions. Would not logically fit Norjak especially if it was not pre-70. Look at the 727 testing dates and the dates of the rumored military action with the tail stairs. Timeline needs to be earlier for Norjak. Who says it even has to be Cooper? Just my opinion.