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Everything posted by BobKnoss

  1. "This is where Knoss's one legged man came from. THis guy had lost his leg to cancer -Which leg? (He also was at one time a chauffeur for the RICH Hermit whose name I can never remember." You are reporting on the second death of McCoy. A cancer caused by a radar detector gun on his lap. You can speculate on left or right leg based on morbidity reports of LE Officers. A second cover story released on the Tonight Show by Sylvester Stalone in dedicating "Rocky V" to McCoy, his bodyguard. You are also reporting on Melvin Dummar, a truck driver who rescued Howard Hughes from the Nevada desert in 1967. That is an unrelated figment of your imagination. You do come up with some duzzies!
  2. Jo will set the record straight: I never said I knew where he buried the chute - if I were to guess it was behind the tower in the post I just made above. (in the middle of a forest). He buried something there - he did not tell me what. The tower was NO were near a river or a dairy farm. The farm with a small building toward the road to the side of the house - reminded me of a milking station. This farm was on Lake LaCames....and NO WHERE NEAR the tower Duane claimed to have buried something behind. Knoss does NOT even know where the lake is or he would not persist with his ridiculous claim. The location of the farm was NO where near the RIVER or the landing zone - just a place where Duane told me he used to know the people who lived there and they had 2 boys - one about his age. This farm was near Lake LaCames. I have identified the farm and the fact the deceased owners did a have a son Duane's age. Amazing! This is all accurate as to what Jo told me. I don't use Jo's information about money burial, my information came from McCoy as I have stated many times. Jo has an ego so big that everything begins and ends with her. It is simply not the case. It could be true, but I believe Biuebird information before Jo, ANY day of the week.
  3. Yup. 10 minute failure by coersion, but I'm back after the pepper dowsing. You almost had me going there. Best get some sack time before you convince me that Blevins is really gone and I'm just seeing spots.
  4. On or before my 15th birthday. I really do not think they gave me conscientious objector status!!! NO WAY!! I was 2S for a while, 1Y for a while, 2A for a while, do they have a 3A? WAIT FOR THE PAPERWORK.
  5. are you going to stand by your statement of I-A-O? FOR THE RECORD! 1A-0 was the last one I remember. O for Overage. No, I don't pay any attention to that stuff. Wait for the paperwork. Whatever that says is fine with me.
  6. They know what I am doing on here. They told me to go ahead and keep doing it. I went to the FBI on 9 separate occasions and they said they didn't have enough proof, there was nothing they could do. The evidence they had and their witnesses were contaminated. Ref: O'Hara's interview with Bruce. Ralph's interview with the Co-pilot. There are way too many pilots involved after the fact. It would be a mockery to pursue.
  7. QuoteYada, yada, yada!! In 1968 the facts were different than 1976, weren't they?? We know all that. I'm telling you what happened during the planning, not a lifetime later. That has no bearing on the discussion in 1968, but it affects the paranoya today. That, plus Duane handing off the note too early, but they didn't add kidnapping, YET. the hijacking didn't occur until 71, talk about "yada, yada? Bob, there are way to many problems with a plan spanning from 68 to 71, lets get real here! The Pilot's Union was not calling the shots anymore. The controlling factor was the Montreal Convention on International Air Piracy and their hesitation and Congress' hesitation to endorse Nixon's baggage inspection, etc. The delay from 1969 (when the plan was ready) to 1971 was controlled in Washington DC. That's real. don't you think it's time to get National News from this? instead of pudding around on a thread? TOG is scared of his 20 year gag order? it's been 44 years now, maybe they will cut your Leavenworth time in half, since you went double in your time frame coming forward. I committed no crime, they perpetrated a crime on me. TOG, Nick, Duane and Mac are the "National Heroes" and public support might outweigh any charges particularly in view of massive FBI/FAA involvement. I have NO interest AT ALL in national news exposure, only the truth. this was a Government operation, why would they add anything? charge a dead guy with kidnapping while the other dead guy remains alive? Mac Because Jo created a problem which they could not control. Her story was total jibberish and she was a loose cannon with Lord knows what next. Cooper would have to be someone other than Weber.
  8. You forgot IV-F. Yes, and while we are at it, maybe IV-C might also fit him
  9. Yada, yada, yada!! In 1968 the facts were different than 1976, weren't they?? We know all that. I'm telling you what happened during the planning, not a lifetime later. That has no bearing on the discussion in 1968, but it affects the paranoya today. That, plus Duane handing off the note too early, but they didn't add kidnapping, YET.
  10. What you talkin' 'bout, Willis? Geoffrey Gray wrote a book covering all of the major Cooper suspects. He tried to pursue information which some people did not appreciate. I told him beforehand that would happen. I think Gray has a very good perspective on the case, but is limited in what he can print. He was once involved with some research which he discovered was less than trustworthy and started his own project. I do not speak for this man. I hold him in the highest regard and he can speak for himself far better than I. He is top drawer in my book.
  11. Quotesince there were no hijackings from 61 until Feb, 1968, how was it that you explained that planes were getting hijacked on a regular basis? The purpose of what the pilots were planning had to do primarily with PILOT SAFETY. The Government grew it into a hijacking convention solution. The rash of hijackings started about then and grew. you were given a 4 year suspended sentence right off the bat, but then claim you though you would go to prison for what you witnessed? why didn't you tell the Leavenworth story? you have two different claims! There was a piece of paper with a promise of 20 years for me for talking as I am talking right now. I did not commit any crime associated with Norjak, as I immediately reported everything I knew to the FBI as soon as I realized what had happened. My rights were violated. My claim is against the Government. The story I tell is a single story which is extremely complex in reality and very simple on the face. what did you witness? thought you were there to keep records for McCoy, the whole purpose of being there? that's what you agreed too, and then you say, "I thought I would go to prison for what I witnessed"? I witnesses the entire operation named "Project Norjak" from Sgt. Richard Floyd McCoy, Jr's perspective as a government participant under Commander John Anderson, and assigned to Nickolas O'Hara. I was to be McCoy's witness for his performance of duty, should they decide to use that defense. After the read they got on the judge, they decided NOT to go that way. "Going to prision" was a common discussion. There was a statute of limitations on hijacking but none on kidnapping, so it was extremely important to execute the operation to avoid a kidnapping charge. 20 years was a fair risk to avoid, life was not. I was included in the threat in order to keep me quite. Now that I know that I committed no crime, I am unafraid to speak the truth, since the FBI has heard it, and do nothing, just like with Jo Weber. We have both explained why we think that is. You never witnessed anything before you were given the suspended sentence! Yes, I did. I had long conversations with Mac about his talks with TOG. Mac told me he was going to be FAMOUS, then corrected it to infamous, and he would explain later. He took me over to meet Karen, and talked about his family business in home building materials, his life growing up, his love for bar fights, his dad's fights, our relationship with Mike Barton and his parents, lots of personal stuff. None of what I experienced before the hypnosis was illegal.
  12. Speaking of variables and accuracy! (see attachment) Yes, this is deadly accurate. Every word of it. One does not have to use the same words every time to describe what happened. This is all accurate and truthful. They are not different stories, they are writings of a different day on the same subject. You can put them all together and say the same exact thing. TOG is still paranoid about prison. I'm over it. Why not remember. I was brought out of the state and told to forget what was discussed. I was under a post hypnotic suggestion at that point, under the control of McCoy. After I called Nick to inform him of what was going on with the planning of a hijack, I got violently ill, bad vertigo and throwing up. Manic depression. They were going to GET me. Never called Nick again after that. Not until recently. Anytime Mac would call me I would automatically go into a trance and come out of it after I hung up and not be aware of the conversation on a conscious level. I remember everything today. The more I converse about it the more things come back, sometimes I can find myself rattling off stuff and I am not even aware I'm speaking. Especially at night. Thank God my wife is deaf. THAT is scary! You may think I have posted a lot of story here, but it is a very small amount of a very large story that spans almost 45 years. That is a very, very, long time to pay for telling my draft board I'd move to Canada. I really wish I had. And I HATE the cold! Try Raoul in Canada with a patch over one eye. That was Mac's favorite character. He visited us in Dassel, MN. with that get-up. You could Google Raoul, if it is spelled right. Mac had a dark complexion like Duane and Jim Jones, and Adam Beach. A friend of Duane's claimed to get directions from this one eyed Canadian. It was discussed in his MOCK TRIAL on television. THAT's a lot more interesting than checking my draft experiences, and it is only another tiny blurp in a much bigger tale of fact. You have no idea what all you're not told. This internet can be a dangerous thing without Government controls....................
  13. Quotewell, first of all Bobby, your can, milk can, standard milk can is not waterproof, so, over the 8 years it was in the ground water levels would have changed over time leaving sediments in the container in question! the money would be in a Disintegrated condition, far worse than the condition found! (IMHO) there were many more floods before 79! just think about how that money would look! I don't have the experience to make any conclusions as you seem to be able to do. I think there is a wide span of variables you can not predict with enough accuracy to draw a conclusion. Sorry. We differ. as in "might be something there" is far different from "wiped clean" expunged (correct spelling) or the other words you used for not there! I am sending for your classification just to make sure! OK. Good. Expunged is Mac's word. My attorney said, "Nothing there." Don't know for sure what that means. you keep telling people to walk the walk, well I'm doing just that ! your background starting from your Draft is where this story begins correct? you want to prove all of this, well this is and will be a chance to prove your story! we can't start your story after you were drafted, wouldn't be flare flare was intentional WRONG AGAIN!! I was not drafted. I was sent a notice, nothing more. did Mac find the Milk can in good shape or did Duane? "Mac described it as just a regular milk can that was in really good shape, which was unexpected" Duane found the can. Duane reported to Mac what happened. why would that be unexpected in 1971? your story follows with improvements when things are discovered? No, I don't spend the time to tell the entire word for word story on most of this because it gets boring. It would be unexpected because the place was deserted. A nice can would be a surprise, a shovel would not be expected. let the record show that Bob has now claimed the can to be in "really good shape" improving the theory. Well, you claimed it was all rusted out, and that triggered it was not what Mac said. I asked him the same thing you proposed for the same reason. I can add what you help me to remember. I am still experiencing recall. So, just for the hell of it, lets call him Cooper, we now have Cooper landing on the XXXX side of the river and hiked 15-20 miles south around Tena Bar on the east side of the river correct? did he still bury the chute under the old fire tower? the boy was busy! or did he hike North and cross the river then move east and finally South down "around Tena Bar? I'd guess the east side of the river, not west. Isn't that what my proposed map shows? If Jo still says he buried it under a tower of some sort, that is all I have on the chute subject, nothing more other than Carr's statement. did he carry the chute and money and dig separate holes with two separate shovels? Jo's story on burying the chute, ask her. The money was buried under a tree by the river, with a shovel, in a milk can that was not all rusted out, it was in good shape. I don't think Jo's information is very often correct, so I do not rely on it. I just acknowledge it. She told me something about burying something by an old shed, too. I ignored it.
  14. Bloomington, Mn. I don't think court hearing is an accurate description. I was hypnotized then questioned under hypnosis. I was told I was found guilty and not to argue about it. I signed a sheet of paper marked top secret. Commander Anderson read the sentence and they left with instructions for the hypnotist to finish with me. Hardly a legal hearing. This would have been the first week in April, 1968, on a Wednesday to the best of my recollection. It was two to three weeks after my induction walk-out. I failed to attend my first appointment here. The location was on the west side of the street, Lyndale Ave. South, in Bloomington, MN. They called it, Dr. David Black's? Office, but there was just a small black sign in the window and a street no. over the door. The building was a creme colored single story brick building with a single door in the front center. There were two large glass panes with aluminum framing on either side of the door covering most of the front of the building. There were heavy black curtains around the north side of the front room, and a huge ceramic Barber/ dental/ optometrist chair with furniture around it. There were two of those old varnished brown 8' folding tables with the black trim around the edge and a half dozen or so tan metal folding chairs. The building was built with a sidewalk between it and the street, like most downtown areas. It had a side exit on the north side of the building about 40 feet off the sidewalk. All linoleum in light brown shades, tiles on the floor. It was isolated, but near other stores in a business area several blocks north of Old Shakopee Road. Gray has the co-odinates of what I believe could have been the place. It may have been the Bloomington Armory at the time, since Anderson was there. That was a long time ago, but I do remember what happened very clearly. Most of it word for word.
  15. "I finally came to my conclusions on KC based on four main things: 1) The general evidence against Christiansen, i.e. his letters home, his patterns of spending after the hijacking, results of the investigation in 2007 by Geoff Gray, his background as a paratrooper, and many other items." If your number one supporting fact is Geoffrey Gray, you just admitted printing trash, because Gray won't go along with your story, that's why he won't support you guys! You are funnier than JACK BENNY!!! Oh, my!
  16. Quotevery good, now as caretakeral you first said "a can" then you changed it to a milk can, and now you wish to change it once again to a "standard milk can" As opposed to stainless milk can, or plastic milk can, or rusty milk can, or 7 gallon milk can, or cream can. Just a regular milk can. Yah, that works for me. Mac described it as just a regular milk can that was in really good shape, which was unexpected. He also found a shovel there, not left intentionally. Go fish! flood of 1979? Bob, now you are pin pointing scientific answers to exactly how the money was released? only 3 bundles were found that stayed together? Generic discussion, Jesus! Flood that Georger put in 1979 or so, based on Carr's analysis. The kid admitted to 3 bundles, nobody else discussed finding more....... Lot's more was found 'down under' in shreaded pieces, deep as three feet under dredgings. Supposition by logic as stated. What is this, "Pin the tail on the Donkey?" a milk can in the ground for 8 years would not "pop up" like you say it would, again not plausible. Prove it. Study underground burial in New Orleans and effects of floods. Covers the subject satisfactorily from my point of view. you said Duane couldn't find the money and yet you know exactly how, where and why it showed up on Tena Bar, AMAZING! Supposition as clearly stated. Using logic and known facts. It is an educated guess, just like Kaye. You are attempting to badger again. that is as crazy as you telling people your records were "wiped clean" . "Purdged" is the term Mac used. You will find no record of anything I did under McCoy's direction in my files. All records of anything pertaining to Norjak in my files have been wiped clean, erased, purged, by McCoy. There is nothing unusual in my files, anymore. I was never inducted into the Military, only coersed to function under McCoy by Commander John Anderson. Everything I have stated is absolutely true, so help me , God. And I have NOT told everything. Cross your legs, grab your shorts and hold on. Don't argue about facts, look them up. Nice to see there might be something there, but don't get your hopes up, we've been there before.
  17. Guilty. I was dumb enough to fall for that one as well - at first. Like I said, I don't lie to people, but sometimes I DO get it wrong. Knowing the real facts as I do, Blevins, if you really, really wrote all those falsiehoods believing what Poisonous was reporting, you got so much wrong that you have to be the biggest pushover since Humpty-Dumpty. Add to that the fact that you have yet to contribute to one single element of the Cooper case that actually will be shown to have merit. I honestly find it impossible to accept that you do not intentionally lie to people, based on your activities on Rigina Site and other dirty tricks. The ENTIRE Blast book is NOTHING but straw man tales and misdirection prompted by KC's brother and associates. I was privy to the deception plans. Ask Geoff or Jim! Bad hole to dig yourself out of, there. Bad. Really bad.
  18. Fact is, the money was buried in a standard milk can. Speculate on condition or moisture content of the soil all you wish. Duane couldn't find where he buried the can, but the money surfaced, we can only guess how, and the '79 flood is the obvious culprit. Rusted or not, popped up or stayed buried, immaterial. Some or all of the remaining money FLOATED out of the can. 10 feet, 100 feet, 500 feet or more. It was found in a confined area, not over a long distributive trail. This lends credence to the original burial being at or near Tena Bar and the release in 1979. Pretty simple natural science it would seem.
  19. Jo, read this twice, then write it down. Ask Georger, Bruce, all the guys for verification. This is the real truth, not your imagination gone wild. Sit back and think about the errors of your wrongful ways. The FBI knows EVERYTHING about Duane. They don't want to release it. They want to cover it up. Use your head!! LARRY CARR and all the SA's in Washington State use the word "Gotcha" as a common vocabulary term all day long! That is where it comes from and THAT is my origin. Richard Floyd McCoy, Jr. is "Mac". Not a pretend character. THAT is where the milk can came from. You never came into the story until 23 years after the milk can!!! You know Mac well. So did Duane. Duane wrote a letter about Mac, REMEMBER??? When he thought Mac was shot? "Once there was one, now there are three, find my wife and you will find me!" That quote was after 1997, and you ain't fooling nobody! I have NEVER caused a forum shutdown, ever. You are dillusionary, Jo Weber. That is not the same as visionary. They are different. It happens, and it is getting worse. Very sorry. It is the truth. NO MORE LIES! "Hell hath no fury like a scorned woman."
  20. "BobKnoss: Read about you in skyjack. . .would really like to see your screensaver." PM me with your Bulk Mail address, Bleep. It is a lifetime collection of premiere artistic value.
  21. If I paid you to never post here again, what would the amount be? Your input is not worth 2 cents, but your absence would be priceless. Take your pablum child with you. Jerry needs your serious attention. Duty calling.
  22. This has all been discussed before. 1978 was a draught ending in Dec with heavy rain into 1979 and then flooding with some parts of the washougal ten feet out of their banks ... You and Blevins need to read the thread. Well, then I just confirmed your previous thread. Happy to be of service. Now had you asked earlier, I could have saved you a lot of probable hashing and arguing, and name calling. I'm here to make your life easier, Jerry! You want facts, come to the source. You want to banter, go to (Bleep)! What is the melt transition temp of the rubber bands used in the Cooper money bundles? I doubt they'd melt. They dry out and crack. How affected by Oxygen depletion? Do you mean antioxidant protection? There is none. Explain how these realities are involved with the Coopermoney find. Rubber bands have limited and predictable life expectancy under UV exposure. Without stabilizers and anti-oxidants most polymers are good for about 30 days before losing color. I have never logged data on deterioration of rubber bands, but I have done a myriad of other materials. Rubber bands in a drawer decay also. Aging is not solely due to UV degradation. The reaction doubles with every 10°C rise in temperature. In a cold buried milk can, they might be protected. Moisture would play a role as well. Too many variables to be precise, but Carr has a good handle on the state of the bills, which should be more predictable. Im opening a door for you and the others here. Can you walk through it? I generally have to turn sideways as my shoulders are like Swartzenigger's. You talk the talk. Can you walk the walk? I'm in a wheelchair when it comes to big walks. I have an HD Hovearound Deluxe Electric with a rear shopping basket that will lose your ass in the dust. I can do 10-12 miles at running speed without stopping. And why won't Tom Kaye/Carol/Alan come here and explain and discuss their findings and claims, vs. relying on outside interpreters-editorialists which at length even includes me! That is the source of the consternation which has plagued this project. The FBI does not share information. They just keep collecting and collecting stuff and saying, "Gotcha," even when they really don't at all. Town and Gown must merge, if it can. An open mind on this forum refers to an in-process frontal lobotomy. A major discovery is a recti-cranial collision.
  23. This has all been discussed before. 1978 was a draught ending in Dec with heavy rain into 1979 and then flooding with some parts of the washougal ten feet out of their banks ... You and Blevins need to read the thread. Well, then I just confirmed your previous thread. Happy to be of service. Now had you asked earlier, I could have saved you a lot of probable hashing and arguing, and name calling. I'm here to make your life easier, Jerry! You want facts, come to the source. You want to banter, go to (Bleep)!
  24. "Tom's claims are just not credible." Poor logic and only a guess. I have to agree. Dispersion indicates some degree of floatation for some calculable period of time. I assume river speed there is like any other river, variable with current flow. With flooding and floating, or being carried by current being the probable cause of release, flood currents being minimal up to massive, documentation of movement is impossible to replicate or determine. It is immaterial anyway. The Insurance Company was more than happy to absorb the lost money. They saw that much value in the Project. YES, another conspirator, the insurance company, no longer in business. MAC-MAC-MAC-MAC-MAC-AFLAC.