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Everything posted by BobKnoss

  1. Why? In 1961 I had numerous addresses. Fairmont, Dinky Town, and U of M.
  2. Hotrods no address? You have not earned any favors with your insults and display of ignorance. You only demonstrate a false since of superiority. If you wish to be superior, you may be. But in that position you are expected to display occasional bursts of energy, enthusiasm, wit, and discovery. I'll wager you have to write yourself a to-do list everyday, don't you. Memory problems at your age? Tisk-tisk. We are waiting for the paperwork. Why do you need another copy? What are we trying to do? I told no lies, but you fabricate to irritate by claiming so. You do not know. You only blow. And attack the flow of truth like Curley Joe, and Moe. Do something constructive while you wait. Ha-ha. Brain flatulation got you down?
  3. Absolutely. I had to submit it for my records, you know that. I did that, remember? Why do you care? I'm not worth asking, remember? You should study the records on McCoy's BYU pin. You don't need my records to do that. Or the real facts about Janet, or the association between McCoy, George Tenent and O'Hara. There must me 100 things more important than reordering up my request for information. You wasted much more time just dickin' around with Dr. Thayer's initials. Remember? You did not impress me with any interest in anything but more Cooper subterfuge. ALL of your previous activity here has been directed at false information. Why is that? How do I know that? How would I be able to differentiate phony baloney from tenderloin morsels? Because I have the recipe cards from the kitchen. Does anybody have the REAL KFC spices formula? I loved that original taste. All gone now. I'd like to buy a pair of 1928 Ford Model A Roadster rear quarter panels with braces, too. They run about $1000 each with shipping. That's what I want to do. Can't afford it. Have to wait until I can get it scraped together, wait by the computer here on Dropzone, wasting time. I'd much rather be building my hotrods. My new engine is done, the weather is perfect, and we are all in here fighting over insignificant trivia that is older than our kids. You get the picture? It's the principle of the thingie. Government by deception. "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time." Abraham Lincoln. I'm in the last group in that quote. You don't NEED that address. You NEED to find a hobby.
  4. I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT YOUR ONE-LEGGED MAN. I DO NOT BELIEVE THERE IS ANY CONNECTION. YOU CAN"T CONDUCT A 'TEST' WITHOUT KNOWING "TRUTH". YOU DO NOT KNOW THE TRUTH, SO ALL YOU HAVE IS BITTER COMMENTS, NOT EVEN RATIONAL OPINIONS. YOU IGNOR ALL OF MY INFORMATION OUT OF HAND WITHOUT ANY ATTEMPT TO VERIFY OR INVESTIGATE, ONLY A DESIRE TO ELIMINATE OR COUNTER. I have no agenda. No point to make, no monetary goals, no dislike of individuals, only the lies. I HATE lies. I am content with the truth. And McCoy is my friend. I got my computer in 1983, before the Mac-Mac-Mac. YOU were the one with no computer. Just tunnel vision. I remember how happy you were to hear some truth which you were able to verify. Now you deny the same information because you don't like the truth. I understand. Facts are still facts. I can't change facts to please you. 'Snot right. I suggest you correct your story to fit the facts. Dig a little deeper. Challenge your false data. That is how the truth finally gets recorded. You've heard that Pluto is not a planet anymore, right? Eventually it all comes out in the wash. Your current story is only a collection of erroneous and correct opinions on your part. You prove nothing by countering what I say at every turn. We all know you do not like it. I am not a mental case, and I do not fabricate as you admit doing. One can not prove a negative. What I profess will be proven in due time. Truth usually prevails. Why are you so strongly opposed to the involvement of McCoy? Seems to me it confirms the 'golden heart' of Duane Weber. P.S. I told my story to the FBI at length also. They don't give a shit, just like the honey badger. Eating poisonous snakes and mice and yuck, that's disgusting! They just roll over and take a nap, like Georger and Bleep should do. Replacing all the stars in the heavens is a laborious job and could lead to tennis elbow. Those guys don't qualify for Workman's Comp. Do you?
  6. Same old stuff, Jo. I took no "Bait". I only accept what came from viable sources. There are probably 1000 Tommy Gunns in the phone book at any one time. I don't know who you are talking about, but I have pictures of the one I'm talking about, with the name attached. Domination Nation. The guy grinding steel. Gray mentioned it in his book. This Tommy Gunn lived in Canada half of the time, AKA, Raul Rauol. With two legs and occasionally a patch over one eye or the other. Did you know "the movie star", one of 1000 Tommy Gunn's? The Tommy Gunn that "Rocky V" was dedicated to? The Attached Tommy Gunn? Of course not. To admit this would prove my whole case. To deny it is to admit your complaints have no merit at all. Lose-lose situation, Jo. You have been de-bunked again, same topic. Think you'd catch on after a while. THINK ABOUT IT!! I know nothing about any one legged man. That was your concoction. I share no knowledge of anyone with one leg, heart shaped lips, money sources, Mexico, or 99 percent of your other claims. I know only about my own experiences, and really do not accept your story, as I have stated in PM's to you. You admit constantly that you create falsehoods to tell people who try to assist you in your search. I will tell you that I may get something wrong, but I NEVER, NEVER fabricate untruths about this information. Never have, never will. Don't want your reputation. THAT is why I think the FBI dropped you. Loose cannon. You don't have any support anymore, because of statements like your last one here. I can't help you if you want to create your own version of events. I understand, really. You know the brick wall better than anyone. There is no evidence of anything left to glean. It has all been "cleaned" or replaced, including the Bloomington Sun archieves, internet accounts, even FBI pages contain fabrications now! There are some busy badgers at work. I am not one of them. I am a sheep in wolf's clothing. Let's discuss the BYU Medallion that Duane stole from Mac's dresser. (See the FBI film)
  7. I don't have to explain that to Jo, but if you want to play slow, I can go into the depths of part of the story, just for you. McCoy and O'Hara staged McCoy's death as the McCoy character was 'used up'. No value anymore. That was one. New name, new credentials, new job. "Tommy Gunn", Special Agent Underworld Crime. Things got so hot for him he had to not exist anymore. Died of leg cancer, per Stallone. That's two. As no. 3 he is retired, no longer in Salt Lake (Call me Nick) and hoping he does not have to go to 4. Get it now, badger dude? You need to room with Mattie for a while, eat more red meat. One guy, three lives, like Herb Philbrick. Youse guys is slow! That's why I have to give you little bits at a time, because you get lost so easily. Really hard to slow it down far enough to unravel everything for you. Carr is quick enough, he just doesn't have the patience or the authorization to pursue what really happened. He'd get fired. Ask O'Hara. Yah! Ask O'Hara and Ralph, too. Maybe Bernie and the rest of the retired guys. The truth is there for the picking. Start with Bernie and the Medallion. Double Dare Ya!
  8. "This man has taken snipets of things he has read and been told and contrived a complete fiction regarding Weber. I have a feeling this is DELIBERATE." Let me restate that a little for accuracy's sake. This man has taken extensive testimony he was given and supportive data he has read and compiled an accurate record of Richard McCoy's activities. And, yes, it is deliberate. Weber was just a pawn. Same information, different perspective. We are both dedicated spokespeople.
  9. I remember everything clearly. You just don't want the facts, so you badger rather than discuss anything. You are obvious in your ploy and deliberate in your tactics. Unfortunately, you are boring and uninteresting. Let's liven it up a bit. Shed some light? Naw, it probably has more to do with endowment envy than amnesia. I can remember when I used to swing in the breeze. Now I can't even find it. At least those facts are tangible, mrstudderman, Mr. Badger King. Let's do a "Janet" review. Update the facts. Get some information that has not been contaminated. Sort out some white-wash. Let's talk to the people who were there. Let's follow up on the REAL evidence like the Brigham Medallion. Penny-anti badgering only shows your lack of credible backup for the lies that have been planted. Why spend all of your time bantering about a Doctor's first name that had NOTHING to do with Cooper, when an obvious exposure of part of the cover-up is on the table???? You are so transparent you are almost invisible. Are you afraid of my minefield? You know where the Claymores are, why are you afraid to tread? Come dance with me! We can do the four-step and tromp the ground together! I'll whisper the Doctor's initials in your ear..... FAA/FBI. Chicken-chicken-chicken-Mac-Mac-Mac-
  10. QuoteIf you take notes of most of Knoss's postings you will become amazed how much he slips up, similar to a criminal who thinks he is smarter than the cop! It has nothing to do with intelligence, it has to do with knowledge of facts. Jan 5, 2012 "I was subsequently tried by Commander John Anderson and convicted of threatening my draftboard" 3 days ago he says this; "I don't think court hearing is an accurate description. I was hypnotized then questioned under hypnosis. I was told I was found guilty and not to argue about it" "Commander Anderson read the sentence" the first post he says Anderson tried and convicted him, making it sound all formal. the second post was a poor attempt of remembering the first post! he has a pattern of this and doesn't realize it! just as he quickly scrambled about the classification status after I asked him about going in front of the board to submit the C.O. (conscientious objector) Better re-read the posts. You are splitting hairs in a bucket of barbershop floor sweepings. Insignificant to anything. Also, Expunged; that is a Judicial term that he really shouldn't have used because that only makes your records disappear from the public, he would of been better off saying they were destroyed or in a high security level, such as his entire case would have been classified as! McCoy had a few grammatical errors in his typical speech, just as you do. His reports are poorly written as is his plea to the judge. forgot to put this in Robert; do we really need another false statement from him? we can't expect the truth! Another dyslexic statement. "Do we really need more truth from him? Seems he won't buy any of our cover-up!" Can you investigate some of the worthwhile subjects Mr. McCoy has mentioned? He would love the publicity you would get.
  11. "Because he has to check his memory at the door lest he loose it as he has before. He has already screwed up trying to put Weber in CA when B.Kennedy got killed. Didn't happen!" Thank you for volunteering. I made no such suggestion. Did not say a word. Not one word! Not about Rev. King or the Attorney General. That is your bag, not my cup of tea. Talk to Judge Joe Brown. Now, I did know Raul Raoul with a patch on one eye in Montreal. And he did tell me a long story. But I don't want to go there. Others can. Search it. I'll just stay with this leaky sieve story about Dan Cooper loosing $165,000 through pure stupidity. I like funny stuff, that is not so dangerous.
  12. PPPFFFTTTT!! That's a pat on the back. Look at the dribble they are spouting now. Gotta be awful hard up for ammunition. I stand by EVERYTHING I have said, if you put it in the original context. Pretty hard to badmouth the truth and keep a straight face. But they just keep on keepin' on. They refuse to verify anything but their tunnel vision perspectives. And, of course, that is always iron clad proof positive when they have NOTHING! Their charade is so comical and amateurish it makes the Three Stooges look like Sherlock and Watson! The FBI just scoffs it off. I have shown some weak areas of the cover-up and they rush to dam up the leaks and alter more information. Nobody will discuss the "Radio-Active" topics, because they know I'm lying in wait with the documentation. The tie clasp is late entry swap-out for the real evidence that McCoy now has had returned. Janet showed the true flight path, confirmed and confirmed and confirmed. The Montreal Convention tells the tale. The Cooper Vane explains the beginning thoughts. The James Earl Ray double connection opens a bigger can of worms. The two rifles expose unfound evidence trails. The Walker double connection exposes associations in undercover activities. "Once there was one, now there are three...." Richard Floyd, Tommy Gunn, and me..... Admitted lie after lie are followed by more and more obvious coverups, completely destroying any credibility whatsoever by our premiere storytellers on this venue. My information, with the exception of Nixon's pilot statement, remains pristine. I still think that happened, but I'm not leaving money on the table, there. The tape might get re-run.
  13. "When will we see your fiction at Books-a-Million?" Why do you care? You have major problems with one sentence at a time. I'll bet if you took a reading comprehension course you'd develop a better outlook on life. "Queens"? your homophobia is exposed. Nice PA, you lowered your self to BK. Sad. Problem with the weather your alluding to here, no one agrees with it! BK says the science is a cover up, others are trying to say their memory from 40 years ago is better than the written reports. The math for this has existed long before cooper xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. True, it is easy, so who already did it? Matt Our reluctance is not with the math, Matt. It's with the Matt math. The original path is a lie as plotted. The plane was flown by hand and mental calculation with false wind reports. You do not have true data to work with. Get it? No, I'm sure you don't.
  14. I have absolutely NO idea what you are talking about. Duane did NOT know McCoy and you KNOW that. BULL! I do not wish to argue, but I WILL NOT tell an untruth about this Cooper thing. I am preparing a formal document of identification of Duane Weber as Dan Cooper in 1968. I KNOW that McCoy was the one who got his deal for him, got him out of Jefferson, gave him the rifle to destroy, and put him in Project Norjak. I KNOW Mac missed Duane by one day in New Orleans. I KNOW that Mac introduced Marjorie to Duane. I know Duane wrote a letter about Mac's 'death', etc. I KNOW that you know because you confirmed it. Mac said he worked with Duane before and expected to find him in California as John Collins, but actually found him in Missouri as Duane Weber. (NOT JOHN COLLINS!) Mac never told me what they did together, but Mac, being the same age as me, would have been in the service starting around 1961 at the earliest. He got two weeks in a Mexican jail for a bar fight in those early years. His only bad mark on his military record. They were not 'friends' in the true sense of the word. Mac was his "handler". And they ABSOLUTELY did know each other, and it can be proven many times over. Mac's Brigham Young Medallion, for one. Karen, number two, TOG and me for three, his letter for four. The rifle for five. It is almost an endless list. The Insurance job, Bloomington, Maggie, Cleveland. Nichols, on and on. Why did you make such an obviously untruthful statement? ____________________________________________ Every time Knoss learns something new about Weber - suddenly he invents a connection to McCoy or someone else. Note his description of Duane with the Blonde hair and the fair complexion and make-up being use went out the window when the pictures showing my complexion in comparison to Webers were posted. ___________________________________________ You did not win the argument. It was as I said. I stand by my statement. I could add, for your edification, that by the end of the summer your claims would be more accurate than my earlier observations. Some things are fluid. My first impressions of him were of a younger person because he smiled a lot. Had a magnetic smile that lit up his face. By the end of the summer I was more familiar with a straight faced older man with fewer smiles and a more tanned complexion. The tan aged him 20 years it seemed. Not a spiffy dresser, baggy old pants and scuffed shoes. Long billed golf cap. Not the same cheerful guy. That was about the time his wife and her boyfriend absconded with the rent money from 21 apartments at $105 each. Not much. Mac caught her the next week and brought her back. "What a bitch!" Mac said. I seem to remember Niagra Falls? Maybe not.
  15. "First, you are no expert whatsoever on the Cooper case.' Actually, he is well versed in cover-up topics and could probably list off all the bad information. So, does that make him an anti-expert? A BS announcer? Actually, he's small arms fire and Jerry Thomas is the big guns. Mattie is obstacle man in charge of wet cow pies and pablum, but can't hang on to his own spoon.
  16. Fine. Great. Good. Any proof or evidence of the same? Everyone's read your version of events, but since many of your points fly in the face of reality on the case, your burden of proof is pretty high. Extraordinary claims the saying goes. And so far you have offered up zip, nada, nothing. My basic position on the Cooper case is simple. I believe Kenny Christiansen is a strong suspect in the hijacking. I am also open to reasonable evidence that it was someone else. Key word there is 'evidence'. My evidence will come in due time. I am not trying the case like you. You have ZERO evidence as well. Just falsehoods and speculation based on secondhand hearsay. Moreover, I know it to be intentional hoaxing. I see you've backed off in the strength of your statements, but we have enough history to hang you. Why not come clean and save your ass before the ship sinks? Like a rat jumping overboard. We could try to get you into one of those nice white collar places like Martha or Jimmy or even a politician. Wouldn't that be great? 1. Perpetrating a hoax. 2. Profiting from a crime after the fact. 3. Aiding and assisting after the fact. 4. Impersonating an author. 5. Fraud. 6. Tax evasion. 7. Ripping off senior hoarders.
  17. I would trust you or Mattie with ANYTHING. I give you my hometown and you release a smear campaign to the editor of my hometown paper, my religious education teacher! You, Sir, are a SNAKE! It is your sworn duty, with your trainee, Mattie (who is a failure) to bury the truth about the Cooper hijacking for your exhaulted leader. EVERY SINGLE offering of truth, no matter how insignificant, is met with a major attack from you. You even tried to frame me with your other sight, posting false statements, then blaming me. You take on the task of propagating a hoax about KC at the request of his brother, Lyle, after I got the proposal myself. Gray confirmed your guilt. Any and all effort contributed is strictly on COVER-UP. If you are an advocate, we can all assume it is BULLSHET, and everyone does, automatically. You have NO credibility, only a reputation. They make fun of you on every other site. You have become the laughing stock of Cooperdom. There is absolutely no question about my information. It is absolute truth, and I believe it is correct. There is a difference. I KNOW that everything that comes from your mouth is pre-digested, and most of it processed. I suspect never before in history has so much effort been spent on trying to bury the truth of such a minor crime. The reason for that is that it was not really a crime, but, as I stated, a Government attempt to sway opinion. It is ridiculously obvious. Besides, I know that's what happened because I saw and heard and was told everything. So, bite me Bleep. Your thingy is up. You can't keep a promise. Time to email Gayla again. As Sluggo tried to tell you over a year ago, you are not CENTRAL to anything, except in your mind. And now, if what Im told is true, you are behind the last on the list, of those with whom XXXXX (TOG) would ever chose to deal with ... and that is the truth and you are central in that one! I.,E., YOU ARE FIRED!! GET A JOB!!! Sounds like you got your thingy in a slingy! Robert99 says: Surely a couple of "queens" such as yourselves can come up with such simple information. OMG!!!! Is this TRUE ??? QUEENIES ??? Could it be?
  18. You don't need to waste your time here, since you do not ever contribute anything anyway. Why don't you play checkers in the park with the rest of the bums?
  19. Thank you for your thoughts. Everyone is a little crazy, you know. Not everyone is opinionated, however. Tends to retard one's intellectual growth, methinks. Insanity might even enhance one's potential. Like 'Hannibal Lecter'. You are invited for dinner. Come early, bring your liver and gafava beans. We'll toast you on your perspective.
  20. Good post, Jo. I'm curious about 1960-66 and possible California connections as John Collins to McCoy. I have references but no info at all. Talked to Terry M. but all he had was Colorado history and Maggie. Mac said he knew John in California. It is all blank.
  21. Today is Sunday. Government offices are closed today. They will open again tomorrow and trudge through another 8 hours and go home. When they get us the paperwork we should have something to discuss. The attorney did not request copies to my knowledge. I never saw any paperwork of any kind from an attorney. No bill either. $20,000 on the cuff. you need to fire your Attorneys!!! anytime I used a Lawyer, the paperwork was all ready and there for my viewing!! that makes no sense what so ever, having paid for Attorneys to check your background and not show you anything they have done. I'm shocked at your response for some dumb reason, it's funny how you avoid anything connected to your background, millions of people are very aware of there classification status during and after drafting periods! your memory is fading again, but not like remembering the color of the blinds on a building that you saw before you were hypnotized! see a pattern anywhere? Yup. Sure do. You are caught up between reality and the fifth dimension with Bleep. Your methodology has you constipated with inconsequential formalities (it is what it is) while you wee away doing anything constructive. Read the post above. It is what you are not doing. You obviously have talents that are going to waste with menial tasks like filling out forms. I'll play your silly game but I think we should initiate a little parallel effort as you appear to be totally bogged down and buried in important details. When you get caught up, perhaps you could join in, in an intellectual discussion of "what if" as a complete scenerio of the Janet story played out. If Janet were true, then this, this, and this would also be true. And if that is the case, then this and this make sense. And that explains why the FBI does this, and that. And the only way the plane could get here is by Tom foolery or magic. But you won't, will you. You will have some excuse, like you don't understand it, or you don't buy it, or I'm crazy, or you voted no. The fact is, my friend, I'm trying to help you and you are doing everything possible to reject any help that will expose the truth. You must realize I am right, or you would be anxious to delve into another search under every rock to discover all kinds of new things about a tie clasp that was never on the airplane. You know what a circle jerk is. but we don't need to go there, we are here already. I am not stupid, I am patient, but you are playing a time card with no dances on the card. Kind of a poor performance. Matt is more constructive. You blew a week of everyone's time on inconscequential dribble and no one appreciates it. YOU are wasting time, and I apologize to everyone for you. You have me available to answer any questions and then just badger about triviality. I'm trying to be nice, but you are pulling my string, not being constructive. It would be nice if we could move on to constructing or destroying a theory fairly.
  22. If we know when Duane was released from Jefferson under a false name, where did he go immediately upon release? He did not go directly to Minnesota? Or did he? Maybe he got there in May? Did he have anything to do with MLK before Norjak? Ties to Ray, a rifle to dispose of? Mac wants a patsy? Mac is Raoul with an eye patch in Montreal with the Montreal Convention? Bernie Haapala gets a visit from McCoy as Raoul in an eye patch checking up on me? Who signed Duane out of Jefferson? Who handled his parole? Where is his parole officer? 6'9" 170# blond hair, young guy. I met him. Why did nobody check further? What promises of secrecy did O'Hara make about Project Norjak? Same paperwork as mine? What happened to the guy from Salt Lake who was going to answer Bruce's questions? Actually he moved to Texas. Jo knows this too. Sure would like to have Bruce get that call. Mac could produce his own Rambo series of movies. Macbo! Why are we not checking facts? What progress have you made with recognition of Henry Selick as McCoy's stand in? Any law officers care to do a facial analysis? Only takes 7 points? I count over 25 clear ones. How about a plastic surgeon looking at it? Got one of those here? How about an interview with Henry? Mac says it's OK with him to pursue what happened. The Judge approved the stand-in. It's in the transcript! Why are we not checking facts? What about Janet? Even Jo has supporting words for the low-key message she supplied. I absolutely guarantee that Gayland Cook has this point correct! Let's get verification on actual facts. Did she dramatize what she saw? Did she just imagine a man on the stairs? Makes sense as he probably didn't jump over Vancouver/Portland. What about radio transmissions from the Portland tower? Were they deleted, who said to stay clear of Portland with a bomb as Ralph states? Why are we not checking facts? What about the content of Ralph's discussion in the den with the co-pilot? Why has that not been confirmed? It has to do with Janet and McCoy's visit to Janet. It verifies Janet. Why haven't you checked facts? Why doesn't someone put Jo's story in order and sort out the garbage for her? Some idiot will get the job and we'll get another fairy tale. Or, God forbid, Blevins gets it...... Space monsters and invasion of the Blob! "This is the MindBender speaking....... You are trapped in a world of make believe, caught between reality and the fifth spacial dimension. You have just entered, the MindBenderZone."
  23. Today is Sunday. Government offices are closed today. They will open again tomorrow and trudge through another 8 hours and go home. When they get us the paperwork we should have something to discuss. The attorney did not request copies to my knowledge. I never saw any paperwork of any kind from an attorney. No bill either. $20,000 on the cuff.
  24. "Duane WEBER was always respectfuly of women and he knew how to treat a woman - he was very protective." Like when he took advantage of Tina Mucklow on flight 305? That was not a love at first sight situation. I doubt he ever called again, right? I consider that a case of rape. Like when I caught him widow peeking in the early mornings? You have rose colored glasses.
  25. Try Raoul in Canada with a patch over one eye. That was Mac's favorite character. He visited us in Dassel, MN. with that get-up. You could Google Raoul, if it is spelled right. Mac had a dark complexion like Duane and Jim Jones, and Adam Beach. A friend of Duane's claimed to get directions from this one eyed Canadian. (NOT one legged) It was discussed in his MOCK TRIAL on television. THAT's a lot more interesting than checking my draft experiences, and it is only another tiny blurp in a much bigger tale of fact. You have no idea what all you're not told. This internet can be a dangerous thing without Government controls.................... Try associating some other points of view. Jo says, and Mac says Duane knew Ray. Read this and related info: An undiscovered rifle like the one Duane had? That "Raoul" hired to have stolen from Jo? Because Duane didn't destroy it like he was supposed to? Duane HATED blacks, so did Ray. Duane was an 'expert' shot. Ray was institutionalized, he could not function outside of prison a perfect 'patsy' like Mac said he was looking for. Bruce? You only live once..... You wanted something tangible? Ask Jo. A little hairier than O'Hara. Show her a picture of that model rifle. Remington 30-06 rifle, (Attached). Not my cup of tea. Just sayin'. Frickin' octopus, man. I'll stick to my screen saver. Sweet little old lady? Right!