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Everything posted by dex

  1. um yeah that's what I meant... skybytch just did not understand the deep phillysoftical meaning behind me word choices.
  2. I'd use the standard I was drunk when I wrote that post excuse but I was at work... and sadly sober... Must have been the crack....
  3. And of course Skydive New England is the place to do it.....
  4. Heheheheh One great way to convince yourself that you should cutaway and keep jumping for a summer or two is to ask a bunch of skydivers if ya should. If you are in a situation where you can ignore the "real" world and devote a summer to have to yourself and your jumping why not? You can wait until later to buy a house and start paying huge mortgages and not having any money. People take longer amounts of time off to go hike the application trail... I'd rather take a summer jumping... go for it.
  5. She is not kissing the bunny the bunny is kissing her.
  6. Maybe a hop and pop from a balloon? cool picture
  7. It's happened to me... every once and awhile I catch myself cheating on an emergency review.. sure I touch each handle and make some sort of funny patti cake to invisible man motion to pull my cutaway and reserve out but I might not of really visualized what I was doing. bad skydiver go back to start.... If I catch myself I make sure I do a real visualization imagining throwing out seeing a ball of shit or a nasty spinner feeling the handles and executing... and hey staring at my 3rings or playing with my handles is something to do on the way up....
  8. dex

    Recording Radio

    There is a bunch of linux PVR and radio recording software on this site.. Happy Stumbling!
  9. dex

    Recording Radio

    musicmatch and a audio cable to your sound card would work fine.. I've never used musicmatch so I don't know how easy it is to tell it to fire off at X time but you should be able to get it to work by kluding in another task scheduler program.. When hooking your Stereo to your sound blasters "line in" make sure you are using a "line out" jack you don't want to throw amplified sound at a jack that is expecting unamped sound and vice versa.
  10. dex

    Recording Radio

    Easiest way would be to get a decient TV/radio tuner card for your pc that has a good software package with it and let it rip... Ideally it has a mechanism to schedule recordings built in... If your a GNU/Linux user there seems to be alot of free software out there prebuilt for the task this software is easily found by searching for tivo emulation software. The software that records tv shows at specified times can also be used to record radio shows.. Google for a Radio/tv tuner card and call the vendor about how to schedule recordings with it. The other option is to get a audio cable to string from your radio that you leave on all day and rig up your computer to record from line in on a schedule.. again if you use windows ya'd have to monkey around with a task scheduler of some kind to tell it to record and stop when you wanted em to... has some programs to automate any application task:
  11. Where I work there is a extended disability program that you can enroll in for 30$ish a paycheck that will cover your salary and rehabilitation for injuries that keep you from work... skydiving included... it's an addon that goes along with my normal health plan. A bunch of SCUBA divers I know swear that the way to ask HR without asking them is to just ask for a list of things that aren't covered by the different plans they offer then you can keep skydiving in the closet and have a little piece of mind about what to expect if you need it. However I'd feel nervous relying on any health plan that I didn't get some sort of confirmation before hand that it covered risky injuries...
  12. And we were poor too. Why if I wasn’t born a boy.... I’d have nothing to play with. -- Rodney Dangerfield.
  13. dex


    >For me, I try not to do things that I can't fully accept the worst possible outcome for. Always prepare for the worst. While I think it is always important to be mindful of the worse possible outcome it's not always reasonable for me to prepare for it. I'm a young guy and I'm not ready to die yet. Not ready to do a low turn into the ground and not ready to be killed by a drunk on the road. Yet I still jump out of airplanes and I still drive late at night when the drunk -> sober ratio is like 80 to 20.... The risk you take when skydiving is an optional one and I think that's what makes it difficult for people. Most people HAVE to drive a car... few HAVE to skydive (I might be starting a flame war here by saying few HAVE to skydive hehe) As for the guilt the only way I could think to try and reduce it would be to use it to remind yourself to be ever vigilant about the safety of yourself and those around you. Most incident reports I have read still involve people making mistakes and getting into bad situations IMHO the "act of god" risk of skydiving is about the same as anything. It's still the mistakes that safe skydivers make that get them in trouble. It's also important to remember that almost every skydiver considers themselves a safe skydiver even us safe skydivers need to always keep current and review every "what if" scenario they can.
  14. Nothing is better then watching a sunset in fast forward "time lapse" mode because it had almost set at ground level but still had a ways to go from altitude.. Luckily you can do this both form under canopy and in freefall... I have to say both I just can't choose.
  15. dex


    Powerball Power Play 5 14 16 29 53 7 4
  16. I see how you guys/gals are... make a innocent comment about firing a shotgun in the middle of the night and all of a sudden you are a scary hillbilly redneck... I don't understand you people...
  17. >Am I the only one scared here?? Prolly... everyone else is out of range... err I mean lives in a different state...
  18. > In the air?? It's generally best to shoot in the air... noone wants to deal with a burning snowmobile and an injured neighbor in the middle of the night... ends up being more hassel then the tresspassers...
  19. We got a good foot of snow by morning..... (edit: of course it's hard to tell with all the wind last night how much fell and how much blew into my driveway) my road wasn't plowed yet so my first mile of my 40 mile trip in was the most interesting...... scared? I'm harmless... nothing to be scared of a shot in the dark is a, um friendly, way to tell your "friends" (during the day they are my friends heh) who don't have to work the next day to give up harasing you and move along...
  20. > Do people generally get their own jumpsuit before they buy a rig? Generally people get jumpsuits first... at least I did... It's cheaper then a rig and you don't have to worry about buying one too early... buy a rig too early and you might find it's not quite what you want after 50 jumps or so... if you live in good weather and things go your way 50 jumps can happen in a month easy assuming no day job gets in way ;) Getting your own jumpsuit is handy because you never have to worry about not having one because there are a bunch of students your size jumping "your" rental jumpsuit... of course it always sucks more to land rough when wearing your suit so avoid that ;)
  21. The other thing I love about living in rural Maine is the people who tool around on snowmobles in my front yard at 1 in the morning riling up my dogs and waking me up... generally one shot in the air gets em to leave but it's hard to get a good night's sleep when you've had a restfull day and your now wide awake and just fired off a shot at some trespassers....
  22. It's the most fun to dig back in to your driveway when you are tired/annoyed from work ... I love it when it freezes into a brick wall because you were late getting home cause of other people's unfinished work who decided to just call in and stay home.
  23. > yep. i worked monday and tuesday. I'm working today and tomorrow as well. I'll finally get to see my family friday night, late. health care work stinks! >Health care works sucks? DON'T THINK SO!!!, people can get sick, that's sometimes unavoidable, but SOME MORON DELETING A FILE, OR OPENING AN EMAIL INFECTED WITH A VIRUS, that my friend, CAN be avoided... oh well...that's part of my job. How about a tech job @ a healthcare facility... worst of both worlds... hehehe
  24. I look over my gear at least twice per plane ride.. "multichecking" only seems pointless to me if it is mindless... if your actually looking at your gear each time you're not hurting anything.... I'd much rather make you nervous then kill you with a premature in your face. I also practice my emergency procedures once or twice..
  25. Carefull with that logic though or you might find that everyone avoids being your instructor ;) heheheh