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Everything posted by Gawain

  1. Your knowledge of what is in the HC law as shown by your posts. You just believe the scare stories. Just believes the scare stories like the executive order that obama signed saying that no government money can be used for abortion in order to get the supposed pro-life dems to support the bill and that an executive order is only in effect as long as the president who made it is president so when he is out of office abortions will be funded under the healthcare bill. Yep just stories. Nothing to worry about.....move along......move along.....nothing to see here. Presidential executive orders remain in effect indefinitely - which is to say, beyond the signing President's service in office - unless they either have specific expiration dates (which is not typical) or until such time as they are expressly rescinded by the/a President. Politically, the chances, over at least the next 20 years, that any President, of either party, will rescind this provision (re: abortion) are just about nil. Executive orders cannot override the law. So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light!
  2. He was never on the Fox News Channel. He was on a local Fox 5 station in NYC for a short while. So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light!
  3. What the fuck I'm talking about is your heroin placing targets on the locations referring to legislators. Then the rally call. Sure, you'll denounce the targets as purely political locations, but all it takes to stir up tea bagging trash is shit like that, that's what the fuck I'm talking about. What a waste of oxygen.... Hardly. Yesterday some tea baggers posted the address of one of our Congressman on their website(actually they got it wrong and posted his brother's address). Someone came by and cut gas lines at his house. Is this the new face of "conservatism"? That is pretty lame, but you really cannot rule out the far left either, they wanted a public option or universal coverage altogether, even their champion, Rep. Kucinich sold them short.....just sayin'... So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light!
  4. Please, don't tell him that...I need my daily headshake-face-in-hands dose. Where else does he have to go? Wiki? The Onion? The VA? You're like that comedian doing 10-yer old jokes, perhaps Bob Hope; it shows your empty bag of nothing. BTW, let's talk CNNBC, or do you onlhy work one way - lockstepped? We knew that. No one is lock-stepped with me. I'm simply here to help you maintain the sound foundation of your demeanor upon which you built, all by yourself...because, after all, not everyone appreciates the depth of those sources of information you use... So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light!
  5. Please, don't tell him that...I need my daily headshake-face-in-hands dose. Where else does he have to go? Wiki? The Onion? The VA? So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light!
  6. Come on you don't know how the context of your original comment would be construed? geezz...I took the bait, it's okay. So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light!
  7. Yeah because when she was five, she was telling her parents where to see a doctor... So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light!
  8. ...and yet the data at the time does not dispute, or disprove what I said at the time... Funny how left wingers use strawmen in attempts to revise history. So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light!
  9. Source: These are the key components of the $940 billion health care overhaul bill (H.R. 3590) that is scheduled to take almost a decade to roll out in full. 2010 - Coverage • Subsidies begin for small businesses to provide coverage to employees. • Insurance companies barred from denying coverage to children with pre-existing illness. • Children permitted to stay on their parents’ insurance policies until their 26th birthday. 2011 – Coverage and Taxes/Fees • Set up long-term care program in which people pay premiums into system for at least five years and then become eligible for support payments if they need assistance in daily living. • Drug makers face annual fee of $2.5 billion (rises in subsequent years). 2013 – Coverage and Taxes/Fees • New Medicare taxes on individuals earning more than $200,000 a year and couples filing jointly earning more than $250,000 a year. Tax on wages rises to 2.35% from 1.45%. New 3.8% tax on unearned income such as dividends and interest. • Excise tax of 2.9% imposed on sale of medical devices. 2014 – Coverage and Taxes/Fees and Cost Control • Create exchanges where people without employer coverage, as well as small businesses, can shop for health coverage. Insurance companies barred from denying coverage to anyone with pre-existing illness. • Requirement begins for most people to have health insurance. Subsidies begin for lower and middle-income people. People at 133% of federal poverty level pay maximum of 3% of income for coverage. People 400% of poverty level pay up to 9.5% of income. (Poverty level currently is about $22,000 for a family of four.) • Medicaid, the federal-state program for the poor, expands to all Americans with income up to 133% of federal poverty level. • Subsidies for small businesses to provide coverage increases. Businesses with 10 or fewer employees and average annual wages of less than $25,000 receive tax credit of up to 50% of employer’s contribution. Tax credits phase out for larger businesses. • Independent Medicare board must begin to submit recommendations to curb Medicare spending, if the costs are rising faster than inflation. 2016 – Taxes/Fees • Penalty for those who don’t carry coverage rises to 2.5% of taxable income or $695, whichever is greater. 2017 – Coverage • Businesses with more than 100 employees can buy coverage on insurance exchanges, if state permits it. 2018 – Taxes/Fees • Excise tax of 40% imposed on health plans valued at more than $10,200 for individual coverage and $27,500 for family coverage. Sounds more like a tax bill than a reform bill... So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light!
  10. It's still overhead dude. For small businesses, and employer contributed plans, the employee is still forking out close to $500/mo. to cover a family of four or five...that's with the employer paying to the benefit as well. So what is changing? Exactly. I work with hundreds of laborers and operators doing Davis-Bacon work for dozens of small businesses. Every one of them already has healthcare coverage offered by either their employer or their union, as they should at that level of employment. Frankly, if a company doing Davis-Bacon work can't price healthcare coverage into their contracts, they're probably doing it wrong. That's part of the fringe. Many companies, in an attempt to keep their guys working, try to absorb some of those costs to get the edge in a competing low-bid environment. You're also assuming that those employees are not contributing to their healthcare premiums. Not every company is a union environment, and a guarantee that those small businesses are not footing 100% of the bill. So those companies who can't compete fail. It's unfortunate, but it's always been that way. Blues, Dave No argument there, but for the government to create the conditions that potentially force an adverse circumstance on small business? That's over the top. The "new" number one priority was going to be getting the economy moving again. Only to pull another 180, tell the press in Asia that the number one priority is healthcare, and that was why his trip to Asia was delayed/now more or less canceled. What's he going to do now? He can't cut taxes now, gotta pay for the new entitlement. Can't do another jobs bill, gotta pay for the new entitlement. This trillion dollar baby has locked him. So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light!
  11. It's still overhead dude. For small businesses, and employer contributed plans, the employee is still forking out close to $500/mo. to cover a family of four or five...that's with the employer paying to the benefit as well. You can't cut their pay because many contracts require wages as determined by the Davis-Bacon act, prevailing wage, plus fringes. So, a lot of laborers, operators and superintendents won't fall within the salary range of whatever handout the government offers either. To cover this, companies will have to add to their Overhead and Profit margins...those added costs will also increase the costs for performance bonds as well. If an outfit is scraping by, keeping the lights on until the economy recovers fully, this could price them out of the market as their liquidity, profitability and contracts on the books affects their ability to get future bonding, no work = lights out. So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light!
  12. Seeing as how President Obama is scheduled to sign this legislation in about two hours, I'll say no. I think Senator Reid has the votes to drive the bill as written off the Senate floor this morning, and they'll conveniently forget the rest - leaving their fellows in the House out to dry (which we all knew would happen). edit to add: I may actually be incorrect on what I stated above. I don't know all the details but I believe the House inserted a student loan item, I don't know if it's the part of HC bill or not though.|netscape|dl1|link3| So, I guess the Senate will have to do some it was a government take over of HC and Student Loans......I'm sure they would've like to have taken more if they could... So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light!
  13. Well the meat of this stuff doesn't go into effect until 2014, so hopefully we can begin to turn the tide this November following to 2012. Even then though, I don't see this actually being repealed. Washington has never given up a tax or "power" in my lifetime. My partner and I will be discussing this in the near future (we're in construction/heavy civil also) and how to structure our companies ahead of the train-wreck to come. So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light!
  14. What makes you think they weren't going up anyway? It's not like the current system gave us cheap premiums to begin with. Health insurance premiums have been increasing faster than the cost of living for years. Remember what happened to airline fares after the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978? Remember what happened to telecom rates after the Telecommunications Act? Show me one example where "price controls" of regulation have actually reduced costs? Enablers could have been put in place that would have actually reduced costs. Other industries are able to do it, our government isn't one of them. If you can't see the overbearing weight of overhead being the driver for increased costs, along with increased demand, then we need not discuss it. Too many now think that they shouldn't have to pay a dime for basic healthcare. I may as well file a claim to my auto-insurance for the oil change... What was needed for real reform was basic oversight as a safety net to encourage states from easing their regulation over the insurance carriers, which is where the bottleneck is. Now, we'll have neither. Healthcare with the compassion of the IRS (which is who will enforce this), and the competence of Fannie/Freddie/Social Security/"add government agency here".... So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light!
  15. I'll be talking to a friend who is also a corporate officer at TriWest (the west region Tricare partner) sometime this week. But on the face of it, there won't be any appreciable difference for active duty and their families. I am interested in seeing what happens with VA coverages, and Tricare for retirees. In the immediate term, you don't have anything to worry about. So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light!
  16. No where in this debate has the left indicated how rates, or if rates would go down. They won't. This isn't about reform, it's about control: Now, we'll see how easily this skids through the Senate. So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light!
  17. Coming to terms with one's past means that the door is not shut on it. That will be good enough for some, not good enough for others. It is part of the consequences of our actions in life. So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light!
  18. That was great...lmao... So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light!
  19. Nice work Wendy. I got to talk to Matt yesterday for a bit. He's pretty stoked and I hope he'll stick with it. Please keep sharing his progress. So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light!
  20. Clearly an AN-2 needs all 15024 feet of runway 04R/22L.... So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light!
  21. Training for AN-2s to begin!! The requested contract is out for proposal!! Edwards AFB, landing spot for the Shuttle, Dreyden Flight Research Center, 412th Test Wing...and now, the upcoming fleet of xxx AN-2 Tactical Wing... So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light!
  22. I see and w/o doing a search, ...and the rest is irrelevant. Go read up on the Onion and Wiki at your next VA appointment. So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light!
  23. The entire gun-control scheme is about control, not guns. There isn't a single law on the books that can stop any motivated individual from acquiring a firearm. Period. Criminals rely on elements of surprise and the shock value of a gun to carry out whatever endeavor they pursue (bank, 7-eleven, et al). They do this knowing that a vast majority of people are not armed. So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light!
  24. Congress has been borrowing against the social security trust fund for so long now, IOUs over $2.5Tr according to the article. Now, Social Security has to start collecting on that because for the first time, they will be doling out more in payments than receipts in taxes. Oh, but wait, the government doesn't have any money either... Interest is running about $120B a year too...or another $1.2Tr of debt over the next 10 years. This cheap math to mask the budget deficits over the past few decades are now here to reap what has been sown. Thank you Congress, if I had my way, you'd all be fired and replaced en masse this year. Since this republic must function, I will settle for all Representatives followed by the balance of Senators over the next six years. So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light!
  25. ...and true to government underestimation of expenses those budget deficits will be even larger than forecast. Map this to a graphic of the debt and you'll want to scream. So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light!