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Everything posted by moodyskydiver

  1. Shame on you! I wouldnt ruin good beer like that!Although I had planned on wearing a white shirt and theres a chance of rain... "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  2. Boy, I've got my 38DDDs every day,what makes the weekend special about that? I'm taking them with me to the Irish Fest for crying out loud!They're gonna get plenty of attention there! "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  3. So I'm starting my drinking now! I have a drink in one hand, cell phone for DDing in the other and its time to get smashed after a shitty week.Now I can go sit on my back porch and watch the clouds roll in. Tomorrow I'll probably be drinking green beer at the North TX Irish Festival so this weekend is already looking good. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  4. shortbreads="Trefoils" Dang it I forgot the Lemon Chalet Creme and (fairly new) sugar free Chocolate Chip and cant edit the poll.I was just going by what I had in my case of cookies. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  5. Pick one dang it! We're in debate in my other thread. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  6. Samoas are my fav,but I have a tie between tagalongs and thin mints being my 2nd fav.(they might as well "tagalong" to my butt b/c that where all this fat will probably go anyway)LOL I just have to keep telling myself, "you bought these for a good cause". OK go to the poll people.Tell us your fav Girl Scout cookie. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  7. Girl Scout cookies!!! I'm so addicted to the Samoas!I've eaten 5 already, right out of the box and I havent even had them an hour yet.Someone stop me! "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  8. I personally never said it WAS theft.That came from the mouth of the HR.I simply asked her what the policy was in regards to this situation and she said it was theft.I dont know where/why she thought it was theft.I personally just thought it was a bit shady,thats why I asked for clarification of policy and policy states that all cards are to be accounted for after it leaves the customer's hands.Does that make the company a bit shady for keeping the unused portion of the card? I dont know b/c I dont know what they do with them.I'm just going by what I was told to do.Thats another question for the HR. As of now nothing detrimental has happened to either the person making the mistake or myself,for those wondering what the outcome was. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  9. I know and apologize for making it sound like you did.I just was trying to kill 2 replies with one post.Thank you for your post though.
  10. You're right.I do need a job.But I was looking when I found the last and this one too and I can find another if needs be.I won't apologize for my own morals regardless of how petty they may seem. Thats exactly why I went to HR rather than the management first.I wanted to know what the policy said about such vague areas.It was not with the intention of being a snitch.She asked why and who had done something to make me ask such a question and I just said "someone on my shift".The HR is the one who said it was "stealing" and wanted to make the big deal about it coming to her attention...not me. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  11. Please dont get this blown out of proportion and get moved to SC.I was just venting... "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  12. ...doesnt feel so right. I was working last night at my VERY new job (only 3 days on the job officially) and noticed something wrong with the girl who was "training" me.Actually she was just another cashier there to make sure I didnt screw up.But anyway, she rang up a customer and he paid with a gift card,which had a very low amount on it left after the transaction so he said to throw it away.She waited for the customer to leave the store and then she pocketed the card saying "hey,its free money." To me,I dont know,it just felt wrong.I know this is a big corporate company who got their money regardless of her actions b/c someone had to have paid for the gift card to start with.But it didnt sit well with me and I didnt say anything last night to anyone.But today I talked to the HR director about it b/c I didnt feel right about it and asked her what the policy was on unused giftcards.Well they have to be accounted for and destroyed,thats why we're supposed to file them away...not keep them.So I told her the situation and she said it was basically stealing even though the company got their money from the initial giftcard purchase.I know shes going to bring my name into it b/c thats the type of person she is.So I spoke with the assistant manager after my shift today and told him the problem and asked that my name not be brought up b/c I know hes a good guy and I trust him.I just dont want to be dragged into this and be labeled a snitch or tattle-tale or whatever and be outcast from my coworkers.Should I have just kept my mouth shut? Doing the right thing still feels bad. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  13. I've been playing with my photography equipment ever since I quit the photography class and realized that I used to really enjoy it.Here is some of my work in progress.The first is a B&W of my dad.He was nice enough to let me use him and a guinea pig.The other one is a closeup of one of our horses.I wanted to see just how close I could get and if you look closely you can see my reflection in her eye.(if the pic isnt too small). "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  14. aww Sunny,I love you! A tandem would probably not be as bad as a student jump b/c lets face it I'm not good at landing with only 14 jumps lol.But I'm on a diet right now to help me lose weight and get back in shape so that maybe that will take some stress off of my knees too (so I wont have to have surgery to replace them...which is what will happen at the rate I'm going).So far I've lost 16pounds.
  15. B/c I'm financially and physically unable to afford it right now or possibly ever again.I'm a broke college student and have 2 bad knees.I havent jumped in almost 4yrs. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  16. Jesus! and I thought my Springfield 1911 was expensive.If I had that kinda money I'd save up for a Les Baer Custom...but those start at about $1k and Gander Mtn doesnt carry them! hmm..I wonder if my discount includes gunsmith work.... "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  17. Yep, 20% off. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  18. too late! they called today and I start on Tuesday. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  19. Heres where you need to start: What are you wanting to use the first two for?Are you looking for a revolver or a semi-auto? What caliber are you interested in? if semi-auto are you looking for a specific magazine capacity?Do you have a favorite/preferred brand?About what price range are you looking at for each?For the 3rd being used for protection are you looking to carry it (Concealed Handgun License) or just keep it for home defense?If you want a good home defense weapon nothing beats a good shotgun with the right load sometimes. Just a few thing you might want to think about.PM me for more info/questions so this doesnt get moved to the SC. Personally,I have a CHL and carry a Springfield 1911A1 GI .45ACP Champion. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  20. Remember that next time we get into a heated debate over religion.j/k! "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  21. I'll be starting out as a customer service/cashier associate but if an opening comes up in guns I'm gonna go for that b/c sometimes those guys back there dont know squat! Example:I asked one for .45GAP ammo once and they gave me .45ACP and then they looking at me quizzically and said "well whats the difference?" So I showed them the casing length difference and the different guns that they sold that are .45GAP and not .45ACP.Plus I hope I get put in guns so I can help all the women! B/c it seems like they kinda brush off the women back there in the gun dept. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  22. Well I must have done something right b/c they sent me for a drug screening and said they'd call me for training Monday if my drug test was clear.She made it a point to say I had good eye contact so I did that well.
  23. Ok, time to get ready for my interview.I'm nervous. I'll update when I get back...hopefully with good news.
  24. Hey! I'm a redhead..ok so I'm naturally auburn and the red comes out of a box but its still red dammit! What if you dont want anything off your chest? "...just an earthbound misfit, I."