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Everything posted by moodyskydiver

  1. sshhhh! thats a secret.If I told you I'd have to ballgag you. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  2. LOL!thats what the pierced barbells are for to give you a starting point. and cloudseeker2001 is my witness so you have to ask him if I was good to my promise or not. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  3. I have friends in NY dammit.I can get them to scout for me. Just for that, no pic for you!! "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  4. thats right! I've got a big dog with a mean bark and a .45ACP by the bed with a shotgun nearby as well. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  5. So you're saying you have an ass fetish right?LOL! What is my current avatar not cute enough? "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  6. Damn! 24 in 2 yrs? you're a regular globe trotter arent ya? Well just make one last trip (to TX this time)and you will only have to travel for boogies afterwards,hows that? Yes! I'd love to join the MHC "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  7. LOL! Nope I have the timestamp on my PMs that says he won fair and square.And for the record,they're not 40DDs...they're forgot that 3rd "D" there, hun. And for all you out there that keep hounding the winner and Broke since his msg failed...ya might as well stop it.They've promised not to "kiss and tell".(that means you too Billy!!yeah, I caught ya!) "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  8. DAMN! talk about bad luck for guys tonight.Broke couldnt rec. my phone msg and Jeff cant open his prize at work b/c its definitely NSFW! and on that note,I'm going to bed.My beer is all gone and I'm ready to sleep and forget I did all this crazy shit tomorrow.Ofcourse I'm sure cloudseeker2001 will inform all of you tomorrow on my "credentials". "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  9. Amen to that,sister! Now who wants to do as the lady suggested and rub my poor back?(ok and maybe my poor front needs attention) Jeez I just know this thread is gonna haunt me one day. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  10. Boy! if you were at the RB initiations at WFFC the yr you helped me put my tent up (2004?) when I was working for Norman Kent then you've already seen 'em! (Even though I never did get my official name and number.) Plus I KNOW you were there for the 3 way girl on girl kiss w/me an RoadRash and...someone else I cant remember right now...the beer is making me sleepy. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  11. LMAO! sorry,the prize goes to cloudseeker2001!He was fastest on the draw to send me a PM.I hope hes happy with his prize. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  12. you're in a race buddy.I just offered them to the quickest PMer.Check my above post. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  13. LMAO! "msg failed" He didnt receive the msg either.So all of you are up that famous creek w/o a paddle. ok I'm in a sporting mood...whoever can PM me their email addy and phone # first will get to verify for the rest of you. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  14. I'm not posting them to a public forum thank you! My gals are worth more than that!Besides, ask Broke for authenticity.I think I might have broken Broke's phone sending it to him...hes speechless.Neener!Neener! "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  15. LOL! my PM box has exploded in the last few days..I wonder why? Are you on the DD list? (BTW who's the new Keeper of the List? anyone know?) I'm still drinking and the night is young... "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  16. Check your phone...NOW do you believe me Mr Smarty? You better keep 'em to yourself too dammit!Or I'll fly to NY and hunt you down! (I swear the beer made me do it Mom!) "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  17. ok I'm adding another prerequisite to my list at cloudseeker2001's request: "must have an appreciation for extreme knockers!" cuz these 40DDD's might as well have their own zip code! And mind you they are PIERCED 40DDD's at that. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  18. well duh! The favors go both ways in my world, sweetie. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  19. Eewwww!Bad mental picture! bad mental picture! "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  20. But but, I'd like to fuck er um I mean, I love a man in uniform!What cant I play with the Marines? LOL! I remember all the corn!I did 1 SDU jump there and was like "damn at all corn!" Made me feel like I was in a mini version of Rantoul lol. Maybe I will come out and play.I cant jump but I can drink and play...which is what I'm doing at the moment.Mostly drinking.No one to play with here. So ok, lets play "how many bottle of beer will it take to get Moody mischevious!" I have a 6pack of Corona...meh, a 6pack of TsingTao and I'm probably going back for a 6 of Guiness.*evil giggle* "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  21. I'm about an hour from Dallas and about an hour and some change to SDD.You're thinking the "Just For Us" boogie arent you? Again, what will I do there since I dont jump and where will I stay?I'm not even sure I remember how to get to SDD its been 6 yrs since I was there!And I still have classes to attend so I cant get too messed up. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."