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Everything posted by moodyskydiver

  1. Cool thread Mike! Personally, I donate blood as often as I can and am currently growing my hair out longer to donate it to Locks of Love for the 2nd time.I do community service work with my Honor Society and I'm also a tutor at the college.I'm a member of the local Bipolar Alliance,that meets and teaches about this specific mental disorder.I'm currently trying to get more involved by joining more activities and organizations at school and the general public that help the community. Also, my family and I take in abused horses and do horse rescues (see the premarin thread in the womens forum) and give them lots of love and good treatment.We have a total of 24 horses at present.One day, we're hoping to everntually open an equine therapy operation for the disabled here at our home. But we can always do more.
  2. Thanks!I've worked in retail,customer service and with the public before but thanks for the extra tips.I always try to smile,be friendly,make eye contact and be sure the customer has a positive experience with the company/store. Gander Mtn is cool! I've been trying for a while to get this interview.They're willing to work around my school schedule too which is awesome!That was the first thing they asked me was what hours could they work around my classes.I hope its a very positive experience and the interview goes well.
  3. Thanks for the vote of confidence Turtle!
  4. I just got a call from Ganter Mtn. and they want to give me an interview tomorrow at 2pm.*happy dance* I REALLY need a job right now so if anyone has extra good thoughts or vibes I'd appreciate it. For those of you who dont know what Gander Mtn is, its an "outdoor store" like Cabelas and Bass Pro Shop.They sell guns/hunting, camping, fishing, boating and other outdoor type stuff, which I happen to enjoy for the most part.I'd be working customer service/cashiering but its still an interesting place to work,hopefully.
  5. For those of you who read this thread about my crappy prof,I'm here to say that I love Karma! I heard today from some of the tech staff at the college that her PC crashed and it had all of her faculty stuff on it rather than keeping it on her assigned faculty computer.B/c it is her personal comp and not the school's comp the tech faculty arent allowed to fix it.So she just lost everything and is in deep crap for it.hehehehehe!I love Karma. I wonder if she'll need a note from her mommy and daddy explaining why her faculty data is missing... "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  6. um..your post could be construed as a personal attack,which is against HH's policy.Please be mindful of what you say even if you don't like this person,moderator or not.I don't agree with everything DSE says but I'm not going to slander/libel him on a public forum.Its not worth it. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  7. Thanks Shaun, President Hinckley's funeral was today. Some significant highlights of President Hinckley's life and presidency: -He served the church as president for almost 13yrs. -He opened the Tabernacle on Temple Square to interfaith groups. -Over 1/3 of the members in attendance were baptized during his time as president. -The Mormon population reached over 13million world wide during his time as president. -During his presidency he personally dedicated 75 temples and reached the goal of seeing over 100 temples dedicated across the globe in his lifetime. *The 127th temple is to be dedicated soon. -He traveled to over 60 different countries in his time as president. -Over 140 nations that now claim to have members of the church. Blue Skies and RIP President Hinckley. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  8. It just so happens that the Dean of the Fine Arts Dept is one of my old high school ROTC instructors...and another ROTC instructor is one of the members of the college's Board of Directors. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  9. I should be studying for my Sociology test,but that can wait since its not until next Wed.Maybe I'll start studying on Tuesday. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  10. Update: I finally dropped the Photo 1 class yesterday.I took it as long as I could stand it and she was still a shrew.But she begged me to stay in the class and said she was sorry I wanted to drop,but I said "well I'm still dropping" and left it at that.So I'm officially out of her class now.Thank God!My GPA is saved LOL!I'm still debating on how I should deal with her behavior and how far up the chain I want to take it. So far I have a perfect 4.0 this semester in my other class.Hopefully the test next week wont ruin that.Time to study! On another positive note,I found out I'm eligible to join the National English Honor Society(Sigma Kappa Delta)since my English grades are so high and I have the right GPA to be admitted(3.3 GPA needed).Luckily you're not required to be an English major,which I'm not.Jeez! the membership dues are $50 though!But, this will look good on my transcript too along w/my National Criminal Justice Honor Society (Alpha Phi Sigma) membership. Now if I can only get my GPA up .2points to a 3.5 and get into the general National Honor Society (Phi Theta Kappa)...yes I'm quite the "joiner" when it comes to my transcript. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  11. what does the forum intro state this forum is for? "A Soap Box in Cyber Space. The place for sociological and political discussions." I knew from the beginning that there would be a backlash about my post so I thought this was an appropriate place since it would have been moved here anyway due to all the arguing.It plainly states in the Bonfire (where I would like to have posted this) "Please take politics, guns and religion** to the Speakers Corner. " **emphasis mine not HH's "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  12. Nowhere in our doctrine that I or my family members have ever been through..not the sealing ceremony or endowments does it say we will be god over another planet.It states that there are kingdoms without end and as God is so shall we be LIKE him.We strive through our actions and conduct for a "level of perfection".Thats what President Snow was referring to,IMHO. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  13. You're right.I have not had my own endowments yet.But thats b/c I've been an inactive member for over 10yrs.I'm only 25 years old now. ..and yes I have been into one of the sacred rooms w/o my endowments to be sealed to both of my parents and my eldest sister. As I stated above, the only reason for my OP was to honor and pay my respects on behalf of President Hinckley's death,not start a theological argument. If you think I'm misinformed thats fine with me.Everyone has an opinion...
  14. I have been in the Dallas,TX temple several times w/o tithing b/c I am a student and have no income to tithe and my finances are limited.The church looks at those factors.I have been given a full temple recommend for baptisms and other temple work in full faith regardless of tithing.So please do not tell me whether I have or have not been inside a temple.Not to mention that before I was ever a member I entered the Dallas,TX Temple b/c certain parts of the temple ARE open to nonmembers.Its very limited,but yes there are places in the temple for nonmembers. And you misread my other post saying that non members can see marriages and such..I said in a CIVIL ceremony,not a temple ceremony. You cannot have multiple wives in heaven nor are you given new families in heaven,thats completely false.If you have read the teachings of the Mormon church,then you would know that we believe that your families are eternal and that you will always be with them including after death.If you knew anything about the actual temple ceremonies then you would already know that,but you are not correctly informed. I stand by everything I have said.As stated in my OP I simply wished to acknowledge and honor President Hinckley's death...not start a spiritual uprising. And my invitation to any member or non member to contact me privately is still open. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  15. Anyone of any faith can go inside any temple for certain reasons.How do you think so many non-Mormons tour the SLC Temple? A Catholic or any other faith can be present at the civil service of a marriage or baptism etc. but not for other ceremonial sessions within the temple.Please understand, going to the temple isnt just "going to church". We only go to the temple for special reasons,not every Sunday. If anyone truely wishes to learn about the church then please feel free to PM me or talk to a local member rather than trying to bait me on a public forum. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  16. Not true.You may tithe as much as you wish,but whether you tithe or not you WILL be allowed to receive the sacrament regardless.I've never tithed and still receive sacrament any time I go to church.I was a convert to the church and though I dont agree with 100% of their doctrine I'm still a member.I'm technically an "inactive" member since I havent been in a long time. I dont understand how so many people can throw rocks at a religion that they dont fully understand or are knowledgeable about. If you really want to know what we believe then read our Articles of Faith: ~We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. ~We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel. ~We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. ~We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may. ~We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law ~We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  17. Polygamy is no longer practiced in the Mormon church,so neither. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  18. Gordon B. Hinckley,15th President and Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints passed away last night Jan, 27 2008 at the age of 97. Official LDS press release "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  19. I guess it was kinda like American Idol.Well, the guy who won the $1million first prize,Terry Fator, was from my hometown and he gave ALL of the $ to charity.He gave 1/2 to the local high school drama dept for a scholarship program and the other 1/2 to the local county "Council of the Arts" program.
  20. off, I'm female and shes a bitch.As someone else stated, I agree:I wouldnt fuck her with someone else's stuff.Besides, I dont think she could take anything else up the ass b/c her broom is already firmly stuck there. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  21. With this prof I wouldnt know where to begin with writing a letter to her superiors.Everyone in the class is clueless on darkroom procedures b/c she flew through them so quickly and then left saying "ok now you do it." leaving no room for questions etc. and the Photography II students say shes never around for help.Lets not forget that her son is in our class and she is already making it clear who's getting an A there.But as for my own experience with her what would I say other than she was rude and uncooperative?How would I explain my situation stated in the OP without sounding "whiny"? Well I just found out that one of my favorite teachers from high school (who was one of my ROTC instructors and loved me) is on the college's Board of Directors. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  22. She wasnt joking.She said flat out that it was stated in her syllabus and was required.Also let me clarify that everything said with the exception of the note requirement was done in person.So I read her tone and voice inflection very clearly. I tried to show her my work to get her professional opinion on taking the intern level position job (ie NOT professional or higher level) at the paper and she refused to look at it.So she didnt even give me a chance to show her what my skill level was.I told her I didnt need the credits and was just excited to be in a photo class b/c it was my hobby and she was still a bitch. Getting notes from another student wasnt the problem.I got those.But even the other students are saying they dont understand the darkroom procedures b/c she rushed through them so fast.So the things I need to know for darkroom procedure needs to come from her so I get it right b/c the chemical mixing and such is very important. I'll play nice for a week,but my time frame is limited b/c every day I spend in her class is that much less I'll receive as a tuition refund for dropping by a certain date in the semester.And as for the suggestion to change sections or profs:I cant.Shes the only photog. prof and theres only one section. I do admit,my emotions play a part in this.But this is a hobby and something I'm passionate about so how can I not be emotional about it?If someone called you an unprofessional or bad skydiver w/o ever seeing you fly wouldnt you be a bit upset?Sorry, just my opinion. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  23. I see your point Phree,but I have by far the best equipment in the class (since it is an Intro to Photography B&W film class) so she shouldnt be bitching.Not only do I have NK's Minolta Maxxum 7xi and 8000i, but I also have a Canon Rebel Ti and a Rebel GII. Hell, she told people to go to pawn shops and eBay to get an SLR camera for the class (and some still dont have their cameras yet),so why is my equipment not good enough? Dropping the class is looking better and better all the time even though I hate giving up on stuff. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."
  24. I'm 6 classes from having my degree after this semester.So if I do classes over Summer I and II semester(s) then I could easily graduate in December.Otherwise I'll be graduating Spring of next year.
  25. Not that I know of. I'd like to email NK but this is too petty to bother him with and he probably doesnt even remember me anyway.It was a short-time position I worked for him. "...just an earthbound misfit, I."