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Everything posted by Cheach

  1. Excuse me? My car- that I had from Oct '02 until last month- had plenty of "boy toys"....Wasn't he pretty? I sure miss Stud(that was his name). I see you got Gia one too! That was very thoughtful!
  2. The original poster would have figured out I was joking. Actually- most people probably would have figured it out. I woke up next to a blowup doll what do you think?
  3. Excuse me? Oh geez, don't go getting your panties in a bunch. ummmm- wow. Okay. First- I was joking with Josh, and I am sure that he would have figured that out. Second- how was your comment any different?...... "wtf is that supposed to mean?" I woke up next to a blowup doll what do you think?
  4. Excuse me? My car- that I had from Oct '02 until last month- had plenty of "boy toys"....Wasn't he pretty? I sure miss Stud(that was his name). I woke up next to a blowup doll what do you think?
  5. So whats your waist size gonna be with the corset on? 18"? I have no idea, but they only had one that fit me, and it was the most revealing one... Im still not sure Im prepared to go out in public in it Sissy. You could atleast post pics of you in it. Exactly! Cheach did... CHeach has nicer boobies than I do! We won't know unless you post. I woke up next to a blowup doll what do you think?
  6. way to forget about me! I woke up next to a blowup doll what do you think?
  7. but...but...You AREN'T! I woke up next to a blowup doll what do you think?
  8. ooooooo yeah! If I was single, I'd go as a dirty priest with Banesanura, Cheach, iluv2fly, k-dubs and skootz as the dirty nuns... Before or after the impending divorce? Touche`, edited for brevity. Psssshhhh. I am innocent. Your wife met me. I woke up next to a blowup doll what do you think?
  9. I once saw a girl dressed up as a battery and the guy a salt shaker. "Assault and battery" I woke up next to a blowup doll what do you think?
  10. That's awesome! Sheesh- how has Ski not hooked me and my class up? Coulda sworn I supported ya. ;) jk I woke up next to a blowup doll what do you think?
  11. I've got a 4 door. Love it. But yah- it handles like- well- a wrangler I woke up next to a blowup doll what do you think?
  12. Did he start batting for the other team? Or did he just go blind? I never understand that... some HOT chicks out there got husbands that completely just ignore them. The worst ones are the guys that play WoW... I know of women who would get naked and go sit on their husbands lap, or start giving him head, only for him to tell her to stop so he can play. I don't see it... If a chick gets on my lap naked, I don't remember what my computer looks like. Tell me about it I woke up next to a blowup doll what do you think?
  13. We start learning to spot at our dz as students. Somewhere around jump 10ish I believe. From then on out- you spot. I was pretty solid at "5 right....5 right...okay. 10 left." But no- really. My instructors always pushed that I should never get out of a plane without looking down for myself first- and if I do, and it was a bad spot- nobody to blame but myself. I woke up next to a blowup doll what do you think?
  14. Me too!!!!!!!!! I am also a size 8...and he can straight up bite me. Actually- he can't. I woke up next to a blowup doll what do you think?
  15. Deal I woke up next to a blowup doll what do you think?
  16. *snicker* You said Donkey Kong in a penis thread. *snicker* I woke up next to a blowup doll what do you think?
  17. I say doooooo it I woke up next to a blowup doll what do you think?
  18. I'm in! haha. I woke up next to a blowup doll what do you think?
  19. The group gets better pics cause yall are my peoples! I woke up next to a blowup doll what do you think?
  20. haha. hey now- you know me. I am just a big flirt. Who is quite innocent. (Ignore when Darren was here) Just a flirt?!? I was just calling one of my medic buddies about some titanium he has access to. I woke up next to a blowup doll what do you think?
  21. Haven't been yet. I will make my way there someday! I woke up next to a blowup doll what do you think?
  22. haha. hey now- you know me. I am just a big flirt. Who is quite innocent. (Ignore when Darren was here) I woke up next to a blowup doll what do you think?
  23. oh yah- Shah- don't look. I am a size 8. Would not want to offend To hell with Shah. Marry me!!! Where's my ring!?!?! Hahaha How many carrots would you preffere? I'm not a rabbit!!!! Not carats. Just a black, titanium band. Kthnx. Ah! So just titanium? How elaborate (sp?) would you like the engraving to be? Hey- you gotta pick out SOMETHING! How about "I lust your body and the fact that you're a skydiver makes me want you more than words can explain" sound? Doesn't really roll off the tounge though. Rolled right off mine I woke up next to a blowup doll what do you think?
  24. oh yah- Shah- don't look. I am a size 8. Would not want to offend To hell with Shah. Marry me!!! Where's my ring!?!?! Hahaha How many carrots would you preffere? I'm not a rabbit!!!! Not carats. Just a black, titanium band. Kthnx. Ah! So just titanium? How elaborate (sp?) would you like the engraving to be? Hey- you gotta pick out SOMETHING! I woke up next to a blowup doll what do you think?