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Everything posted by whatme

  1. Here you go Sunshine this is the most recent I could find(3yrs ago) This is him with my daughter(his niece), Shelby.She is about 7months.
  2. Sorry Kreg but had to post. Enjoy everyone
  3. Happy birthday OLDER bro I'd buy you a jump if I was over there. But since I am not, I will keep the money for myself Have a great (what is left of it) Happy birthday. Paulette
  4. Well it is about time you showed a pic of him! I was beginning to think you didn't want me to see a pic. of my first nephew! And I can finally say I am an Aunt! Now I get to do some major spoiling. Your sis Paulette
  5. I totally agree with skymama! I would love to have more than 1 1/2 seasons each year(1 season summer and 1/2 season fall/winter). I live in N. Fla. and it does reach 10s and 20s here every few years.
  6. DAM already read it in a email I got from a friend. Better luck next DAM time Your Sis
  7. My first car was, I believe a 78, powder blue Bobcat I bought for $100 and my mom and dad estimated they had spent $1000 (including tags) to have my brother(not kreg
  8. I don't believe it men can actually cook. We finally find out the truth about them (or at least some of them). Also where can I buy some bambi and how do I cook it. I have always wanted to try it. Paulette
  9. [ Start of Ranting] I just read all the postings. I cannot believe after 3 tandems she is going to sue. When I did my tandem all they showed me to do is arch and how to put my feet up when we left the plane. There really isn't much else to know. As for ADA even people with sexual dysfunctions can be covered under that act. Now what does that tell you about ADA. I think it should go back to when it first started and only cover people with real disabilities and not cover what every Tom Jane and Harry gripe about. As for her I agree that she should have someone go with her that she gets to intrepert and the dz should not have to pay.[end of Ranting]
  10. My name is Paulette Ontiveros. I am in the field of child development with one experiment which is going on 3 1/2 years. Maybe in a while I will work on another experiment. I have majors in understanding babienez, psychology, financial accounting, and anything else that goes along with being a stay at home mom. I am also going to college for secretarial. (I thought my first job description was better sounding
  11. Hey Clay I think she has got it hot for you
  12. They say a boys pulse is faster than a girls but don't go by that my daughters pulse was high around 150 or so. The nurse told me it was more likely a boy until ultrasound and then we were told 85percent chance it was a girl (she moved to much for him to get a good look). Oh by the way she acts more like a tomboy sometimes than a girl and she is already practicing freefall
  13. whatme

    New beer slogan

    here it is I hope
  14. whatme

    New beer slogan

    Here is a beer slogan I saw on the back of a truck while I was coming back from Kregs
  15. You do know going postal is now covered under ADA
  16. whatme

    New Quiz!

    That was a good one
  17. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! Now go and spoil both Mommy and Daughter! Your daughter is sooo cute. Now comes the best years of your life
  18. Yeahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! For me
  19. I posted on the site. Gosh is that website such a ripoff of this one it is not funny. Sangiro Please take him to court and sue the shit out of him. I can't believe he had the gull to make a website exactly like yours and thinks he can get away with it. Also, the only ones posting besides dirk the jerk is us from the original dropzone.com. I do believe he will get the message.
  20. Learning to Fly by Pink Floyd Kreg edited it to my tandem I loved the song and it went perfect with the video. Paulette
  21. Kreg I do not give my sympathies to you because I hear it on the phone almost everyday. jceman Deland is where I did my tandem and I got lucky and went on the skyvan that was the best thrill of my life. Now I only have to do AFF and start skydiving.
  22. Thank you Kreg for posting a pic of shelby. Hooked your grandkids are so cute! Don't forget to make sure they become skydivers when they get old enough. Paulette