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Everything posted by ianmdrennan

  1. Pretty ignorant statement there buddy. Homeschooling != isolation. To confuse the two simply shows a lack of understanding on your part. Note: I'm not saying she didn't isolate, or homeschool for that matter, but the association you make between the two is misinformed at best. Ian Performance Designs Factory Team
  2. Sickening. I do, often, find myself wondering why we in the USA seem more prone to these kinds of incidents. I never have come up with a good answer. It's not like other countries don't have these sorts of incidents, of course, but our frequency seems far greater than the rest of the world. Saddens me beyond words to read of these things. Ian Performance Designs Factory Team
  3. Yes, altitudes should be predetermined/figured out. You adjust positioning over the ground, not pattern altitudes to deal with varying conditions. In that someone can tell you? No. Although 900, 600, 300 is a good starting point for your canopy and loading. The best things is to figure out how long 10 seconds of flight is in altitude (after the turn) and go from there. Once you figure out YOUR altitudes they should not change from jump to jump . Yes, I'd consider 10 seconds without input as a good number. 5 is way too short to finish your flight cycles from your last input (turn to final). You fly your holding, downwind, and base in 1/4 brakes (if possible). This is to give yourself options to either speed up, or slow down for adjustments. If you fly in full glide you only have 1 option to slow down, you can't speed up if you need do. Inverse for deep brakes. I'd recommend against that if possible. If you've spent time refining your pattern (see above) then you'll just be messing with your timings and pictures you've spent all the hard work on. yes, less altitude = less opportunity for correction. It also increases the chances of you doing something bad close to the ground. Finally it creates a high pressure situation and almost no time to fix any minor errors you may have made. My advice would be to seek a reputable canopy coach and get guidance from them. Blues, Ian Performance Designs Factory Team
  4. where is the sarcasm emoticon when you need it? I don't think lawrocket was being sarcastic (or even dickish). I think he truly finds the bill troubling. As we all should imo. I think we've all known for a while the Government was snooping. Not ethical, but not legal and not something that could be directly used against you. This changes that stance to legal snooping. I have a huge problem with that. Ian Performance Designs Factory Team
  5. Guess they don't believe in democracy as much as I believe in their right to run their business as they see fit. Performance Designs Factory Team
  6. Thank you, not a day goes by that I don't realize how lucky I am that my parents instilled that in me. I hope, and am trying, to do the same for my daughter. Thing is, I'm not some unusual story - a lot of people have it far worse (and I don't think I had it bad at all, just had to work hard) and do far better. So I'm sure you can understand how a lot of us don't particularly take kindly to the 'lazy' and 'taker of free stuff' comments. I won't disagree that there is a segment of the BHO voters who are moochers - but that's not specific to BHO IMO, that's just a people thing, they just mooch in a different way. Blues, Ian Performance Designs Factory Team
  7. You think the majority of people who voted for Obama are on welfare? Did you vote for BHO? I voted for bHo, and I've worked for everything I've had in my life since I was young, without ever getting any "free stuff" from the government. Make that two of us. I arrived in the USA with $3000, and a rig. Worked in a mail room, then landscaping, then into my career field - never once took a government hand out. Now own 2 houses, my family doesn't want for anything (thankfully), have nice toys, etc. But then again, apparently, I'm just lazy and want free stuff too..... Ian Performance Designs Factory Team
  8. In the very article you linked it's stated that reading the briefings (which he does) is as effective as attending the meeting. I don't pretend to understand the reason he misses them though. Desperate attempt there. Here's the thing, and I've said this before: The Republican party has a golden opportunity (again, as they did in this election) to focus on the real issues and win over the moderate voters (and yes, I'm one of them). I'm really happy to see people like Jindal (sp?) and Maria (cant remember her last name) from the R party distancing themselves from the nonsense the party is focusing on, and the denial of reality, as to why the GOP lost an election that no one should opposing the incumbent have been able to lose. However, mouthpieces like Ron and yourself (and many others) don't do the party any favors. Especially when it's party officials spouting the drivel like the above (among many many other ridiculous statements). All it does is drive moderates away. As long as that happens, the GOP can't win. It needs moderates/independents and it needs minorities. Until it's members, and leadership, can get over the sort of drivel posted above, I just don't see how they can attract us as voters. Ian Performance Designs Factory Team
  9. You're pretty butt hurt about this golfing thing, eh? My math is atrocious so if it's incorrect please bear with my ineptitude in that arena: 52 weeks in a year, 2 days in a weekend over 4 years. 52*2*4 = 416 days of "weekend time" Total Golf games played: 104 (according to the article). 25% of his 'weekend time' spent playing golf over 2 years. Not bad actually. I'd argue that while I work well over 50 hr weeks most of the year, I still work less than the President (who's always on call). I spend a lot more than 25% of my weekend time skydiving. Ian Performance Designs Factory Team
  10. Holy fuck that's funny... Hey buddy, I'll give you a little hint, you should have read the box at the bottom, which is about the author: Drew is a four year Navy vet who hasn't quite got the hang of civilian life yet. Occasionally he wakes up in the middle of the night and stares at a blank screen with the lights off. He tries stand up comedy every once in a while and is a huge nerd. Please tell me that you also emailed people and posted this on Facebook Oh yeah, it's already on facebook. "It's on the internet and supports my beliefs, it MUST be true!" Performance Designs Factory Team
  11. You do realize that's satire, right? Performance Designs Factory Team
  12. Lmao...that's some funny shit. Insane springs to mind. Performance Designs Factory Team
  13. Reminds me of this http://www.primaryignition.com/2011/12/18/dexter-season-6-tv-review/12promo/ Performance Designs Factory Team
  14. I'd seriously look at other companies who specialize in this if you're looking for a GL wing. Ozone is the first one that comes to mind. Performance Designs Factory Team
  15. Nonsense. People (rational ones at least) have been saying this for some time. Either way, it's going to get better. And either way both parties will try and take credit for it....until policies they allow cause the next crash (be that R or D). Then it'll be everyone else's fault. Tis the nature of politics (sadly). Ian Performance Designs Factory Team
  16. I can't remember who said it but it may have been beezy. Yeah he was a good guy....definitely not the same without him. Blues, Ian Performance Designs Factory Team
  17. "You'll learn a lot about a canopy in the first 500 jumps on it, you'll learn what you can really do on it for the next 500" Ian Performance Designs Factory Team
  18. Then why does Beck support the radical left by maintaining a facebook page? And why would such a radical left company allow Beck to have a page on their network? Probably for the same reason I listen to NPR. That is to gain intel on the subversive activities within our nation. You need to ask him though. Send him an Email. My response to you (I copied and pasted from another thread where I wrote the exact same thing). Ron, your mindset is a large part of the countries problem: =============== Intel from the enemy? Jesus, no wonder this country is in trouble. Seriously folks life isn't black and white and I don't see how anyone could be boxed into a political ideology or want to be.... The reality is we need to work together and certainly not view each other as enemies. Ian =============== Performance Designs Factory Team
  19. Marc, Seriously - please try to contribute instead of snipe 1 liners (yes, I know you're not the only one who does this, but as of late you're in high gear). Address the point, or don't reply. This isn't high grade school. You've made an implication about voting demographics but the numbers in other elections indicate race not to be a factor (looking at the Gore/GWB numbers for example reflecting similar percentages) and another poster has called you out on it (SkyDekker I believe). So either make your case to prove your point, concede if you're wrong, or quietly slip away. Ian Performance Designs Factory Team
  20. I agree with Bill. Even then, I've had linetwists under my 67 a few times now loaded at 3.3 and had zero issues. Of course IF it spins it's going to go wild but I find a lot of pilots freak out when they see linetwists and just start kicking making the problem way worse. A lot of that has to do with the fear introduced about line twists in recent years. In my experience just chilling out and staying symmetrical during the ENTIRE opening sequence is key, regardless of linetwists. Then get gently start to get out of them. Performance Designs Factory Team
  21. Intel from the enemy? Jesus, no wonder this country is in trouble. Seriously folks life isn't black and white and I don't see how anyone could be boxed into a political ideology or want to be.... The reality is we need to work together and certainly not view each other as enemies. Ian Performance Designs Factory Team
  22. Why would I know anything about firearms? I don't have any but support the right to own them and have always done so. Its like me saying that 'I'm surprised that as a highly technical gun owner and proponent you don't know anything about software engineering' Ian Performance Designs Factory Team
  23. Interesting link, thanks. I always thought all AK-47's were fully automatic. Learned something new. Performance Designs Factory Team
  24. There's a telling statement if there ever was one.... Performance Designs Factory Team
  25. Nuff' said Performance Designs Factory Team