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Everything posted by half-a-greek

  1. Hi all, I was thinking about painting my factory diver. Iust wondering what sort of paint to use, and if it any paint out there will be harmful to the helmet. I was gonna probably just use regular spray paint and cover it with a clear coat but I thought I'd ask.
  2. 15 degrees is the limit at my DZ... pansy asses
  3. All of the above is good stuff, and I do the same. With mine, I breath in through my nose and out through my mouth. I had to consciously think about it for a little bit, but now once the helmet hits head I just do it out of habit. I also took the visor of once to clean it and when I put it back on I accidentally left a little bit of a gap, turns out I think it kinda helps. these simple things work for me but if you find something better, let me know!!
  4. According to the Stiletto wing loading chart on the PD website, if you were to jump a 150 at your current weight that would put you in the expert category. I have a feeling you knew the answer before you posted and are just trolling. To an extent, yes I was, but by asking a dumb question I've learned a few things. Some of the answers I knew, but some other things never occurred to me. One thing to add though. I ended up buying a 175 because while in the renting stage my DZ had a Sabre 2 210 and 170, the 190 was being ordered. so after a few jumps on the 210 I switched to the 170 (I weighed less then btw). I got used to it and when going to buy my rig, I found a complete package with a 175. The container is tight tho, so up-sizing would call for a new container. I don't have the coin to swap out all of my gear, so I think I'm kinda stuck with what I've got...
  5. Is this for real or are you just taking the piss? Mostly piss, with just a touch of for real.
  6. one day I want to learn how to swoop, one day I want to free fly and go head down and all that stuff... but that day isn't now. A reason I thought of stiletto because it seems like a lesser of the high performance canopies (I honestly don't know though), and after looking around, I've noticed they come at a decent second hand price. I know I'm not ready to downsize... but I was just pondering the question and I thought I'd throw it out here, (not with much seriousness). I guess one legit question I do have is, when is a person ready to fly a stiletto? or downsize to a canopy of that caliber?
  7. I was just thinking about this and I decided to see what the masses think. I currently fly a Triathlon 175 I'm loaded at about 1.32 with 83 jumps under my belt. What do you think about me trading that up for a Stiletto 150? I would be loaded at about 1.5 Thoughts? opinions?
  8. Try to track down a skydiver who is a doctor... they would know both sides of the story.
  9. All above and said is true, I hate how people disrespect the dead, skydivers or otherwise. The version of the story I've heard is that they have marks on there fire truck signifying all of the hung up skydivers they've pulled out of trees. Whatever the truth is, if you walk into the fire department, town hall or whatever and stir things up, no matter how good your intentions, you have then become a representative of everyone at Skyknights. If were going to stir things up, it should be together or not at all.
  10. Your question only matters if the jumper can even steer the canopy to a landing zone of there preference. If you could, I guess you just kinda have to pick your poison. Some greenhouses are made of glass... trees may get you a stick up your ass... and water may drown you when the ball of crap settles over your head... I might go for the water, there's no broken glass or sticks up your ass when your drowning. In a situation like that, chances are you will have very little or no control. Be ready to PLF no matter what your going to land into/on.
  11. I've been officially diagnosed with ADD. I learned to skydive, drive a car and tie my shoes with out any problems... As far as skydiving goes, practice practice practice!!! It's the same for everyone. get into a routine when your at the DZ. Make a mental checklist, or if your ADD doesn't cooperate with that, make a real one. Get into a habit and form a routine, muscle memory is the biggest. Good luck!
  12. Welcome to one of the most heated debates in skydiving... tell you what, find one person on your DZ that's for Cypres and another for Vigil. Throw them in a room, ask them this question and then lock the door... 5 min later open the door and see who walks out alive; then you'll have your answer It's really not that bad, it just comes down to your personal beliefs and opinion. They've been tried and tested, and they both work.
  13. No offense to the OP, but what does this say about what people think of our sport??? I thought she was joking at first... then realized she was serious. I think to myself... really? do people have any concept of common sense? Although seeing a jump like that would be hilarious, as it has been covered by everyone else, it would be un-safe. Sell the dress back to Queen Victoria, and go skydiving
  14. I was scared shitless during my training, I even rode the plane down once. I remembers my first AFF jump, (I did two tandems prior) I landed off, didn't flare, and I got a little bruised up from the fall. I left the DZ that night shell shocked. I was so mad at myself, I thought that I had wasted all of this money, and I was an idiot for jumping out of a plane. However, somewhere through out my hr and a half drive home I calmed myself down and I decided to go on with my AFF jumps. The fear and the jitters still stuck with me for the majority of AFF but it wore away... I wonder what would of happened if I decided to call it quits... I just know that sticking with it has been one of the best decisions in my life, and I hope to jump till its end.
  15. ...hmmmm, I have no idea honestly, but maybe you could try calling the manufacturer. Out of all of the people in the world, they would be able to give you the skinny on what type of paint/finish they use and what will mix well with it... I've wondered the same thing though, I'm thinking about customizing my factory diver. best of luck!!
  16. Everyone has goals in life. There not a bad thing to have.. encouraged even, lol. When it comes to goals in skydiving, there are cliques. I am old fashioned when it comes to my thinking despite my young age (19), I believe that you must start at the bottom and work your way up. I can't wait to sit fly, or fly a wing suit, or learn how to swoop on a canopy that's loaded at over 2:1, but all of that will come in good time. At this point in my life I want to learn how to be a safe and skillful skydiver on my belly, and that's it. It is tempting at times to say fuck belly flying... especially when i struggle with it, and move to something else. However the sky isn't going anywhere, and as long as I'm safe in the sky, neither am I. I am sick and tired of people trying to get me to free fly, trying to pressure me into moving past my comfort zone. One day my persistence to stay on my belly will pay off when a big way rolls around and I can out fly the free flier with twice as many jumps as me...
  17. I have no idea, but call Sunrise. They'd be able to answer your question for sure.
  18. with gear on you are how many pounds??? My rig is almost 20lbs. It sounds like your very excited about this deal, however, slow down. Look into every little thing, the harness, the main, the reserve (have your rigger look at it), jump numbers. If you can get the serial numbers to everything, YOU can get the answers as far as manufacture date and any mods/repairs that were done. Take the time to do it right, or else you might spend wayyyyy too much money buying a piece of crap rig. I know I'm still a young jumper within the sport, but the common sense applies. you wouldn't buy a car without taking it for a test drive, would you? Good luck!!!
  19. one option is to get a small personal loan... although this is then money away from jumping... gas, food, everything that broke college students give up to jump, etc, etc. I finally bough used gear around 30 something, I was only doing a jump with the rental rig every once in a while while I saved up to buy my own gear. just start putting some money away little by little, and before you know it you'll have enough Good Luck
  20. I was limited to 5 jumps a day during my training. I wanted to do more but they say the learning curve drops after 5 jumps, and I can see why, I was wiped after doing 4-5 jumps a day for a week.
  21. I'm also 5'9" and weigh about 190 and I have the same problem. I have learned how to work with my arch though. It's still a bitch to learn, I can't tell you how many, out of the few skydives I have, I've 'sunk' out of. I'm learning to compensate though and I'm learning with time. As always though, ask one of your instructors, there more than happy to help. And ask them especially before you go out and just buy something!!! Good luck!
  22. Hi all, I have to write a college paper, and since I've been given the freedom to pick my topic I thought "why we jump" would be an interesting one. I know the question has been asked countless times before, but for citation purposes I'm throwing it out there again. So by posting in this forum you are giving me permission to use your words. That said, the paper will not be published in any way, shape, or form. And if you want to share, but you do not want me to use what you say, just say so. I feel that this is an interesting question to ask any skydiver, because everyone has a different reason. You can look at this as a way to share your story with the skydiving world. Thanks!
  23. I've never flown a stiletto but I know some people who do; it's considered a canopy for experienced pilots only. The stiletto also carries the nick name "spin-etto" for it's tendency to spin after deployment. Talk to your instructors, they know you and your skills the best, and will probably be more than willing to give you gear advice. Good Luck!