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Everything posted by LadiDadi

  1. He's very narrow in the torso (if that makes any sense). 5'10" and about 140 pounds. The suit he has - the moth eaten one - makes him look like he's a kid playing dress-up. I can hem the pants no problem but I can't tailor a jacket. Stores stock suit jackets in a wide variety of sizes? Good to know. We're jeans and t-shirt folks so we don't know these things. Suits are for weddings and funerals. Unfortunately this isn't a wedding... I can't figure out a way to say this that doesn't make me sound like a bitch but money isn't an issue, time is. I guess we'll have to make a trip to the most frightening place on Earth... The mall. *shudder* If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  2. Anyone know of a place - or if it's even possible - to get a suit, a nice one like a basic, simple tuxedo, in a couple of hours? Do any department stores do that? Men's Warehouse? Can you even buy a suit 'off the rack'? I'm under the assumption that all suits are tailored so this won't be possible. Am I wrong? Help! Husband must have one tonight and just discovered that the only suit he owns has moth holes in it. If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  3. Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do. (I'll give all you non-military and/or drunk folks out there a moment to think on that one) Here's what you do, based on the above statement: 1- Leave the lying, cheating cunt (yeah, that's right - I'm a girl and I use the word 'cunt') 2- Take the pictures to her and leave them with her. 3- Hold your head up high, scotch tape your dignity together as best as you can and walk away from the situation completely and totally - leave the whole mess alone. There ya' go. Three 'lefts'. If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  4. My heart truly goes out to you. I think that you and Grandpa need to talk about it first - talk with him about what to say to Conner. Remember, Grandpa has another generation's worth of wisdom on you so take advantage of it. The two of you may want to tell Conner together. Regardless of anything else - you have to tell him the truth. The 6 year old truth. Meaning that you don't have to try to explain precisely what cancer is unless you think that he can grasp the concept. Not telling him all of the details is not the same thing as lying to him. You tell him the truth on a level he can understand and as he gets older, he will learn more and you will tell him more. Please, no matter what, do not wait until Grandpa has died to tell your son. That is cruely unfair. It is okay to say to your children "I don't know" and "I don't understand it either" and things like that. When I experienced the death of a family member for the first time as a child, I was 6 years old. Unfortunately for my parents - as far as how to gently explain death to a young child goes - I actually witnessed the deaths of my Uncle and Cousin (nasty car accident) so my parents had a tough job explaining that. I honestly don't remember what they said to me regarding what death is or why or any of that. What I do remember like it was yesterday and not 30 years ago is my dad crying. It strangely made me feel better. I also clearly remember asking him "Is there really a Heaven and a God and do you really go there when you die?" and him, a very religious man, replying "Baby, I hope so. No one but God knows for sure but I hope so." If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  5. I'm a huge fan of Darwin so I see nothing wrong with this. Go for it. Thin out the shallow end. Trouble is that I can never get the image out of my mind of a chute opening and rattlesnakes raining down on someone's head. *shudder* Because he's an idiot? I don't know. The thing is I kept telling him the same thing - "It is a very safe thing to do but it's a very *scary* thing for the vast majority of people to contemplate doing." Stupidly thinking that would be enough for him. Bottom line - it sells. For fucks sake there was a show years back (a spoof but still) called 'When Cars Attack'. Fear sells. With all of the banter back and forth between him and I, I invited him to go for a tandem with a friend of mine (instructor) to which he replied "No way in hell would I do that!!" Soooo.... What you're telling me now is that it isn't dangerous but you're scared to try it. Riiiiight. If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  6. LadiDadi


    If two people get one drink and split it, the bartender can cut you off. The bartender can cut you off two sips into a soda if he or she feels so inclined. Sucks but that's the way it goes. You should have come out with me tonight. If anyone should have ever been kicked out of a bar tonight it was me. Didn't happen though. Don't know why. If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  7. His lapel pins say ROTC. Look. Even fugly people fall in love. Everybody has to find somebody. Right? Besides, they might have great looking kids. Two uglies typically cancel out and make a pretty. With the obvious exceptions of Bill and Hillary Clinton and Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter. If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  8. In Washington state they're having a "Seatbelt Crackdown". Some of the cops are actually using night vision goggles to look into your car at night to see if you have your seatbelt on or not. And, yes, they can pull you over just for that and give you a ticket for $120 (I think it is). While I don't think that there should be laws to protect people from their own bad choices, nor should there be punishments for them - BUCKLE UP PEOPLE! If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  9. I too would like to see the verbage changed on how the fatalities are reported. I would like to see the statistics state "1 out of every 100,000 skydives results in death"* Or whatever the number would be. The 1 in 100,000 formula is a standard health statistic formula. While the numbers that are reported now may be accurate (I haven't a clue if they are or not), they are misleading. "One out of every 1,000" sounds morbidly scary. It doesn't take into account the average number of skydives done each year. It would be a difficult task to get that number but DZ's could report estimates. It all really comes down to finding the statistic to support your cause. Anyone can do it. You can come up with a random statement and I'm pretty sure that somewhere there's a statistic to support your statement (and, no, that's not a dare to anyone). I can tell you for a fact that the folks over at The History Channel are quite frothy at the mouth to make skydiving sound like the most dangerous thing you could ever possibly do and that we're all just human lawn darts. They do know that it isn't as dangerous as it sounds but they really do chomp at the bit to make it sound more dangerous than it actually is. Here is an excerpt from an actual emal between myself and a programing exec at History: Him: "You need to make it at least come across as being way more dangerous. Me: "I understand that you want more of a 'danger' element to it but ... They're going to do a Diamond Track - that's the one we talked about where they go towards each other head first at ridiculous speeds - isn't that dangerous enough to the casual viewer?" Him: "I'm not sure that the casual viewer will see it that way." Me: "Even with helmet cams and a split screen??" Him: "I'd just like to see it portrayed as a more dangerous sport" Me: "Well... I could ask them to juggle chainsaws while in freefall and then we could stuff their rigs with rattlesnakes..." Yeah... We left it at that for the moment. *For comparison's sake - 1 in every 100,000 people in the US die of malnutrition. If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  10. LadiDadi


    My favorite Bjork video: If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  11. 35 and 9 US womens (7 US mens) Yeah, I know I have big feet. Don't make me kick your ass with them... If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  12. So does David Bowie. He's hot... If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  13. I have a Bosch dishwasher and I love it. When we first got it, we would both occasionally have to go and put a hand on it to feel to make sure it was working. Three years later, it's still just as quiet and we've never had a single problem with it. We also have the Bosch tankless hot water heater and I can boil myself in the shower for days! If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  14. It's called 'bio-hazard' so you'd probably get in some trouble - but it's a brilliant idea. Do you happen to have a collection of hair from your shower drain? A bag from your vacuum cleaner? Or can you get a box full of shredded strips of rip-stop nylon? Are you crafty/handy enough to rig up a box with a vial or six of Liquid Ass so that when he opens it, they will go off? If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  15. Aren't you supposed to stab the pokey straw attached to the top of the box into the bag? If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  16. Gian Lorenzo Bernini - Favorite sculptor. You stare at his works afraid to blink or move away because you know that at any moment it will move and if you blink you'll miss it. Maxfield Parrish - Favorite painter. The man painted utopia. Antonin Gaudi - Favorite all around nutcase. To call him simply an architect does him a great disservice. Whether or not Salvador Dali ever mentioned it - there is no way in hell that Dali's work was not influenced by Gaudi's. If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  17. I'm short too but I don't worry about it except when I can't reach things. I never worry about boogies - I'm short so who can see up my nose? I can't think of anything of consequence that I'm self conscious about. It used to worry about my feet - 15 years of ballet will give you some rotten looking feet. I probably should worry about what my ass looks like but I can't see it and it's comfy to sit on so I don't worry about that. Hmmm... I have one single, solitary black hair that grows out of my chin that I hunt for every single day. It seems to grow faster than any other hair known to mankind. If I forget to hunt for it and find it later and it's grown more than a nanometer, I'll freak out about who possibly saw it. But, realistically speaking - like the boogies, I'm short so it's unlikely anyone can see it. If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  18. Crystal is sturdier than glass but it doesn't so much break as it explodes when you drop them. Acrylic are fine if you want to make sure you hand wash them and not put them in the dishwasher. Over time, dishwashers will make them look cloudy. You could try getting glasses from a restaurant supply place where they'd be cheaper and sturdier. You could do what we do - don't drink wine out of wine glasses. We use the small, heavy bottomed, straight side juice glasses that hotels and restaurants use. More specifically - they're what casinos use in Vegas to put your free cocktails in. My set came from the Venetian. (I don't think they sell them, though...) It's actually what I prefer to drink wine out of. I like white wine and I like it really, really cold and it stays colder longer in the smaller, thicker glass. We have wine glasses and, for really special occasions, because my husband and I are very strange people, we have a gorgeous matching set of jewel encrusted communion chalices. They're metal so they don't break. They also freak people out. You could try that. If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  19. No money at all will allow you a certain level of freedom. You can live on the streets and panhandle or live in the woods Unibomber style and not have to answer to anyone. A lot of money will allow you a different level of freedom. You can make your own rules and go wherever you want, whenever you want, for as long as you want and do whatever you damn well please when you get there. It's those that fall in the middle that feel trapped. If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  20. I'm telling you people - GERMAN BEER GARDEN MUSIC!!! Can you imagine waking up to the melodic sounds of oohm-pa-pa...? If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  21. What are the rugs made of? Wool? Some cats like to pee on wool and others like to suck/nurse on wool. In case anyone was wondering, I've never heard of a cat that likes to do both. Try putting out little saucers of dry food on the spots she likes to pee on. You may, in the interim, end up with saucers all over the house but cats will not pee where they eat. Just because a cat is peeing somewhere other than the litter box doesn't mean that the cat has a UTI and, no, those foods do not cure. Foods high in grain (ie: prescription diets) are not at all what a cat is designed to eat and will, in the long run, make the problem worse. If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  22. I used to be an apartment manager - part of their job is to intervene in these types of situations. If the manager doesn't do anything or your don't have a building manager, go to your landlord. You've been renting the same apartment for 15 years? I would assume that you've likely been a great tennant to have (since the problem ones move on every 6 months - or sooner) so they should definitely address the issue. If all else fails, go visit your local thrift store and load up on a turntable and some speakers and every bit of horrific vinyl you can find - horrific to college kids, anyway. Absolutely a true story - my best friend (eventually he'd be my husband) and I had neighbors who liked playing hip hop music non-stop. I like hip-hop music well enough, sort of, but the crap they played was insufferable. And loud. And all night. On week nights and we were both going to college full time and working full time. We ended up having a battle of the bands one night - their hip-hop music and on our play list (vinyl) was: Madonna - Self titled first album Michael Jackson - Off the Wall (1979) The Best of German Beer Garden - compilation of ooom-pa-pa music - had us dancing around the coffee table kicking each other in the butt. Neil Diamond's Greatest Hits The Charlie Daniels Band - I can't remember which one but it definitely had The Devil Went Down to Georgia on it Weird Al Yankovic - In 3-D ...and several others. We still have those albums. We ended up becoming friends with the neighbors after that night. They partly didn't realize just how loud the sound was next door (us telling them "It's really loud" wasn't the same as us showing them how loud it was) and partly needed a wake up call that "NOT EVERYONE LIKES THE SAME MUSIC - OOOM-PA-PA!!" Give it a try. Just make sure that whatever sound system you have that it is waaaaayyy better than theirs. They may think that the old guy next door has a hand crank Victrola at best. Show him what age, income and planning can do for you. We had a friend that worked at a high end custom home stereo place and borrowed our sound system for 'The Assault'. Good luck! If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  23. Are you serious?!? Vets really believe that Prozac is indicated for a cat that is grumpy about something and craps on the floor? Wow... I've spent nearly 15 years working as an animal nutritionist, behaviorist and trainer and one of my favorite sayings is: "Since cats don't have middle fingers, they can't give you the bird so instead you get a turd." (not my saying, a friend of mine's) Clean the litter box, like everyone else has said, before going to bed at night. I wouldn't recommend changing cat litter right now since that's too many changes at once - your presence and now new litter - unless it was recently changed then try changing it back. One thing that so many people forget to do when they clean the litter box is to actually clean the actual litter box. Put it in the dishwasher along with whatever you use to scoop the box. Don't scold the cat unless you catch him/her in the act. That can make the problem worse sometimes - the cat will think that you're mad at the poop being there not mad at the cat for pooping there so instead of not doing it, he/she can become quite clever about where to poop. Places you will not know about until the smell hits you. I had a cat that would get in the box, dig a hole, get out of the box, poop, get back in and fill in the hole. She wasn't grumpy about much of anything and was a very much go-with-the-flow kind of cat. We just made sure that the litter box was surrounded by blue pads (incontinence pads) for easy clean up. This isn't an emotional problem, it isn't even really a behavioral problem - the cat is grumpy and is expressing himself. Please don't medicate the cat because he's angry. If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  24. By the way... I LOVE lemoncello. Did I mention that? If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  25. Nope. There's at least two of us. If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.