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Everything posted by LadiDadi

  1. My best friend from middle school/junior high has deaf parents. I remember her dad going off about one of her mom's friends. Him yelling (signing with GREAT BIG GESTURES, for everyone else's information) at her mom "I swear to Christ one day I'm going to chew that woman's fingers off." If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  2. I think that you should change the wording of your question. Instead of: "Parents, would you buy your child an AAD if they asked for it as a birthday/Christmas present?" It should be: "Is it appropriate to ask your parents to buy you an AAD for a birthday/Christmas present?" Because that's what you're really asking. I don't have kids but I clicked on the thread anyway because I'm bored and nosey. But the question absolutely applies to me because I have parents and that's the meat of the question. Would I ask my parents to buy me one? Nope. Do my parents know that I skydive and that skydiving equipment is expensive and would be well recieved in any form as gifts for any occasion? Yup. For my birthday this year I got two very nice pairs of goggles - one for bright, sunny days and one for the other 364 days in Seattle - and a $200 gift card to use towards skydiving (or whatever else I wanted to do with it). My parents still ask for my Christmas list even though I am 35 and they try to comply with my wishes and I make sure to put on the list things that are reasonable. Well... Except for one thing. I have been asking for a grey pony for nearly 35 years and they have yet to - er - pony up. (sorry, I had to) If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  3. Contact either a different fire marshall or a different company that does certified inspections for fire code. It depends on where you live if there are companies that can do certified fire code inspections or if they all must go through the fire marshall. Have them come in and do an inspection. Don't tell them about your battle, don't tell them about the dust or that you cleaned the sprinkler heads. Just have them come in and see if everything is compliant. Get the documentation. This may put you in the clear depending on how badly you have pissed off your condo association and/or the fire marshall. If you've pissed them off enough, nothing you do short of having the heads replaced will suffice. If you have them replaced, make sure you use a company OTHER than the one you've been dealing with. If it costs more, so what. At least the dumbass company didn't get your money. Principles. I used to be a Facilities and Safety coordinator for a couple of buildings for Boeing and I will tell you that pissing off the fire marshal is - without question - something you DO NOT WANT TO DO. I did it once and learned my lesson. If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  4. You are absolutely correct. I can't stand my husband's best friend. I think that this person is the most useless thing to land on the face of the Earth and, if I could find the edge of the Earth I would happily push said best friend right off it. Oh yeah, and his best friend is a woman. My husband knows - beyond any doubt - how I feel about her. The strange thing is that she can't get it through her head that I am not her best friend as well. I deal with it. I deal with her. I'm friendly enough to her when I have to be around her and when she pisses me off, I let her know. I would recommend that, after an evening when you have all been out together and things are going VERY well with you and your girlfriend you make a joke about something that happened that night and follow it with "Holy crap your friend is annoying sometimes!"* See how she takes it. She may agree with you - you never know. *That statement, right there, verbatim can be back-pedaled out of. If you decide to wing it or paraphrase it, you're on your own. I take no responsibility for the fall-out. Also, if you are miserably bad at back-pedaling, don't try it. If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  5. I want the old narrator back. It just isn't the same with the new guy's voice. Maybe the other guy bored himself to death... If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  6. Depends - did the wine have a screw cap or come in a box and were the Cheetos actually 'Cheeto' brand Cheetos? If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  7. Noooooo! The music is the best part! They have the same six or seven tunes they play. What other show can you watch that will teach you how erasers are made while playing porn music? If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  8. If you're more of a big city kind of guy, Vancouver sounds like what you're looking for. Can you handle the rain? The darkness in the Wintertime? A glimpse of what tomorrow is going to be like: Nautical Twilight Start : 5:55 Civil Twilight Start : 6:32 Sunrise : 7:06 Local Noon : 11:56 Sunset : 16:45 Civil Twilight End : 17:19 Nautical Twilight End : 17:57 Hours of Illumination : Sunrise to Sunset : 9.65 Civil Twilight : 1.12 Total : 10.78 But - Vancouver is a great city. A very diverse city, fairly well thought out/laid out for a city of its size. Border crossings into and out of Washington State can be tedious more often than not. The mountains there are stunning. The skiing/snowboarding at Whistler is excellent. If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  9. Have you tried using light therapy for SAD? I'm finally going shopping tomorrow for two light boxes (one for home and one for travel), a dawn simulator and as many full spectrum bulbs as I can get away with. This time of year really does me in - on top of the short days and the grey Seattle nastiness the power went out today at 9am! No light from the outside and no lights inside. I started climbing the walls. Light therapy. Period. I will do it this year and not talk about how I should have done it three months from now. I look forward to seeing the photos of you flying in your new suit! If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  10. My husband and I played this game a bit ago. The rules were the three must haves bands/artists/musicians/whatevers and it would be their entire body of work. Then list the three you would wish you had found a way to smuggle on to that island. Then you had to list the three that, if someone else inhabited that island, you would hope to god that they didn't bring or you would have to kill him/her. Of course, one of the bands on my 'kill' list was on his 'must have' list. But that's why we love each other soooo... (vomit) If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  11. Here's my weird entry: My very first concert will always stick out in my mind not just because it was my first but also because it was such a unique experience. Liberace at the Fox Theater in Atlanta, GA. It was probably around 1978 or 79 and I was 5 or 6. My parents got front row seats. It was so amazing and dazzling to see this man who was such an enigma and an amazing performer/showman. At one point he came down to the edge of the stage and chatted with my sister (who was 8 or 9) and I. I was fascinated by his rings and he let me try one on. Never again have I seen a performer who could hold a candle to Liberace. It was the best show. If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  12. So difficult to name just three so I made some rules for myself. I went with the 'desert island' scenario but decided that I could bring the entire body of work of three musicians/artists/bands. What I came up with I think would cover every mood I could possibly be in while on this island: Jimmy Buffett Pearl Jam Ludwig van Beethoven The three I would regret not finding some way to smuggle to my new island would be: The Allman Brothers Love and Rockets Secret Chiefs 3 If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  13. I don't have one but I spent 2+ weeks sleeping on one. I thought it was the most amazing bed I ever slept on, The first few nights. Then I wanted to torch it. Or go buy a sheet of plywood to insert into it. If you like your mattresses on the softer side, you'll love it. If you like your mattresses firm - like I do - you will love it initially and then you will feel as if your spine will crumble if you try to stand up straight. As a base of reference, I think that the old style futon mattresses, the ones that are just a 500 pound container of cotton, is the most comfortable thing to sleep on. If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  14. Yeah, it could be a stuck button except for the part about: That makes me think that it's something more... If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  15. It's a virus. Like a computer virus. Every button you press takes you to your contacts? It's likely trying to send the same message/virus to your contacts - just like the email viruses do with your email contacts. Depending on what kind of phone you have, if you open it up and take out both the battery and the sim card, you may find a reset button in there somewhere. You can try that. If not, the company you have your phone through should be able to give you the key combination to do a hard reset (that's where you enter a code into the phone while it is turned off.) You're going to lose all of your info that wasn't saved to your sim card anyway so you may as well not worry about it. Good luck! If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  16. I live in Seattle. I know the words to Singing in the Rain. We're planning on storming into the party with a portable stereo blasting a little Ludwig Van... The best 'treat' I've ever heard of for Halloween is courtesy of a guy that lives down the street from my sister. He always has a bowl of full sized candy bars for the kids and an ice chest full of beer and those little airline bottles of liquor for the grown ups. If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  17. I couldn't agree with you more. I never got into Halloween because when I was really young, we lived in the middle of nowhere - trick or treating wasn't an option so we had to go to the stupid church parties or school parties. My husband always referred to Halloween as "How typical of Americans. Dress their children up like little idiots and send them door to door begging for candy." Imigrants are funny... Especially since, over the last few years, the month leading up to Halloween turns me into a one woman costuming department because of him. We're going as Droogs. If all they get is mugged, they're getting off easy... If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  18. Oh god yes! Mary Janes are so foul. And Bit-o-Honey too! Just thinking about them makes my stomach churn! If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  19. LOVE IT!!! A while back I had used the clip from the Deadwood soundtrack "Who? Wu?" as a ringtone. (the video is WAY off from the sound but it was the only place I could find the clip) Cock Sucker Totally and completely NOT safe for work. If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  20. A simple 'fuck you' is boring. The English language provides us with such a useless and scant few curses so I'm switching languages on you: Az isten bassza meg a büdös rücskös kurva anyádat! If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  21. Oh my god - YES - Zotz!!! Those things were so damn disturbing and good. Candy with Alka Seltzer in the center. That's it. I'm going to Archie McPhee's tomorrow to see if they have any. If anyone does, it'll be them. They have all kinds of older candies as well as some really strange candies like Gummy Hearts and Gummy Bacon. Seriously Tomorrow, I finish these damn Halloween costumes and hunt for Zotz! If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  22. They have them at the 76 station down the street from me. I was *this* close to getting one this morning to go with my Mt. Dew and cigarettes for breakfast. *this* close... If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  23. I looked forever to find a decent photo of myself. I'm the photographer so there are very few pictures of me floating around. At least ones where I'm not pissed off at being photographed. I look like my mom. Dead copy of her. I've had the enjoyment of dealing with veeerrrryyy elderly relatives, as their lives are winding down, being absolutely convinced that I'm my mom and that time has turned back. I act just like my dad though. Smart assed head cases that are stubborn and pushy yet charming at the same time. I'll try to find a more 'normal' picture of myself... [edited because I'm medicated and things look fuzzy and pretty] If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  24. I don't have kids so I can't answer your specific question. I can, however, treat you to a lovely collage I just made for this thread. Assuming that the word 'collage' applies when there are only two items that have been collaged. Anyway - I'm the disembodied one floating out above the water. The photo is my mom and dad at Lake Pontchartrain in 1966. They hadn't been married a year yet and I wouldn't be along for several more years. If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.
  25. I hated - and still hate: butterscotch anything those nasty concoctions called Cow Tails (taste like what you'd find under the cow's tail) Tootsie Pops root beer candies - especially the root beer Bottle Caps and those pumpkin things made out of candy corn stuff. I loved getting that hard candy that had the fizzy center - can't remember what they were called. If you can't laugh at yourself, I'll be happy to do it for you. **************************** Be like the cupcake and suck it up.