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Everything posted by Lizard

  1. Lizard

    They got me

    Well my reserve unit is mobilizing monday morning, got a phone call this morning. Not sure where we are going yet, but we have wonderful new desert uniforms. I have mixed feelings about this crap. Take care folks and I hope to be back soon.
  2. So renaming the files will get them to post next time? Forgive me, I'm learning.
  3. Northwest Airlines screwed up on Jan 19th. The accident happened just before 0700 at LGA Delta Terminal Gate 10. Two mechanics were moving the Airbus A319 from the over night spot to the Flight Center. According to the injured mechanics the brakes failed when they tried to stop the aircraft. A gate agent manning the jetway was also hurt when the Airbus took off half of the platform. The NLG collapsed when the aircraft hit a parked tug under the jetway. It's going to be fun trying to remove the aircraft from under the jetway without causing any more damage, and of course, the Port Authority is investigating the accident. The left wing sliced open a Boeing 757 just under and aft of the R1 door. A319.2 A319.3 B757 A319.1
  4. Lizard


    Maybe the dog is a little stupid and maybe it is a little funny, but really no different than being scared of a vaccum cleaner or something. He knows they are f*cking with him.
  5. Lizard


    I'm sure the dog knows whats going on. I've seen him in my dads lap asleep. No problems, not scared of my sis ect. But when they start this funny talking crap, he gets scared and runs to my mom or hides. The dog isn't stupid.
  6. Thanks for all the info. I'm not doing anything until I know I'm 100% safe/legal and all that good stuff. I'm going to do it, but not worth getting into a urinary olympics with the govt.
  7. Lizard


    Stopped by my parents house last night to say hello, let them know I'm still alive ect.... I get there and my sister and nieces/nephew were there. They are all in the living room with my mom's dog. A red poodle about 12yrs old. Poor dog had his head buried in the sofa shaking/scared and my dad and sis are making fun of how ugly and stupid he is. All the while my mom is defending the dog. "Stop it! He knows your making fun of him!" Of course my dad and sis are laughing and talking funny to him. I'm not close to the dog, never did really like him that much, but I felt so bad for him. The dog was scared to death and according to my mom, this happens on a regular basis. Should I adopt the dog? Bring him home to get him out of that enviornment? I know all this sounds stupid, but I feel bad for the dog and am actually ashamed of my family for thinking the crap is funny, not to mention they have nothing better to do with their time than pick on a old poodle.
  8. I've done some thinking, reading...ect. I've got to try it out. From reading, it seems to good to pass up. Definately on my "to do" list now. I need to check the FARs for my area/airspace/legal stuff. I'm right between two airports, one about 5 miles away, small civil/corporate airport and the other about 10 miles away, medium size international airport.
  9. I got a puppy a few weeks ago... Had to damn near run all the way off the road, but I got him.
  10. Lizard

    $41 burger

    Ah, PETA... People Eating Tasty Animals
  11. Anyone on here ever tried the backpack powered parasailing? It looks fun and interesting. Any experiences?
  12. Lizard

    tabasco sauce

    Watching the manshow one night, Jimmy and Adam were playing bartender in a place. Jimmy told a girl to try the "Mexican Hooker" drink and then he proceeded to make this keeping a straight face. "Tequilla, little bit of tobasco, and some cottage cheese."
  13. Lizard

    tabasco sauce

    Try the Tabascco green sauce. Not spicy, but has a real good flavor. Hooter's actually has their hotwing sauce in the grocery store now as if someone DOESNT WANT TO GO TO HOOTERS. What were they thinking with this marketing plan?
  14. Never heard it used, but read it somewhere HIM "Got any Irish in you?" HER "No" HIM "Want some?" HIM "Do you believe in fairy tales?" doesn't matter what she answers. HIM "You can come and puff the magic dragon."
  15. Thats exactly what I'm talking about. Things like taking fingernail clippers from a pilot. Never mind the crash ax in the cockpit. Common sense is gone. One pilot told me that a TSA agent was searching his flight bag and asked him to turn his headset on for him.
  16. Finished airborne school with the military when I was 17, but didn't start skydiving until I was 30. The government canceled one too many jumps on me and pissed me off so I said screw it, I will learn to skydive.
  17. Or DELTA Delay Everyones Luggage Through Atlanta
  18. Some insight on these idiots. I'm a mechanic for an airline, and came up the jetway one morning from an aircraft. These idiots see me come into the terminal and when I went to go back down to the aircraft, they wanted to "wand" me. Hell I had a gerber tool, steel toe shoes, screwdriver and not to mention I had access to the aircraft before I came into the terminal. I had to get our operations guy to tell them I could go back to the aircraft. Sorry to bitch, but I have to deal with these assholes everyday and when it comes to these people common sense does not exsist. So if this is true, some idiot that has no insight at all to the transportation buisness can get your license revoked.
  19. "Ladies and gentlemen, my dog Red just intercepted the glideslope for landing and we will be on the ground shortly".
  20. Get some BBQ cornnuts and some chocolate milk. No wait, you do that when your drunk, not after the fact.
  21. I bought my house after living in a camper for 2 yrs and to be honest, I miss that life, but at the same time I'm not "tied down". You can always sell. I don't know the going rate on apartments, but why pay rent when you can own? It's a good investment and will appreciate in value. If I were in your place right now, I would go for a house and stop making other people rich.
  22. I've often dreamed I was some type of reptile...can't remember exactly what though.
  23. Man who lose key to girlfriends apartment don't get nookie.
  24. Lizard


    hmmmm.......I gotta go with Andie McDowell. Very beautiful, and I will be her slave.
  25. Lizard

    Guns in cockpits?

    I think guns in the cockpit is a bad idea. We all know guns and alcohol don't mix.