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Everything posted by Ion01

  1. The whole concept that you have to have some sort of special credentials is one of the real problems with the country. The government has this concept that the average person is too stupid to understand what they do and therefore they must tell us what is best and what we want. That is rediculous. Didn't everyone here take an english class in highschool? If you can understand the english language then you can understand these bills. Do I really need a special PHD to understand the rhetoric of a bunch of elected official. We elected them so they would do what we want not so they would tell us and force on us what they want because they think we are too stupid to know whats best.
  2. Can you not see how two faced it is to praise those who protested and made the past administration out as nazi's (even though those doing the praising voted for what that administration was doing) saying they were true patriots, or in order to get elected people are told to speak up and "get in their faces". But when people do speek up, when people do the very thing they were once praised for, if its against the people who once said these things, its wrong and you must shut up. They will lock you out of meetings, stage questions, and call you unamerican and other such thing. Can you not see how decieving they are? Can you not see how manipulative they are? I will never align myself with the democrats......or the republican....or the socialist or marxist or communists..... or any other party that does not stand for Freedom and the Constitution!
  3. See attachments. But I'm SURE that Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity etc. had NOTHING to do with this. It's simply freedom loving patriots asking simple insightful (inciteful) questions of their representatives. Big difference between public officials making these accusation about the people who will be voting versus a hand full of people. On top of that look up how often bush was compared to nazi's when the reality is with the healthcare bill and all the extremist he is using as Czars he is getting as close to nazi's as leader of the country has. Look up Eugenics and the fact that germany got their ideas from the US and the sterilization that happened in the country. Look at the beliefs of his Czars such as the science and green job czars. Look at the socialist and marxist action obama has taken with healthcare, GM, etc. NAZI is short for Nationalist Socialist party in German. Is this not what the current administration is preaching.....(I will answer that for you really quick. Yes it is. As you read this think about the fact that obama has said that doctors should not be concerned about what is best for the individual but what is best for the country....that we all must make sacrifices for what is best for society....etc.) We ask that the government undertake the obligation above all of providing citizens with adequate opportunity for employment and earning a living. The activities of the individual must not be allowed to clash with the interests of the community, but must take place within its confines and be for the good of all. Therefore, we demand: … an end to the power of the financial interests. We demand profit sharing in big business. We demand a broad extension of care for the aged. We demand … the greatest possible consideration of small business in the purchases of national, state, and municipal governments. In order to make possible to every capable and industrious [citizen] the attainment of higher education and thus the achievement of a post of leadership, the government must provide an all-around enlargement of our entire system of public education … We demand the education at government expense of gifted children of poor parents … The government must undertake the improvement of public health – by protecting mother and child, by prohibiting child labor … by the greatest possible support for all clubs concerned with the physical education=2 0of youth. We combat the … materialistic spirit within and without us, and are convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only proceed from within on the foundation of the common good before the individual good. – From the political program of the Nazi Party, adopted in Munich, February 24, 1920 To ignore the masses of this country and label them such things because of a small group is pregidous!
  4. NO - they should read the bill. Every interpreter of it has an agenda. So "interpreters" have agendas but the writers don't......get real!
  5. So the numerous people like me who show up on our own accord to attempt to have questions answered MUST be part of the "astro-turf". There is no other explanation? I also notice how everyone completely ignored the manipulation of these town hall meetings and such. Nice! Who is really lying? Read the healthcare bill! for those that have a hard time understanding it maybe this will help. We have been told over and over it will not ration healthcare. A lie. We have been told over and over we will still have a choice but the truth is we will be punished for opting out with taxes and the bill is designed not to outlaw private insurance but to destroy it. More lies. Do I really need to continue. How can you ignore thier blatant lies and thier blatant grab for power! They ingore the constitution and put aside what is best for the country and our freedoms for what will give them more power. They name call, lie, and alienate anyone opposed to them but if we raise our voice in freedom to ask a question we are ingored and labelled nazi's, racists, and extremists. They are the real extremist. Look at the Czars! The Green Job Czar is an admitted communist for a start! The Science czar believe its okay to kill babies up to the age of two and wanted to put something in the drinking water to sterilize people without them knowing! This is just the beginning. Educate yourself and research this stuff instead of ingoring, making excuses, and simply regurgitating the rediculous babble of the media!
  6. No, they're not. Not by any reasonable person. Certainly not by Omaba or Pelosi no matter what you're hearing from the right wing talking heads. What Pelosi specifically wrote in the op ed published yesterday was in reference to the organizers and the insurance company lobbying groups that are advocating the tactics of disruption of town hall meetings in an effort to shout down any conversation. Did you actually read the op ed, or are you simply repeating what you heard some talking head say about it? The most of the people you are talking about, the average Jane and Joe that pissed off, are pawns being used by insurance companies and whipped into a frothy frenzy by the right wing talking heads. They need to step away from the likes of Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh. You need to step away from the lies and look at the facts. There is no truth to the idea that organizers and the insurance company lobbying groups are advocating the tactics of disruption of town hall meetings in an effort to shout down any conversation. You want to know who has tried to shut down the conversation? Obama and Pilosi! Obama's meetings are purposefully stocked with people who are supporters only and the questions are staged! "Pitney asked his question, as arranged. Reporters in the room looked at each other in amazement at the stagecraft they had just witnessed. White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel looked at the first row of TV correspondents and grinned. Still, the private agreement — to call on a questioner under condition that he ask his question on a particular topic in a particular way — is very close to what the left justifiably deplored when there were accusations that the White House was pre-screening reporters and their questions before news conferences. And Pitney was not the only “plant” at yesterday’s [sic] news conference. Later, Obama passed over the usual suspects to call on Macarena Vidal of the Spanish-language E.F.E. news agency. The White House called Vidal in advance to see if she was coming and arranged for her to sit in a seat usually assigned to a financial trade publication. “Okay, Macarena Vidal,” Obama called out, as the regulars adopted baffled expressions. She asked about Chile and Colombia." They locked people out of town hall meetings and the only violence and racisms was from healthcare supporters against those who didn't support government healthcare! Look up what happened at the Carnahan town hall in south St. Louis! And to claim anyone that doesn't agree with socialism and marxism are just "pawns being used" by whomever is rediculous! Shall I just call anyone who agrees with the government just a pawn of the leftist media, the government, and the massive corporations that are in bed with the government (GM, GE, T. Boone Pickens Company, ect.) and that you are incapable of thinking for yourself and simply follow them and thier lies like sheep? The truth is if you haven't seen the lies of this administration (think back to when he was running for president versus now....) or you can see how "two faced" these people are then you never will no matter what facts are presented. Your excuses are no different that the extreme conspiracy theorist who discount any facts or any information by claiming the presenter is just a "pawn" of the government or agency involved in the conspiracy (of course with no proof that is the case).
  7. "We ask that the government undertake the obligation above all of providing citizens with adequate opportunity for employment and earning a living. The activities of the individual must not be allowed to clash with the interests of the community, but must take place within its confines and be for the good of all. Therefore, we demand: … an end to the power of the financial interests. We demand profit sharing in big business. We demand a broad extension of care for the aged. We demand … the greatest possible consideration of small business in the purchases of national, state, and municipal governments. In order to make possible to every capable and industrious [citizen] the attainment of higher education and thus the achievement of a post of leadership, the government must provide an all-around enlargement of our entire system of public education … We demand the education at government expense of gifted children of poor parents … The government must undertake the improvement of public health – by protecting mother and child, by prohibiting child labor … by the greatest possible support for all clubs concerned with the physical education=2 0of youth. We combat the … materialistic spirit within and without us, and are convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only proceed from within on the foundation of the common good before the individual good." Sounds a whole lot like the current even sounds a bit like the past ones. What is this from? – From the political program of the Nazi Party, adopted in Munich, February 24, 1920
  8. Ice floats....think about that for a minute
  9. Read the healthcare bill. There will be a government panel which will determine who recieves care and who doesn't. There is end of life counciling. Only those who are "still contributors to society" will be provided for and obama beleives doctors should not do whats best for the individual but whats best for society! That sounds like a death panel to me! Learn your history to!
  10. What!! You mean things don't stay the same for ever? You mean to tell me that things change! That climate isn't constant? What will we ever do?! You mean to tell me that things are currently changing like they always have though out history? Holy *%#! Just like Herculaneum was a port town but is now far from the shore like so many other cities, or how numerous different deserts around the world weren't always deserts such as the Sahara? *%#! We are all going to die from heat despite the fact that man flourished the most during the roman and midieval warming periods (when there wasn't a huge carbon industry) and versus the little ice age and such! We will all starve despite the fact that global warming means more farm land! The end is near! This is your final warning! Don't listen to facts like the fact that atmospheric temps have dropped since 1999 and have undone the heating of the past 30 years! To deny global warming is like denying the holocaust! Polar bears are about to disappear despit the fact they have doubled since the 1950's! We can't allow evolution to take its course and elimate the unfit through a changing enviroment. We must take action and do our part to reduce the total amount of carbon being added to the atmosphere by less that 1%. We can't wait! We must reduce carbon emissions even though NASA is trying to find where 30% of the carbon has disappeared to! We must take drastic action! 1% reduction is not enough. The total moose population alone results in 4,063,500,00 kilos of carbon dioxide per year! We must hunt them all down! Cows too! All animals infact! The all breath and fart! Plants only absorb CO2 in sunlight so at night they at to the carbon levels! Particularly the crops that we eat! We need to burn all the forest and plants! Then we must kill ourselves! Even then our planet is doomed because we can't stop volcanoes and other emissions from our planet! Act Now! We can't wait! The only way to stop the end from coming is to end it all now!
  11. I have only seen approx. ten different talk shows, and all of them were exactly like this. Can't understand why the people ever watch this crap. A lot of people do it seems or else they wouldn't show it. I guess the sheep like to be driven into a frenzy with this stuff. Fox is probably the worst channel which is why I can't stand it. Larry King is polite if you wanted to see something without the anger. So typical, no facts or proof....just alienate and make fun. Is this all you are capable of doing. If anyone is the sheep it would be you as you are unwilling to look at all information and make your own decision.
  12. Proof?!?! The majory losses are do to the fact that the government is already involved and forces them to provided care for illegals and such along with plenty of other costly government regulation they have to comply with.
  13. the government not to keep track of where this stuff is coming from and who is sending it in....the government has been so trustworthy in the past and lately.
  14. Yea, and everything that was so horrible about bush got voted down by the democratic controlled they voted for all that its really the democrats fault too.....
  15. All together now: Hallelujah, praise Obama, From the heavens praise His name; Praise Obama in the highest, All His Democrats praise proclaim. All His hosts together praise Him, Sun, and moon, and stars on high; Praise Him, O ye heav’n of heavens, And ye floods above the sky. Refrain: Let them praises give Obama, For His name alone is high, And His glory is exalted, And His glory is exalted, And His glory is exalted, Far above the earth and sky.
  16. Oh, sorry.....these things could never happen here! Sterilizing people in the US.......never!
  17. So if we aren't actively rounding people up its okay. Its okay to have "end of life counciling" to convince people to have "doctor assisted suicide". This is already happening. Oregon Offers Terminal Patients Doctor-Assisted Suicide Instead of Medical Care,2933,392962,00.html The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the 1927 Buck v. Bell case that the state of Virginia could sterilize those it thought unfit. The most significant era of eugenic sterilization was between 1907 and 1963, when over 64,000 individuals were forcibly sterilized under eugenic legislation in the United States.[63] A favorable report on the results of sterilization in California, the state with the most sterilizations by far, was published in book form by the biologist Paul Popenoe and was widely cited by the Nazi government as evidence that wide-reaching sterilization programs were feasible and humane. When Nazi administrators went on trial for war crimes in Nuremberg after World War II, they justified the mass sterilizations (over 450,000 in less than a decade) by citing the United States as their inspiration.[59] American eugenicists inspired and supported Hitler's racial purification laws, and failed to understand the connection between those policies and the eventual genocide of the Holocaust.[64] Obama's science czar (czars aren't communist and constitutional as well.....wait....) believe its okay to kill children up to the age of 2 years old because they aren't "human beings". But according to pelosi we are the nazi's (which is short for socialist nationalist party in german! Look at the policies for goodness sakes. The healthcare bill is about socializing it!).
  18. ALL of them - huh? Better go back and look again. If you wish to trust known sources of DISinformation for your information, that's your prerogative. I guess it is your point of view that matters. Because Kallend knows what is right for everyone - even better than they do - PLEASE! You trust your left leaning sites if it fits your wants and beliefs. No wonder the left doesn't believe in God - They believe they ARE God. Don't blaspheme like that! They don't beleive they are god....the believe obama is! "I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God.” -Evan Thomas "It's such a blessing to see you, Mr. President. Thank you for taking time out of your day. OH GRACIOUS GOD! THANK YOU SO MUCH!" -Julio Osegueda
  19. You deny global warming? How dare you! "I would like to say we’re at a point where global warming is impossible to deny. Let’s just say that global warming deniers are now on a par with Holocaust deniers, though one denies the past and the other denies the present and future." -Ellen Goodman
  20. Every Washington leader enters with the notion of bipartisanship. Bush, Newt, Clinton, ... I've never heard one come in saying 'fuck the other party, we're going to do it my way.' (well, if Chaney had actually been elected as Pres, it might happen) Bush showed immediate that it was a lie, and we've heard enough snarky comments from Obama to see it again. The GOP has been the party of "No" so far this year, offering essentially nothing. Perhaps that should be their role, since they are so lacking in leadership that Palin is still covered in the news. Tort reform is not a proposal - that's been talked about for decades. Changing our civil courts to loser pays - that's not about solving a problem, that's about shutting down access for 95% of the country to the legal system. I am not about to support the republicans but lets get serious here. What makes you think that because someone is doing something (saying yes) that its a good thing? People are saying no becuase the government has over stepped its bounds under the constitution and has for decades! The correct direction is not more government but less. The correct solution is not more government but less. We (not necessarily the republicans....or republicrats or demopublicans or whatever you want to call them)say less government and you say all we say is no! We say less government! We say yes to the freedom that this country was founded on. We say yes to the liberty that the government was established to protect! We say yes to people being able to make thier own choices! I will give you this, the republicans are just about as much of the problem as the democrats.
  21. really? On top of this the lyers are the government not the people! Obama, during his run for president, told people to argue and get in peoples faces yet others want to ask questions and demand the government follow the constitution and they are a mob and should shut up? GET REAL! In addition, how can a solution be offered if there is no real problem? Infact, there is a solution being offered! The solution is for the government to get out of it! The solution is for the government to follow the constitution and not be involved where they are not allowed to. The only real problems in with healthcare are where government is already involved so they need to get out. It would be like me saying there is a problem with the design of the ram air parachute so the solution is to go back to the tried and true design of the round! People die all the time from slamming into the ground in these parachutes but that doesn't happen with rounds. And when you respond by saying I should be free to fly what parachute I want and that is not a problem with the ram air parachute and I have never designed anything that was good so why should I be designing it and that round have been used for a long time and are not as good......I tell you to SHUT UP because you don't offer a solution! Then tell everyone to report to me any opposition ([email protected]) and spend money I take from you (taxes) to convince everyone I am right, pay groups to control my meetings so people cant let me know what they really think (ACORN, SEIU) tell everyone that if you critize me or my supports by using your right of free speech we will punch back twice as hard. Does that sound fair and balanced to you?! Does that sound like the way our government is supposed to operate?
  22. What happened to all his talk about being so bi-partisan? I guess we can just throw that in with all the other lies he has and continues to tell.
  23. I have gotten through about half of it so far. (I don't have all the time in the world to set and read it in one setting). In reading what I have lead me to search these kinds of things only to find what I posted! Yea, read the bill! If you did you would see exactly what I am talking about! How long will you ignore the truth and allow our constitution to be trampled on? It is not obama or congress who are destroying freedom and this country but people like you who blindly accept what they say and ignore the truth.
  24. This stuff would never happen. The federal government would never do what the nazis did....right?
  25. This is not conspirousy stuff! This is what the bill says! Some of this stuff is already happening. You can ignore it and be shocked later when you find out its for real or take action. Here is one example of how this stuff is already happening! Some terminally ill patients in Oregon who turned to their state for health care were denied treatment and offered doctor-assisted suicide instead, a proposal some experts have called a "chilling" corruption of medical ethics. Since the spread of his prostate cancer, 53-year-old Randy Stroup of Dexter, Ore., has been in a fight for his life. Uninsured and unable to pay for expensive chemotherapy, he applied to Oregon's state-run health plan for help. Lane Individual Practice Association (LIPA), which administers the Oregon Health Plan in Lane County, responded to Stroup's request with a letter saying the state would not cover Stroup's pricey treatment, but would pay for the cost of physician-assisted suicide. Here are some other things that have happened in the past the people think this government would never do. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the 1927 Buck v. Bell case that the state of Virginia could sterilize those it thought unfit. The most significant era of eugenic sterilization was between 1907 and 1963, when over 64,000 individuals were forcibly sterilized under eugenic legislation in the United States. When Nazi administrators went on trial for war crimes in Nuremberg after World War II, they justified the mass sterilizations (over 450,000 in less than a decade) by citing the United States as their inspiration.[59] American eugenicists inspired and supported Hitler's racial purification laws, and failed to understand the connection between those policies and the eventual genocide of the Holocaust.