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Everything posted by Bodhisattva420

  1. Lol naw, no line dump ... I think I'm getting "slider dump" because I'm a shitty packer!
  2. I have a '96 Triathlon with brand new lines (& line mod) and it just seems to slam my @$$ every 25 jumps or so. On most jumps it opens fine; I do have to split roll the nose though. Anyone else have a Triathlon (160 in particular) back in the 90's? I had the people at Aerodyne test jump it when I sent it in for a reline and they said it was fine. However, I've met one guy at the DZ that said he blew up his Triathlon back in the 90's (lots of broken lines) and my rigger said that he saw a bunch of them blow up as well. I know they still make the Triathlon, and most of what I've read online has been positive. So what is it? Am I just a shitty packer? Or do 7 cells just open faster than the 9 cells I used to jump before I purchased own canopy (I jumped my own pack jobs when I was renting gear and the Sabre II I used to rent opened much slower and even had some slider hang up) Any feedback would be appreciated!
  3. Have you jumped a Sabre II before? I've been hearing really good things about the Spectre but was wondering how it compares to the Sabre II. I rented a Sabre II 170 @ the DZ one weekend when I was getting my canopy relined, and it opened REALLY soft, had some slider hang up ... wouldn't mind having some slider hang up every now and then!
  4. What's the softest opening canopy you've jumped? I'm looking to buy a new canopy and noticed the last thread on this topic is from 2005. Post away!
  5. Like Charlie Sheen and shit ... WINNER! sux my ballzzzzzzzzz
  6. I recently sent my Dolphin to Altico for some mods, and they did something to the RSL for free. If your worried about it, I imagine they would probably do the mod for free if you send them your rig. (I don't know what they did to it, I'm sure they'd be better able to explain the mod if you gave them a call)
  7. I sent my paperwork out a month ago for my SCR but have yet to receive my SCR#. Today, I noticed that the website,, is no longer up and running. Does anyone know what's up with that?
  8. "And doesn't the Argus's digital display indicate if the unit has fired?" That's what I meant by 'pin check'
  9. I don't really know shit about rigging but I have been reading some of the incident reports mentioned in the Argus service bulletins and have been wondering if this whole Argus ban is going a little too far. None of the containers were actually locked shut were they? And doesn't the Argus's digital display indicate if the unit has fired? Couldn't the dangers related to partially cut closing loops be solved then by a pin check before boarding the plane? I know that's probably not a very good long term solution, but would that not be safer than just removing your AAD and jumping with out one?
  10. Last year I bought my first canopy, a '96 Triathlon,' and have put around 20 jumps on it so far. Recently I had the line mod done and switched from micro-lines to dacron. Since then, it flies much faster (the old micro lines had shrunk) and has a pretty powerful flare. I've read a lot of posts on here about this canopy being a dog, but I'd say its faster than the Sabre II 170 I've rented at the dropzone and has more flare as well. But maybe that's just because of the difference in wingloadings. One complaint I do have about this canopy is that it opens hard as shit if you don't split roll the nose. But if you just take three cells, roll them, then stuff them in the center cell, and then do the same thing to the other 3 cells on the other side, it opens fine. Just make sure you split roll that nose or it's gonna spank you! I suppose that's why the Sabre II is much more popular. The Sabre II's I've jumped open soft as shit no matter how you pack them.
  11. Perris doesn't do 727 jumps anymore? WTF? I wanted to rock that shit like D.B. Cooper . . . way to shit all over my hopes and dreams!
  12. Okay, here's how its done: SLIDE your feet down onto the gear and firmly PLANT them. . . then GRAB the strut with your left hand and pull yourself out to GRAB the strut with your right hand. Once your out of the plane, slide up the strut and dangle your feet so the other people your jumping with can climb out as well (or you can just dive out if you want). Its whatever floats your boat. & remember to look back at the other jumpers for the exit count while your out there dangling Ms. Hicks. edit: pretty much what buff said
  13. Tell your AFF instructor you want to do the bat hang exit next time.
  14. For the old timers out there . . . When you used to pack outside, did you just lay your canopy on the grass? Since I drag my rig when packing I decided to purchase a drag mat online from The weather is getting nicer here in Texas and I was just wondering if I could use it to pack outside when its nice out. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  15. That was badass! You definitely got your money's worth out of that skydive.
  16. Scary shit! Kinda reminds me of the opening scene in the movie 'Cliffhanger' with Sylvester Stallone.
  17. I sent my canopy off to be relined with dacron today. Since my canopy originally came with microlines, does anyone know if I am going to need to purchase different sized hardlinks? Also, will I need a new set of risers if I switch to dacron? Currently I have minirisers. All of the rigs I've jumped that used dacron previously have had full size risers so I'm not sure if having minirisers will be a problem. Thanks a bunch!
  18. Yes your right. I'll make sure to never do any backloops, front loops or barrell rolls. They will instantly blow open my riser covers and result in an entanglement. I will stay on my belly at all times, ALL TIMES!
  19. Yeah there's a lot of stuff you can do that's not really freeflying, and not really belly flying that I'm not sure if I should be doing. Tube exits, horny gorillas, backflying, all sorts of shit.
  20. I have a Dolphin container with a velcro reserve flap and riser covers and am thinking about doing some backflying. Would this be reasonably safe in your opinion? I'm getting a little bored being on my belly all the time and would like to try a little backflying every now and then when I'm doing two ways.
  21. Yeah you gotta pull dude, that's sort of important!
  22. I wear one that just covers my nose and mouth. Works great.