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Everything posted by Muenkel

  1. Here's the difference: I'm not afraid to be intellectually honest. I do believe in God and I do believe in the possibility of life on other planets. Unlike you, I am not going to claim that extra-terrestials do not exist because I cannot prove it. You cannot prove that God does not exist but you are very confident in claiming it. Mike nailed it much earlier in this thread when he pointed out the hypocrisy of those who adamently claim the non-existence of God but have an open mind to the existence of extra-terrestials. +1 to mnealtx!
  2. To be honest Bill, from what I have been reading I get the impression from many on here that he is doing things much too fast. Bill, as smart as you are, I think you've been duped. _________________________________________ Chris
  3. quickly I accepted the outcome. Barack Obama was to be my next president. Going into the inauguration, I truly had an open mind. I want him to succeed, but I also knew I was not going to get behind the policies I fundamentally disagree with. In just 6 weeks I have come to realize who the man truly is. I see his plan in action. He is a man with an extremely radical left winged agenda. An agenda that maybe 5% of Americans truly embrace. I'm referring to the totality of his agenda. I honestly believe he plans to ram down the American's throats as much of his radical ideology as possible in as short a time as possible. He has now set us on a very dangerous course and I'm afraid there's no turning back. I'm beginning to believe what was in my gut during the campaign but didn't want to believe or think was possible. He is truly a dangerous man. This is only my opinion and time will tell. I honestly hope I am proven wrong. _________________________________________ Chris
  4. What Rosa said. Actually, anything Rosa ever says. Well, you get the point Cocheese. Have a great birthday.
  5. Promise to build your company in Barney Frank's district. That might give you a leg up. _________________________________________ Chris
  6. OK, I'm going to hold you to it. Now remember, an extraterrestial is a live being from another planet and I'm not referring to a fungus or plant life. BTW: I should look up what SETI is. _________________________________________ Chris
  7. This is probably the dumbest debate I have seen in SC...I think. Let's make a deal: To those who believe in the impossibility of the existence of a god but believe in the probability of the existence of extraterrestials, please let us know when you meet and can prove one exists and I promise I will let you know when I meet and prove God exists. I guess we can both say we're going on faith. _________________________________________ Chris
  8. Overall the evening was lackluster at best. I'm only going to critique 5. The rest were forgettable for me. Matt: The guy who did Coldplay but shouldn't have done Coldplay. I completely agreed with the judges. I expected much more from him. I'm hoping he makes it through to the top 12 based on his performance during Hollywood week. Adam: The guy who performed 'Satisfaction'. Probably the best of the night and I think a shoe-in for the top 12. Allison: The red-haired girl who sang 'Alone' stood out among the women. She's got quite a voice. She was not on par with Carrie Underwood's performance of 'Alone' back when she was competing (I actually watched her performance on youtube after the show). Fortunately for Allison, she won't be judged against Carrie. I found her also to be a bit awkward on stage but I think her voice is quite strong. I'd put her through. Megan: I really think she did a great job. Tough song and she did it very well. Very pretty girl but needs to lose the huge tatoo. Deserves top 12. Chris: The guy who sang 'Man in the Mirror'. This was the first time I recall seeing him perform. I don't recall his audition or Hollywood week. I was impressed. He started off rough but saved it in the 2nd half. He may surprise me and make it through. I think I'm now up to 18 people for the top 12. _________________________________________ Chris
  9. Muenkel


    There's one thing I would like to add to this thread. Most of you probably know this but I don't think it has been mentioned. There is a difference between situational depression and clinical depression. I would venture to guess that most people have experienced situational depression at some point in their life. It usually occurs when someone is under enormous stress and it seems like shitty things are just piling up. I've experienced this along with post-traumatic stress disorder. The good news about situational depression is that it is much more easily treated and does not stay with you for life. It is common for people to give folks with clinical depression advice as if they have situational depression. Huge mistake. Clinical depression is the tough one. Not being a therapist or doctor, I will give a layman's description. Clinical depression is in fact an illness. Sometimes there seems to be no explanation. It can be linked to a chemical imbalance. It tends to be a chronic condition that may last an entire lifetime. In the case of situational depression, you should seek help if it is consuming your life, considering suicide or you just can't seem to overcome it on your own. In the case of clinical depression, professional help must be sought in order to improve the quality of life. A trained therapist/psychologist/psychiatrist is your best source to diagnose whether you're suffering from situational or clinical depression. What makes situational and clinical so complicated is that everyone's makeup, coping skills and life experiences are different. What many people may not realize is that survivors of either type of depression tend to be the most strongest people you'd ever meet. _________________________________________ Chris
  10. I sure do there Butters. I do acknowledge that individuals have done repulsive things in the name of the Catholic Church but I will not acknowledge that the Catholic Church in its purest form is repulsive. BTW, I did not click on your link as I just assumed it was something that tried to portray the true Catholic Church in a negative light. I figured it would be a waste of time. As you know everyone who claims to be Catholic do things at times that are against Catholic teaching. This is a reflection on the individual, not the true teachings of the Catholic Church. Is there anyone here capable of making this distinction...anyone...anyone...Buehler....Buehler? _________________________________________ Chris
  11. I'm only 45. The grandma and grandpa to be are 47 & 48 respectively. My great/grand nephew will have a 5 year old uncle. JT, I have 7 siblings. Three of those siblings have 4 children each. _________________________________________ Chris
  12. I haven't. I have a tendency to not financially support those I find repulsive. _________________________________________ Chris
  13. Problem is, you know nothing! _________________________________________ Chris
  14. I guess I could look it up but I want to announce my exciting news. My niece is due to give birth to a baby boy in June.
  15. Personally, I have acted on stage and it was a shitload of fun. I never pursued it as a career as I never would have been the least bit successful. Those that have become successful....all power to them. They're making big bucks doing what they love. IMO, most of the successful ones come across as egotistical assholes but I don't know them personally. As for the Oscars and all the other 'awards' shows, I usually skip them and go take a dump instead. So, maybe I actually do 'give a shit'. It's an industry that we all have enjoyed to whatever degree. We keep them in business for our own entertainment. The populace props them up on their pedestal only to rejoice when they fall and do their rehab stint. I consider the Oscars to be the best performance by the good-looking people. Let's be honest. You could be the greatest actor/actress on earth, but if you're as ugly as shit, you won't make it through the front door of most agents. Your talent will never be seen. Once in a while, a butt ugly person will make it through though. Those are usually the most talented. _________________________________________ Chris
  16. Ignorance causes so much stress. _________________________________________ Chris
  17. And those 'everyone' are truly troubled by this. _________________________________________ Chris
  18. That's the guy. Thanks for the link. I'm ready to put he and Alexis into the finale...but I'm not in charge. _________________________________________ Chris
  19. There is truth to this statement but it is the fault of the individual not the church. We are taught to worship God only...and ofcourse President Obama. _________________________________________ Chris
  20. Very misleading title to this thread. At no time did the mayor 'rip the anchor a new one'. This is just another case of someone hearing what they want to hear and disregarding the rest. It is also another case of someone demonstrating their Fox News derangement syndrome. _________________________________________ Chris
  21. Coreece, I'm finally giving you a response to this post. Sorry for the delay. I have been extremely busy this past week and just tonight logged on. I don't know if you know this but I have Traumatic Brain Injury and struggle many times with reading comprehension. I have to be honest with you and admit that I am struggling with what you are fully stating here. I've read the many posts you made since this one and you are spot on with the true teachings of the Catholic Church. A couple things that stood out with me: Your statement about the 'oppression of nuns'. I'm assuming you're referring to the fact that they cannot become priests. This is a rule that the popes have put in place for a reason. The reason escapes me at the moment. This rule can be changed without comprimising the true teachings of our church, as can the rule of only ordaining single men to the priesthood. The other was the statement about Mary being sinless and the fact that we worship her. It is the teaching of our church that Mary was in fact sinless and born sinless (Immaculate Conception). It is true that there is no reference to this in the Bible. It is something we accept on faith as she was the first Tabernacle. We also do not 'worship' Mary. We honor her. There is absolutely a difference. We only worship God the Holy Trinity, which refers back to the 1st Commandment. _________________________________________ Chris
  22. Are you absolutely sure about this? Are you aware of every human being's personal experiences? I've heard the argument about hallucinations, blah, blah, blah; so don't bother. So, are you positively absolutely sure or are you making a personal assumption? _________________________________________ Chris
  23. Put Alexis into the finale now. She's awesome. This coming week, be on the lookout for the guy who played the keyboards and sang 'Georgia On My Mind' during the Hollywood week. I have no idea what his name is but he's going to go far. All in all I was OK with the 3 chosen this past week. For the wild card, they should definately put through Twat-tiana. Why you ask? For pure entertainment value. If she and Paula forget to take their meds on the same night, look out. _________________________________________ Chris
  24. Coreece, I respectfully disagree with your post. While you do state some truth, there are quite a few errors. I would go into more detail but I have a wicked headache right now. When I am feeling better, I will re-read your post and give a more detailed explanation of why I disagree. _________________________________________ Chris
  25. One. If necessary, 2 or more. I use one at a time. I do not buy the cheap shit tissues. Only the best for me.