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Everything posted by hparrish

  1. You might want to do a hop & pop and look at the tail of your canopy to see what the Line Trim is doing. If you unstow your breaks and the Tail is being pulled down by your control lines or there is no slack in your control lines, then your control lines are too short. When you go to rears with control lines that are too short your canopy can react erratically. Get with your Rigger and validate your Line Trim settings and control line settings. You should not have issues with your canopy on rears with such little input. But Also the control range on rear risers is allot less than with toggles. So make sure you are not using the same amount of input with both methods.
  2. Ironically.........PD Manufactures the Big Air Sportz canopy line. So if you order a Samurai which is what the Vengeance Design was based from, you are getting an Air Locked canopy, designed by Brian Germain and built by PD. To me the Samurai is the better canopy anyway. The Line Trim set is different than the Vengeance which makes a Samuria a little more ground hungry than a Vengeance. The Samurai also had more of a Negative Recovery Arc than the Vengeance. For me.......That is the performance I wanted. I owned two Vengenace canopies and One Samurai and thought the Samurai was superior. That is the straight scoop from a former Big Air Sportz Dealer........Me.
  3. Why not try a Tunnel. They are an amazing tooland usually have an abundance of Instructors who can get your Sit working for you.
  4. The Jive Jam 2008 Schedule has been finalized. The first event will be held April 19-20 at Carolina Sky Sports, Louisburg NC. Hope to see a big turnout. Jive Jam #1 – 2008 / April 19-20 / Carolina Sky Sports Jive Jam #2 – 2008 / May 24-25 / Raeford Jive Jam #3 – 2008 / June 7-8 / Skydive Carolina – Chester / Rodriguez Brothers Family Reunion Jive Jam #4 – 2008 / July 19-20 / Carolina Sky Sports Jive Jam #5 – 2008 / August 30-31 / Raeford Jive Jam #6 – 2008 / September 27-28 / Carolina Sky Sports Jive Jam #7 – 2008 / October 18-19 / Raeford Jive Jam # 8 – 2008 / November 14-16 / Raeford – Tentative NC Head Down Record Attempt. I will need assistance with making this an official State Record Attempt……..IE getting judges and or officials to verify the record. I’m also working out details with Paraclete XP to host some Jive Jam Tunnel Camps, for those that want to work with the Instructors to Fine Tune skills. I personally go to the tunnel as much as possible, about once a week. I’ll post more details when I finalize things. Harry P
  5. With the addition of the Paraclete XP Tunnel in Raeford, NC and the influx of Freeflying talent that we are anticipating in the Carolina’s…..Now is as good of a time as any to bring back Jive Jam. Jive Jam is a gathering of Intermediate and Advanced groups of freeflyers that meet several times in a season to work on challenging Freefly, VRW, or Big Way skills. What it WILL be in 2008 : 1.) I am bringing Jive Jam back to it’s roots. The Primary Purpose is for Freeflyers of like capabilities jumping together and trying new challenges. 2.) It is intended for Intermediate and Advanced Freeflyers Only. 3.) A Chance for Advanced Freeflyers to give back to the sport and do Advanced Jumping. 4.) A Chance for Intermediate Freeflyers to learn from the Advanced, and gain the skills necessary to take the next step. 5.) It will have a year end goal of attempting a 20 Way (Or Larger), NC State Freefly Record. 6.) Fun and Challenging for All. What Jive Jam WON’T be in 2008 : 1.) It won’t be an Invitational Event : But I ask that folks be honest about their skill level. If you can’t fly your slot in a 3 Way Freefly jump and take clean docks, then Jive Jam is probably not for you. I consider this a minimum Intermediate requirement. 2.) It won’t be a Beginners Skills Camp that offers Basic Freefly instruction. 3.) There won’t be Organizer Slots 4.) There won’t be Discounted Jump Tickets, unless the DZO wants to do it. 5.) There won’t be Fee’s to attend. 6.) No Frills………You Show Up because you want a challenge. 7.) The Event will no longer travel outside of the Carolinas. All Events will be hosted at Carolina Sky Sports, Raeford, Chester, or Paraclete XP. (Sorry I’m a new Dad). I’m looking for feedback from those who are interested in attending. Jive Jam has traditionally focused on VRW and Big Way skills, but I’m interested in hearing what the group as a whole would be interested in. 1.) I’m not opposed to bringing back Space Balls, Tubes, Big Nasties, Flocking, Tracking, Hybrids. What ever is going to get folks together is what Jive Jam will be about. 2.) How Often are you interested in attending: Monthly, Quarterly, Bi-Annually??? 3.) I’m by no means a Freefly Master, I expect all to feel free to step up and organize a jump. 4.) I’m hoping we can get the Advanced Freeflyers to step away from 1-2 jumps per event to take up the Intermediate Groups and Challenge them…..Push their Comfort Zones. The remainder of your jumps can be Advanced. Remember above when I asked you to give back? 5.) What do folks think about Jive Jam Tunnel Events? 6.) Do You think email or DZ.Com is the best place to update everyone regarding Events and Schedules? Drop me a line and tell me your thoughts. Jive Jam will run from April – October 2008 just like past seasons. I really hope to see everyone out there this year, I think North Carolina is going to be an exciting place to Freefly in 2008. I know I’m really excited. Harry P
  6. Yeah Membership is great if you have the flexibility. Wish I did...
  7. Yeah its expensive and all that, but worth it. I've been Freeflying for 10 yrs, and have never had the opportunity to work on skills like I can in the tunnel. And yes it may be a whole seasons budget for skydiving, But after this tunnel progression I'll be ALLOT further ahead than if I had only been skydiving. Plus like Joe said. Once I can do multi ways the cost goes WAY down. Take a $750 hour block and divide it by 4, thats $3 per minute. What you pay allot for up front pays you back in the end. I don't have a problem spending $6K to get me back to flying the Basics Very Well. I checked my ego at the door when I showed up to the Tunnel. I'm there to learn and be on the next Freeflying Big Way World Record. If that's what it takes, I'm doing it. I also split time with Team Mandarin recently. Quite Frankly if you want to be on a team that is competative, You'd best adjust to the FACTS that the Tunnel is a MUST. Those guys were averaging a Whole Lot of Points in a 40 second period. And I think they would all admit the Tunnel is a big reason why.
  8. Yeah I should probalby join a support group. My Wife definately aint diggin it. Might as well have someone in my corner.
  9. It's pretty obvious your situation is unique. That has never happened at my DZ or the others I've been at during a fatality. I think I would have knocked someones teeth out of their skull if they were speaking like that. Assholes are everywhere, but it is NOT the norm.
  10. I know this isn't the same for everyone, but It's somewhat of a custom / tradition to get back on the horse if you understand what I'm saying. I myself would probably pack it up for the day and head home if there was a serious injury or fatality, especially if it is a close friend. But some folks prefer to deal with it by jumping. I guess they feel that to avoid the emotions of what happened they need to keep jumping. I think when someone is hurt or killed it makes people face their own mortality and they choose to face that right then and there. I don't think you should make your'e decision about where you jump until you try to see why others made the decisions they made that day. You could always ask them. Everyone deals with trajedy differently. You and I choose to stop for the day, others choose to jump so that the accident won't make them quite the sport.
  11. Man I love the wind tunnel. What an excellent tool for training. I have about 8 hours in the tunnel now and am just starting to leave the net in HD, and it's as exciting as my first 4 Way round 5 yrs ago. I cant get enough of this thing. I mean in 1 hour I can fly a 30 minute block at 2 1/2 minute intervals and just work out all the bugs and bad habits I've learned in freeflying over the past 10 years. Talk about efficiency. So in 30 minutes of flight time I'm getting about 40 jumps of experience, and hey it takes AN HOUR of my time. I couldn't get 40 jumps in at the DZ in 4 days. I show up to the tunnel, I'm in and out in an hour and BAM I have another 40 jumps under my belt. And with Jump tickets at $23 to $24 bucks and the wind tunnel at $12.50 per minute. I mean this thing is a no brainer. I think I'm going to make my skydives limited but high quality, you know VRW and Big way stuff, and just pound out time in the tunnel. Its cost effective, efficient, and whens the last time you could do a 3 1/2 minute freefall? Im a Fricken Tunnel Addict. Peace,
  12. Kirk Verner is the Manager, why does the article state Glenn Bangs?
  13. yeah but he barely touched him (looked like a her). More like adjusting his / her hands & arms than using them as control points.
  14. Shouldn't matter one bit what suit you are wearing. If you've got skill, you've got skills. If you don't then the suit wont help, but practice might.
  15. Start out doing them up high. Maybe several full altitue hop & pops and then Several 5000' openings after a jump. Concentrate on how much altitude you are losing in a 270. Also count how much time it takes and start getting some memory on this.....Kind of like when you know when to pull after some time in skydiving. When you start doing them for your landings after much practice up high (several to a couple dozen), Add an extra 100 feet to what you think your altitude should be. Be prepared to bail out at 60, 90, 100, 120, 150, 180, 222, whatever......just be prepared to bail. If your worried about going cross wind or down wind, then you probably shouldnt start 270's yet. Keep your head on a swivel from set up to the end of your swoop. Don't overreact just avoid and react problems. For setup I always go into half breaks,, then to double fronts, add harnes turn, and slowly let up on my outside front riser, then both. Try to do slow carving 270's, if they are quick and snappy you are probably too low. Give yourself 750 to 1000 feet. Its a personal preference if you go to rears or toggles, but if your not doing rears now, I wouldn't start until well after you have your altitude and timing worked out maybe a couple hundred 270's. Don't introduce both new maneuvers at the same time. If you have to use toggles to keep from hitting the ground your in the corner. A perfect swoop has your feet 10 - 15 ' above the ground as you begin to plane out. (Thats Gate height). With a slow gradual dip to ground level as you are planing out. If your pullin your legs up and dragging your ass, your'e in the corner. Dont do it in traffice and preferably in a separate landing area. I'm sure I'm missing allot. Others will fill in the blanks I'm missing.
  16. Well you know I was thinking........ I better like watching my own tunnel time the most. I'm certainly paying allot more to watch myself than I pay to watch anyone else. I better be my own favorite
  17. Wow, I need a Bootie Licious RW Suit. It will give me the skills to freefly. Kind of like Air Jordans will help me dunk. Wow I'm in a Smart Ass Mood today. I get your point.
  18. I only use one hand signal in Freeflying. It's also universally recognized outside of skydiving, and involves only one finger, not the pinky, ring, or nose picking fingers. It pretty much works for Freeflying.
  19. This is a great reply and covers all the important topics. Two tools I recommend in following this advise. Allot of folks are positive their arms are not behind them forcing them to lean forward with their torso to counter balance, and causing a back slide, from the air hitting their chest. A trick to use (in addition to the shoulder blades tool), is to make sure you can see your hands on each side of you in your peripheral vision while looking straight ahead. If you can see your hands on each side they are'nt behind you. Another trick I use is pretending my parents are telling me to sit up straight and exagerating this position. Good Posture means everything in clean freeflying.
  20. I like to watch myself on video after I'm done flying. I mean really.......I just love watching how much I suck in the tunnel for hours on end. And so does my family. No Really it only takes them about 30 sec to completely vacate the living room. It will be even more fun in a couple years when I still suck, only less. To watch where I came from. You know like watching your old AFF Tapes on VHS. I agree with others on this thread there are so many talented folks in the tunnel. I enjoy watching and learning from them all.
  21. I Guess I'm glad this guy is the way he is.........Now Paraclete is the way it is. Because we got most of those Instructors. And I'm lovin it.
  22. Uhhghh okay I think you have all proven how much people like me don't know about the engineering aspect of canopies. Perhaps the Moderators can create a Geeky, Nerdy, Engineering Discusions Forum for you propeller heads.