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Everything posted by Iago

  1. Well, it should be a pretty big laugh to see the Trump minions called to the table. To answer questions the Rs have been too chickenshit to ask. How many of them will plead the Fifth? How many will try to find a way to weasel out of appearing? Welcome back my friends to the shooooow that never ends. We’re so glad you could attend; come inside, come inside! Confirmed cynical sarcastic bastard since 2003
  2. No, really. Take a close look at Cohen sometime. I swear it’s Cusak. A little pancake makeup, touch of grey in the hair, sad thoughts like your dog just died and Bang! You’ve got Cohen. It defies the very order of things! (Tough crowd in here today. Nobody got my War, Inc. reference either. Shoot, I thought we’d all have a few chuckles for a change.) Confirmed cynical sarcastic bastard since 2003
  3. Oh, Don’t poke fun at me. I’ll have subpoena power in a month. Heeeehehehe. Confirmed cynical sarcastic bastard since 2003
  4. You know she's mocking him with a direct quote form Trump, right? From when he was bragging about how much China respected him. I know you've been flippant lately so I could be misinterpreting your tone... Oh, it’s going to be a really fun upcoming two years with all the new freshmen. I’m just excited. Confirmed cynical sarcastic bastard since 2003
  5. And quite the vocabulary, too. “.... A very, very large brain idea.....” Did you come up with that all by yourself? Good girl! Confirmed cynical sarcastic bastard since 2003
  6. Bwaaaahahahahahaha! Not even sworn in on the floor and already making threats like she's part of the 'bad-girls club' in high school. Awwwww, who's the cutest widdle member of Congress? Who? That's right! You are! Yes you are! Yes you are! You're such a big girl using the grown up words like 'subpoena.' And on Twitter even! Good for you! They grow up so fast. Confirmed cynical sarcastic bastard since 2003
  7. In that case, Obama is ten times the man Trump is. President Trump had his own money. Obama had George Soros. I believe there is a real difference in motivation between the two. No evidence to the first sentence. Yes, Obama was motivated for the good of the country, and Trump is solely motivated for his own benefit. The Obamas are on their way to being a billion dollar brand. Did they really pull the wool over everyone’s eyes when they came on the scene? Confirmed cynical sarcastic bastard since 2003
  8. Yeah, so I'm sure you'll have no problems demonstrating how Bernie says that no-one should be more successful than anyone else. Your obvious desperation does not make your point anymore convincing, FYI. You guys have just gotten too easy. You all bore me. This place used to be fun. Now it’s like my high school Model UN group with a bunch of kids thinking and acting like they’re really UN delegates and are actually going to change the world by their incredibly heated debates in the Wilson-Magnet school auditorium and getting into screaming matches in the hallway. Dial your sensitivity down a few notches, set your trigger points higher, and recalibrate your sarcasm meter. Everything will suddenly become more enjoyable. Confirmed cynical sarcastic bastard since 2003
  9. The GOP spent over $100 MILLION of taxpayer money trying to pin something, anything, on the Clintons, and all they got for it was a stained blue dress. I doubt any other family in history has been so thoroughly investigated with so little to show for it. The biggest problem is you guys are always going about this the wrong way. CTHULHU 2020 Why pick the the lesser of two evils? The true American nightmare never dies, only dreams. Confirmed cynical sarcastic bastard since 2003
  10. The GOP spent over $100 MILLION of taxpayer money trying to pin something, anything, on the Clintons, and all they got for it was a stained blue dress. I doubt any other family in history has been so thoroughly investigated with so little to show for it. Yeah, because anyone who actually knew anything ended up dead. Confirmed cynical sarcastic bastard since 2003
  11. Oh, and special note how nobody jumped to put the Clinton Crime Family in with the ‘oh they weren’t like that’ crowd. Plenty of you were lined up and ready to VOTE for them, though. How about Beeeeeernie? The man who preaches the values and benefits of the Socialist/Marxist agenda, makes millions of dollars a year doing so, and owns multiple vacation and lake properties? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Confirmed cynical sarcastic bastard since 2003
  12. Nor was Jimmy Carter. Agree on the aforementioned. Nor G.W. Bush, nor McCain Wheehehehehellllll I did say ‘pretty much,’ didn’t I? And the electorate covers a much wider gambit than just the President. Tell ya what, if all you Californians vote that corrupt nutbag wombat Pelosi out of office THEN you can start chucking stones at other people. Confirmed cynical sarcastic bastard since 2003
  13. We've been through this before, and it turns out Ron fully supports criminal or con-man behaviour as long as the perpetrator is 'winning'. I believe the concept you are searching for is pragmatism. So someone who lies, cheats and steals is ok in your book. He also bribes public officials to avoid criminal charges, both for himself and his kids. Somehow I'm not too terribly surprised that you don't have a problem with this. Ha. HA. HAAAAhahahahahahahaha [continued maniacle laughter] [cough choke snort wipes tears from eyes] You have just described pretty much every career politician in recent history. The same people that get elected over and over and over. But somehow, the outrage only comes out now. Repressed for many many years but now it is UNLEASHED because we have Trump, the man who promised to blow up the system and has done so with rockets red glare. I want all of you to remember that outrage in 2020 when you’re getting ready to pull that lever for “encumbent” in all your elected positions. Then it’s YOUR chance to play the exciting new game show........ HYPOCRITE OR NOT! Aaaaaaand who’s our next contestant!?!? [drum rollllllllllllllll] [crash] [SPOTLIGHT] Confirmed cynical sarcastic bastard since 2003
  14. Like Italy? Like Greece? like Argentina? -Debt service costs are a drag on GDP. -Debt limits the freedom of action of the borrower. -Debt allows the lender to call the shots on the borrowers conduct. As per the terms of the loan. -Debt effects the value of the borrowers currency. and just for you, here are the words from a economic genius: https://www.mediamatters.org/embed/static/clips/2016/05/06/46321/cnbc-sb-20160505-trump_debt_default Uh, yeah I got all that Captain Obvious. I’m the cynical sarcastic bastard, remember? Confirmed cynical sarcastic bastard since 2003
  15. Absolutely not. I’m a conservative with my own finances and I expect my elected reps to make a prudent fiscal decision when spending our money. It is a disgrace what’s been going on over the past decades and it’s going to blow up in everyone’s face down the road. When that subject came up under Bush the Dems were screaming about deficits. Under Obama it was ok as long as the US could keep making payments. Now it’s Trump so it’s back to screaming about deficits and debt. I could go back and find all the posts from Kallend and the usual gang of flip-flops saying the exact same thing, but quite frankly I have better things to do. Confirmed cynical sarcastic bastard since 2003
  16. It doesn’t matter how large the debt is provided the US can continue to service it. (As was the mantra from 08 to 16) Confirmed cynical sarcastic bastard since 2003
  17. Iago

    Sore losers

    Well duh. republicans figured out about 10 years ago how to use the constitution to win elections. Its all about the senate. Peddle a b.s. hate message to thinly populated states and screw the populous ones. Here is a longer story along the same lines: The GOP’s 2018 Autopsy: Democracy Is Our Enemy http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2018/12/wisconsin-republican-powergrab-gop-2018-autopsy-democracy-is-our-enemy.html That and gerrymandering. trump cultists scream about fraud stealing votes. Whey they engage in wholesale acts of gangster obstruction of democracy. Well of course! They finally learned their lesson and are following in the footsteps of Democrats who blazed this very same trail over decades past. Confirmed cynical sarcastic bastard since 2003
  18. I'd imagine she's working her tukus off right now. Confirmed cynical sarcastic bastard since 2003
  19. Smart man. Confirmed cynical sarcastic bastard since 2003
  20. so your suggestion is that they follow the process, without knowing if there is a process, or if it is in any way a viable process. Basically your answer is: I don't care as long as brown people don't get into the country. We already know through your unfailing support of Trump, that you have absolutely no problem with the illegal immigration of white women willing to show their tits. There are legal avenues for immigration. Iago doesn't need to know exactly what those processes are to suggest people follow them, so your retort is a bit unfair. Why would he need to know the details? He's already a citizen. However, there are relatively few for unskilled people with no ties to the US... THAT'S what you're disagreeing about I suspect. Just send Buy Genuine/Fame Passport guy to Tijuana. He can do it! Confirmed cynical sarcastic bastard since 2003
  21. But if you close the border and don't give them access to a point of entry, how exactly are they supposed to do that? I was not aware that the crossing in Tijuana had been closed, nor will it be closed unless groups of people continue trying to crash it like a bunch of teenage girls at a boy-band concert. Bear in mind, of course, that five thousand plus applicants DID all decide to show at the same place at the same time. And, on a good day, it takes US passport holders three hours (without global entry) to walk across the border from Tijuana without bags (and that was back in 2013.) Now, since I have other things to do, and you remind me of a former coworker of mine who would absolutely refuse to give up an argument until one person collapsed from exhaustion, you may claim whatever tiny little victory you choose to finally allow yourself that itty-bitty pat on the back. May it fill your ego and self-esteem to overflowing. https://imgflip.com/i/2nsidf Confirmed cynical sarcastic bastard since 2003
  22. Except you have no clue how to get the stamp or if there is a different level of difficulty for people to get this stamp. It's the mental version of sticking your fingers in your ear and screaming lalalalalalalalalalalala Ok, fine. Since you insist on being a pain in the ass, and I'm still working on my first beer at the pub, here: If your country of origin is part of the VWP, you generally don't need a stamp to visit the US. If not and you are coming for business, you generally apply for a B-1. For tourism, medical, family visit and other purposes, generally apply for a B-2. For student or employment purposes, there are several different types depending on what you want to do. For traversing the US to another country, such as Canada where you can get flat turned away at the border because they do not accept asylum applications when crossing from the US, there's another one that I don't care to look up. For asylum file an I-589 at the port of entry or within one year of entry into the US. To app as a refugee file same at a consulted not in your home country. In any case, be prepared to wait. USCIS receives about six million work Visa applications (only) per year on top of all the other stuff. All of this could be obtained either from the USCIS/DHS/State department website or from the US Embassy in whichever country you chose to file your applications. And now, back to beer. Confirmed cynical sarcastic bastard since 2003
  23. so your suggestion is that they follow the process, without knowing if there is a process, or if it is in any way a viable process. Basically your answer is: I don't care as long as brown people don't get into the country. We already know through your unfailing support of Trump, that you have absolutely no problem with the illegal immigration of white women willing to show their tits. Not my department. USCIS handles the six million work Visa applications that are filled every year, as well as all the other types. Some people just can't discuss the subject of immigration without breaking it down to race. These people tend to be leftist progressives covering for their own inherent extreme racism. I don't care what color they are provided they get the stamp. Never claimed to be an 'unfailing Trump supporter' never acted like one. Trump sticks a thorn in some paws and throws others in a face melting rage. You appear to be one of them. That tickles me a bit, so by all means continue dancing for my amusement, puppet. I'm more of an ass-man in my old age, thank you. And that's it folks, time to head out. You've all been great. Continue on, I will pop back in when I next require entertainment. Confirmed cynical sarcastic bastard since 2003
  24. And what exactly is that process for non-wealthy brown people? No idea. I'd suggest you go down to the US/Canada border and ask the immigration officer there. Seeing as how Canada doesn't accept asylum claims from petitioners crossing US to Canada at the ports of entry (and vice-versa per agreements between our two countries) I'm not sure you'll like the answer. Confirmed cynical sarcastic bastard since 2003
  25. I'm sure we already know this but the US doesn't want to become a predominantly latin country. Well, unless the traditional white European population gets busy all of a sudden the nation is going to become more Latin. The alternatives include more Oriental or more Mulsim. Ya pays yer money and ya makes yer choyce. Will there be karaoke? Confirmed cynical sarcastic bastard since 2003