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Everything posted by PLFXpert

  1. I did that already. Freshman year of college. I was 17 and had 3 years until I'd start skydiving. If only I'd knew to save my stuff until I turned 20 for skydiving. Now, the only thing of value I own is my rig. As long as I have that, I'm a rich girl. Much love and blue skies, Carrie
  2. PLFXpert

    IQ Test

    I counted 6.....I guess I should alert the media so I can be paid millions to solve difficult mathematical equations
  3. Geese, and I always thought newbie's would do anything to NOT have to cutaway. Much love and blue skies, Carrie
  4. BenW, Kaz and Mike have been working at The Ranch for a few months now but they have not been a couple for even longer than that. They are friends. So Weid, ha ha ha, it's highly unlikely they were staying at the Holiday Inn Express
  5. Okay, keep in mind I am not speaking from experience. From what my boyfriend has told me about how to perform a swoop, yes, you use the front risers to turn and then switch to toggles to finish out. However, even though this is the typical method, even those who use their front risers can and do get injured. As far as upper body strength goes, I think woman can handle the front risers fine. It may take a bit more strength but I know, on my canopy, their are handles on my front risers and after my canopy opens, I always play w/ my front risers performing hard turns while I'm still high up in the air and can play. It's never been a problem strength-wise for me to do and I'm not the strongest of girls. Much love and blue skies, Carrie
  6. WEID, Yes, Kaz Sheekey. Do we have a mutual friend? Kaz is a great female representative in all areas of skydiving, not just swooping. She is not only a good friend but a skydiver that I look up to very much
  7. I know quite a few female swoopers. There aren't many in comparison to the boys but I know that will change. A very good friend of mine, Kaz, will probably be swooping in the Pond Swooping Nationals at Skydive The Ranch, this month on August 25th-27th. I, too, would like to learn but it won't be for a long time. I know a lot about the skills to do it from my boyfriend who competes in a lot of the swoop competitions but doing it is another story all together. I agree w/ freeflier that anyone attempting it needs to be careful and definitely not try it before they're ready
  8. PLFXpert

    $10 JUMPS!

    Geese, girl.....a few hours away from Atlanta???? Isn't Atlanta where you jump? Ha ha ha....I think Atlanta is only a few hours away from us. We live on the beach in Jacksonville, FL. Deland is about an hour 1/2 south from us. You're silly
  9. I was spreading myself real thin that day so I'm sure it's my fault. There were so many old friends there from Skydive Daytona and so many newer friends there that I'd met last time we jumped in Deland and so many cool new faces to meet that I didnt' know what to do w/ myself. Ha ha ha
  10. Hey Paula.....I've never had that problem on the way to altitude but I get nose bleeds all the time, sometimes once a day but usually at least once a week. Could it be the same thing? Was it trouble to get it fixed? I've heard, too, though that nose bleeds can be caused by anemia which I almost always have when I donate blood so maybe that's why. Anyways....I've never heard of having a weak vessel so I was wondering what that was about. As for me, no blood in freefall but like someone else mentioned, I jumped w/ a cold one weekend. I pulled my goggles out the next weekend and there was dried up snot all over them.....HA HA HA! Much love and blue skies, Carrie
  11. PLFXpert

    $10 JUMPS!

    Lisa, I'm not even close to sure yet but there's been talk about BZ and I vacationing for a long weekend in Atlanta. We thought we'd get some jumps in out of Mullins King Air and then go to some theme parks (I LOVE roller coasters.) We haven't been able to vacation this summer and we were supposed to be heading up to NY to The Ranch in a couple weekends for the swoop nationals but it turns out we're not going to be able to do that either so we figured we'd try for something simple, and close, like Atlanta. I'll keep you posted and hopefully we can meet up in your neck of the woods this time! Much love and blue skies, Carrie
  12. Mike, I'd like to purchase something like this for BZ (my boyfriend). He does not have a wide-angle lens but really needs/wants one. He's got enought to pay for w/ a Velocity on the way so I thought it'd be a good idea for a Christmas present. When I asked what he needed, he said something like a 24 mm lens (I'm not sure if I got the # right but it was something close to that.) If I buy one, I'd like it to be a nice one so maybe you could help me out??? How much do they run? I'm sure they're pretty expensive but I have about $600 in scholarship money coming in to my pocket once this school semester starts. Okay, now you tell me. I was feeling pretty stupid, there, for a while. Yes, unfortunately, Lisa, Andrea, and Joe were tied up in their canopy course all day so I worked on my head down w/ my boyfriend and by the time they were done w/ the canopy thing the weather had started to move in. Oh well, I got 5 of the most fun jumps in
  13. Well, I feel like a blonde. You must not have introduced yourself. Lisa and Marc I met for the first time. I remember Marc asking me "are you Carrie? I'm Marc, aka Skymedic" and I remember being stoked to meet him
  14. Mike, awesome photographs! The head down shot looks as if it were taken w/ a wide angle lens. Do you have one? How is it that I got to hang out w/ Lisa, Andrea, Joe and Marc but I never met you? Much love and blue skies, Carrie
  15. Mike, how did I miss you? I didn't see you there on Saturday. We will be back on Friday and/or Saturday so maybe you can make it out then? Joe, the skyvan is definitely cool. I actually prefer the Otter but when it comes to cool exits, the skyvan takes the lead. Did you try and flip out and hold onto the bar under the door? I've tried it once and lost my grip w/ one hand. I held on w/ only 1 hand for a couple seconds and then had to let go but it was still fun! Mike, I hope to catch you next time! Much love and blue skies, Carrie
  16. PLFXpert

    $10 JUMPS!

    Hey guys; Sorry, I didn't realize when I posted that there was already a thread titled "$10 JUMPS." Anyways.....Hi Frank! Yes, the class went great and I have 3 more this semester. I am taking 16 credit hours. YIKES! But I'll make it. How is everything going for you? Joe, I can't believe you're leaving for a whole year but rest assure we'll still be skydiving when you get back so no worries. Much love and blue skies, Carrie
  17. PLFXpert

    $10 JUMPS!

    Hi guys......I just wanted to send a quick post and tell all those from that I met in Deland this weekend that I had the best day ever. Not only are jumps only $10 from Aug.4th-Aug-11th (all during Qunicy) but it was so nice talking to all of you; Skymedic, Lisa, Skymama, and Jtval. I knew I'd be meeting up w/ my old pals, Andrea (Skymama) and Joe (Jtval), but Skymedic and Lisa were a VERY COOL surprise! We will have to jump together next time when you guys are not doing a canopy class. As for me, I had the greatest jumps ever and I can't wait to make some more jumps this week while it's still only $10. I have some new pictures of me sit-flying and stand but unfortunately as I was telling Lisa, I don't have any headdown shots b/c BZs camera helmet has a plate on top that sticks out for his still camera but it's not really safe to jump when we're flying headdown together b/c of the way we exit the plane (he holds on to my rig the first couple seconds and then lets go and we fly together. Anyways, he said it's not safe to wear while I'm still new to head down but hopefully this week we'll get a friend of ours to video both of us and then maybe I'll have some stills of that. Joe, I am going to miss you so much. I have never met anyone w/ as much heart as you. I'll be crossing my fingers that you are able to vacation here after your first 6 months in Korea. I would love to finally get to jump w/ you. Lisa....I'm not sure how long you are in town from Atanta or when you'll be back but keep in touch for next time. It was also cool meeting your other friends from Atlanta; John and the Mr. Pink team. Mr Pink actually gave me a heart attack. My gear was near their's and when the DZ called it a day someone just grabbed all their gear bags and threw them in the back of the van. They were about to leave when I realized my GEAR BAG w/ my rig, helmet, dytter, altimeter, log book, jump suits, basically everthing, WAS GONE! We looked all over to see if someone may have moved it and all the while my heart is just beating faster and faster and faster. Finally we spotted the camera guy from Mr. Pink and asked if they might have picked it up by mistake. He took me to the van and THERE IT was like music began to play like I'd just found the Holy Grail or something. My rig has never looked so beautiful as it did when I thought I'd lost it forever. Tell those Mr. Pink guys thankyou for the near death experience. See you guys again soon I hope! BZ and I will probably be jumping in Deland regularly now, instead of Palatka. Much love and blue skies, Carrie
  18. PLFXpert

    The big 2-1

    Ha ha a matter of fact I have a friend who is an amazing tie-dye'er. She sells shirts and dyes containers and I snagged one of her shirts but didn't have enough $$$ on me but agreed to pay her later....later came and she said no worries b/c I was wearing it at a boogie and people kept asking who made it and as a result she had tons of sales. That was very cool of her. Ha ha ha.....I'll market anything if I get to keep the product for free
  19. PLFXpert


    Speaking of whuffos..... This guy said to me the other day after asking if I was a good skydiver, "How do you get good skydiving anyways? I mean how hard is it, you just jump out and pull your cord. Woo-hooo. Doesn't sound hard to me." Geese! I didn't even bother explaining the 100s of things you can do in between jumping out and pulling your cord. I just smiled, looked at him and said, "Whuffo." He was all "Huh?" and I walked away. Much love and blue skies, Carrie
  20. PLFXpert

    The big 2-1

    Hey Geek, I wouldn't worry about what you look like. If you know you love the sport and wish to continue, why not go ahead and buy one? Hell, Freaksis's old boyfriend wants one and he doesn't even skydive
  21. PLFXpert

    The big 2-1

    well, when i run into you, i'll buy one. I'd love a hemp closing pin necklace. I have 2 closing pins and I just take them off and hook them on to whatever necklace I"m wearing for the day/night. But I can't hook them on to any hemp necklaces unless it was a permanent thing. It sounds like you have your hands full at home. I need to get on the ball with the same stuff. You've inspired me....ha ha ha. Much love and blue skies, Carrie
  22. PLFXpert

    The big 2-1

    Hey freaksis, There you are. My life has never been all sunshine and smiles so I'll take a good time in my life anytime! What have you been up to? Are you selling those necklaces and stuff yet that you were talking about making? I hope my memory is correct. I haven't had as much time on my hands since I've been here b/c there are so many more cool things to do outside now that I live here than when I lived in the city, Orlando. But I'll be on to check in w/ everyone and read the latest threads every so often. I'd love to meet you sometime. Skydiving community is a small one so it's not like "If I'll ever meet you," it's more like "when?"....ha ha ha. Until then..........
  23. PLFXpert

    The big 2-1

    What's up, Joe. I'm sure the 4-5 of August would be fine. As long as it's not the same weekend as the pond swooping nationals in NY at the Ranch then we will be in town. Yes, BZ got the slot shooting video of Deland PD Blue. He did at least 10 jumps a day with them last a couple weeks ago but he's not sure if he will be their full-time video guy or if he will focus on other endeavors. He really wants to get back into competition but would rather do so freeflying and swooping. He is hoping that by next summer it will be him and me competeting in freeflying together with a 3rd. I'm stoked. We're already doing some cool stuff together jumping now but I need a LOT of fine tuning if I'm going to compete. I also don't want him to wait to compete with me if something better turns up. I'd be stoked to see you soon, especially if it's the last weekend you'll be able to jump for a while so send me an e-mail reminder or give BZ or I a call. I'm 99% sure that's not the same weekend as the pond swooping comp so I'm sure we will be in town and will be able to jump with you. Much love and blue skies, Carrie
  24. My first rig is a Dolphin. I'm getting a new container soon but I've put all my freefly jumps on my Dolphin. I jump with a D-bag rubber band holding my reserve flap down so as to not have it fly up when I'm in a sit. It's hard to explain really but several riggers have seen it and said it's fine and shouldn't have any problems. If you're really into freeflying, I'd say after you've asked your rigger about freeflying with your Dolphin, if he okay's it, I'd jump it until you can get a new, more freefly friendly container. That is my plan anyways. I've jumped in Deland a lot recently and none of the riggers there have had a problem with it. My rig looks funny with a rubber band around the flap but as long as it's okay, who cares what it looks like
  25. PLFXpert

    The big 2-1

    Hey girl, Great to hear from you! I'll look for your e-mail....I gotta boyfriend, who incidentally hates computers, all of a sudden wants to play "You don't know Jack" right now with me on the computer. I guess his Mom gave him that computer game. Looks like I'm in for an exciting afternoon....ha ha ha...just kidding. See you soon! Much love and blue skies, Carrie