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Everything posted by galvar2439

  1. HEY again, you know why Michigan is shaped like a mitten? So we can reach over Ohio and slap the shit out of Kentucky! :):):) Just jokin, breakin, breakin the tension before your next jump. So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend! Hellfish #782, POPS #10664
  2. Right on, relaxed at this stage is awsome, just listen to your instructors, bobby Ray& billy bob. So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend! Hellfish #782, POPS #10664
  3. i dont know what that is but i can tell you that if all these investment people actually had a freakin clue, they would already be millionaires, instead they were flipping burgers last week and now think they can control the beef industry. I get a t least two calls a week from these idiots So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend! Hellfish #782, POPS #10664
  4. Did they just sign up one more Marine? OOOOOOORRRRRRAAAAHHHH So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend! Hellfish #782, POPS #10664
  5. Exactly what the Standard poodle was originally used for, hunting and retrieving. My Poodle is extremely smart and well bahaved. I had Malmutes before, but this dog is the best ever, aaaaand he does not shed, he has hair, not fur. Oh Yeah he got two bagels this morning. So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend! Hellfish #782, POPS #10664
  6. A Nazi defeated by the french. NICE Ok, ok, ok, now that i have stopped laughing and almost hurled my lunch, Well said! So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend! Hellfish #782, POPS #10664
  7. He wont even tell his buddies, its probably worse than saying a cat kicked your ass! So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend! Hellfish #782, POPS #10664
  8. Ok so i have a Standard French poodle who is the most loving dog you have ever seen. This 78lb dog sits in my lap in the mornings while i drink coffee. He goes running with me since we got him new running shoes, ( his pads would bleed after a long run). This morning we went for our run on our usual route. We were in about 3 miles and we hit a big bean field. BAM! out of nowhere this German shepherd mix dog came flying out at us, teeth showing, and barking. I let go of the Poodles leash and he hit this dog in full stride and they fought for a few seconds and then the poodle had him down by the throat! I grabbed his leash again and the dog got up, stood there just looking at us and then trotted off into the field. Dont know who owns the dog, if anyone. We have run there many times and never seen this dog before. I was shocked, after the fight, he got that same silly look on his face like it didn't even happen and we finished the run. What a BAD ASS!, who knew? I think i'll get him a bagle to have with our coffee tommarrow. So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend! Hellfish #782, POPS #10664
  9. She lives there near the DZ and actually did her first static line jump there, but then switched to AFF. We went to LAke Wales to do our AFF course. That would be her "home DZ". She has been there before. She wants to finish her coach jumps there and then she can just fun jump there also. She did learn with the cut away handle but i think they just arent being honest or smart. So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend! Hellfish #782, POPS #10664
  10. Thanks, you make a good point my friend and have cleared the muddy waters. So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend! Hellfish #782, POPS #10664
  11. My friend has 14 jumps, completed her FF, has most of her gold card done and now just needs 3 more coach jumps and complete her 25 to get her A. She jumped here in Michigan with me and was trying to complete her A in Missouri. Heres where it gets complicated. The DZ in Missouri told her that they use a "one handled system" since she learned "two handled" they did not want her to jump so she would not get confused, What the hack is that or are they playing some sort of prank (which would be a good one) Help please, i never heard these terms before So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend! Hellfish #782, POPS #10664
  12. YOU are related to a woman who won't travel? Are you sure? Thats what i have always thought,hhhmmmmm? time for some DNA testing So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend! Hellfish #782, POPS #10664
  13. If you need some help, I'm here for you, cause thats the kinda nice guy i am So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend! Hellfish #782, POPS #10664
  14. Hell, she might like the pickle! had to make the joke! I should have saw that one coming So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend! Hellfish #782, POPS #10664
  15. Hell, she might like the pickle! So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend! Hellfish #782, POPS #10664
  16. What the heck do you get or do for woman who wont travel, has every gadget for the kitchen, and wont tell you what she would like. Any thoughts my peeps? So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend! Hellfish #782, POPS #10664
  17. That would be great, i go back there in August and from there my first trip to India. So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend! Hellfish #782, POPS #10664
  18. Yes i have been there several times and all over Europe, it just happens to be one of my favorites. I work alot in Europe and all over the US, so it doesn't matter where i start my travels from. Thanks for the the input. Its like a huge DZ, you can always find a party So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend! Hellfish #782, POPS #10664
  19. UUUHhh, my spell check is broke, the sun was in my eyes, I had been drinking heavily! LOL I always do that So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend! Hellfish #782, POPS #10664
  20. Well my daughter has on more year of high school then off to college she goes. Thats when i think it would be a nice change of pace ond scenery to live in Prauge. I really enjoy it there and its central enough for me to keep working in Europe. Can always put kid on plane to come and visit, I think it would be great for her to travel around in Europe and experience life before its realities kick in full time. Any folks out there living there now or maybe another big city. So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend! Hellfish #782, POPS #10664
  21. UUUUUHHHHH, Yeah So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend! Hellfish #782, POPS #10664
  22. Man all the hotels do a nice job, My favorite is Venetian. Cant go wrong in Vegas. Someting for everyone to do. So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend! Hellfish #782, POPS #10664
  23. Standard French Poodle, they are big, they dont shed and are hypoalergenic. They have hair, not fur. They are some of the smartest, loyal, protective dogs out there. They were bread for hunting and retrieving. Did i mention mine is the coolest dog ever! So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend! Hellfish #782, POPS #10664
  24. I was there for both of mine and got both cords. i counted fingers and toes first thing. So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend! Hellfish #782, POPS #10664
  25. Women are great, i have two daughters, three sisters and 14 aunts, grew up with women all around. I am very upfront, honest and dont play games. The rule were made very clear and then the rule suddenly change, now i shouldn't skydive or travel because that ia what she thinks i should do? My company does work all over the world, so to please her i should just quit? Kind Sir, I too once was a huge asshole, this is not the case, When i simply said no more thanks, she would not take no for answer, no yelling , screaming or other. Life is too short to have another person tell you how to live it. I'm not saying you should please her. Just have some empathy. This woman obviously cares for you and isn't handling it right. Perhaps labeling her "crazy" isn't very healthy for either one of you. Well said my friend, empathy given, but you gotta admit, the therapist thing was crazy. I mean arent we all adults that should handle life. Not have her friend call me and say i need therapy because i dont want to do as i am told. I do empathise but cannot be molded, Now go jump So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend! Hellfish #782, POPS #10664