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Everything posted by Hausse

  1. I generally like it relative to other action figures
  2. I guess I live in a different world. For every SteveOrino, there are thousands of Pat Robertsons. Were there "thousands of SteveOrinos for every one Pat Robertson," this discussion likely wouldn't be taking place at all. Who has experienced an atheist knocking on their door to tell them how miserable their life is and how badly they need a non-belief system? Contrasted by at least once a month, a missionary from one theist religion or another knocks at our door. Hm the problem with going door to door as an atheist is that we have nothing to sell that's nicer than all the theist religions. It stinks to just be dead in the end, to not have any higher importance and that there is no big guy that loves you. I'd say the fact that religion offers all of those things is responsible for their success. And I mean who would want the truth if religion is so much nicer?
  3. If I had a good credit rating, it would be an interesting way to make some money without investing any. Taking out a loan at 7% and relending at 25% would be interesting. Sounds kind of dodgy though.
  4. Oh hell then I got nothin'. that was over 5 years ago, and now i am nearly 45 it bloody hard work just getting to the gym now It seems to l\take a lot longer to get my fitness level up and it seems to drop way down VERY fast now too. My motivation is that in December (19th) i start a 12 month "around the World" backpacking tour, my present level of fitness is not going to get me there Just look at Sly. He's ancient and still huge (don't wanna know his HGH dosage though) so 45 can't stop you.
  5. Hausse


    Yeah HYPNO TOAD I really hate you for doing this to me...
  6. Hausse


    Lol thanks about that... I finally managed to get that song out of my head (after about a year) and not that...
  7. Hehe yeah you gotta watch it when I'm talking I tend to quickly change between serious and not so serious
  8. I do, in the form of EEO laws. Blacks were beat down for ~400 years in this country, and STILL are in certain ways despite all the right laws being in place. I believe EEO is justified and has been very useful, though I'm hoping we'll not need it for too many more years. So then you believe that the US needs the same law's to protect the atheists?
  9. I'm not sure if it's just worded incorrectly but that he dislikes god is a severe misconception. He does not dislike god, but he knows that he does not exist.
  10. I would disagree. I am atheist and I voted for no. I think it is not helpful to be angry about anybody that didn't do anything to me.
  11. I likewise have no "guilt" or "shame" about that in which I did not participate. Nevertheless, I do look back at history with sadness and hope that we all do - thus to prevent the re-occurrence of the problems to the extent practicable. 100% agree and can only hope that history does not repeat it self..... again. One of my teachers said this once: The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history.
  12. Do you believe that black Americans deserve anything special? That was exactly what I was thinking right from the first word I read...
  13. I agree it was supposed to make fun of the ultra democrats/republicans
  14. It seems to me kind of like being a Democrat or Republican. You have to choose and the other guys are always wrong
  15. I suppose it's hard for everybody who believes either in Atheism or any Religion to not categorize people, since if they are not your opinion, they are wrong. I believe the secret really lies in live and let live.
  16. Yeah HGH but just if you are young enough.
  17. Yeah I thought about skydivers generally being atheist and pretty much just came up with the conclusion that First: a lot of christians (I know my host parents would be) get very easily offended and stuff that happens on the DZ tends to fall into the offensive category Second: If I'd believe in a god I'd get my ass to church instead of the DZ to make sure I get into heaven so they might just have less time. Third: Atheists are aware of the fact that they just have one short live so they will more likely try living it to the fullest while Christians count on having fun in heaven so there is no reason to do it now. I might be completely off though.
  18. Yeah that's what I actually found interesting about it. The good old there is no god thread has been repeated a bunch of times and the article seems to be more about the reactions of christians so I thought people might find it intersting.
  19. Just found it on Craigslist and found it to be really interesting:
  20. Hausse

    My Ex called...

    Just make sure you don't get a false positve. There are several substances (one of them is in Mountain Dew) that can give you a false result.
  21. Hausse

    My Ex called...

    There is a slight difference between getting tested by your employer who does it out of legal reasons and getting tested by your parents because they don't trust you. Why do you think drug tests would make him stop when getting the car taken away doesn't?
  22. Hausse

    My Ex called...

    Now that's pretty messed up... As far as I read your son has already been punished very hard and it seems rediculous to introduce random drug tests for getting caught with pot once...