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Everything posted by Hausse

  1. Just found this video and since I had to laugh pretty much the whole time true so I thought I would share it knowing that some of you will enjoy it.
  2. As far as I know the Bible includes both.
  3. Am I missing something? Isn't good the pretty angry dude from the old testament?
  4. So wait!!! You want to tell me it does not exist??? But it's so nice and pink. If you don't prove to me that it does not exist I don't believe you...
  5. Just because the truth isn't comfortable, it doesn't proof the more comfortable stuff to be true.
  6. Sweet another guy that believes in unicorns. Or can you prove they do not exist?
  7. Lol how stupid of me I forgot an irony disclaimer...
  8. This has been bugging me for the last hour at LEAST and I still can't come up with any huge energy sources. Damed this is hard...
  9. It's actually really simple. Just tie the Viso onto it with the string. The velcro is used to cover the knots so it has to face inside.
  10. I was in the newspaper last Tuesday for getting hit in a car chase
  11. I like this one: If live gives you lemons, make lemonade and find someone who's live is giving them vodka and have a party.
  12. Ah okay I thought that string-theory explains gravity.
  13. Doesn't string theory explain gravity?
  14. I can not put my hands on the particular articles I have read concerning the probability of the universe turning out to be pro-life. But the math is easy. Just multiply the probabilities of all the events that have occurred from the big bang until Homosapien sapiens took their first steps. If the answer is not astronomical I bet it is close. _______________________________________ No doubt that the chances are VERY small, but you are not considering the opportunities. Our galaxy has about 200 billion stars and has existed about 4.5 billion years so there was plenty of time and space for live to evolve.
  15. See my comment on Vega. If Carl Sagan was off by a year over a time scale of about a quarter century (25 light years being the current alleged distance of Vega from Earth) how can we possibly be certain about claims of "seeing back millions of years" having any degree of accuracy at all? That is exactly the same argument that fundamental christians use to "prove" that carbon dating does not work. Sometimes it is off a little, so it must never work. Look at your driving and apply the same idea. You can not drive 100% accurately in the middle of your lane, so you can not drive at all since you would with 100% certainty crash. I don't think so.
  16. Wow as far as I see that would be a proof that there is no god. If we can clone the son of god it would become really obvious.
  17. Glad to see your last post mentions my favourit proof for atheism: Do you need comfort? God is the Comforter. Do you need guidance? He sends His Holy Spirit to show us the way. Do you need righteousness? He provided it through the blood of Jesus Christ. Do you need wisdom? He is our wisdom. Trust Him. He will always give you what you need. Always.
  18. Proof or supposition? Let's hope when you go on a date, you're a little more precise with your timing. As I said that was a quote from a book by Michio Kaku. If you know anything about astrophysics, you would be familiar with his name. Sorry to tell you but it's harder to find out the true age of the universe or in this case solar system than it is to just make one up.
  19. No but there is a significant difference between something that is obviously wrong to everybody and something that a few 100 million of people believe to be true. The spaghetti monster does not have any cultural influence while christianity does and with that the christian faith definitely deserves mentioning.
  20. I agree that it should be thought but in a clear ID is not true but what a lot of people believe way.
  21. Hehe yeah you'd think so, but maybe one of those extraterrestrials has oil... The tricky thing about those assumptions is the timing as I already mentioned. Here another very interesting quote from the same book: One theory holds that Drake's equation may give us rough probabilities of how many planets contain intelligent life, but tells us nothing about when these planets attain this level of development. Given the astronomical time scales involved, perhaps Drake's equation predicts intelligent life forms that existed millions of years before us, or will exist millions of years after us. For example, our solar system is approximately 4.5 billion years old. Life started on the earth about 3 to 4 billion years ago but only within the past million years has intelligent life developed on the planet. However, 1 million years, on the time scale of billions of years, is but an instant of time. It is reasonable to assume that thousands of advanced civilizations existed before our distant ancestors even have left the forest and have since perished, or that thousands more civilizations will develop long after ours has died.
  22. A quote from: "HYPERSPACE, A Scientific Odyssey through the 10th Dimension" by Michio Kaku: Our galaxy, for example, contains about 200 billion stars. To get a ballpark figure for the number of stars with intelligent life forms, we can make the following very crude estimate. We can be conservative and say that 10% of these stars are yellow stars much like the sun, that 10% of those have planets orbiting them, that 10% of those have earthlike planets, that 10% of those have some form of intelligent life. This means that one-millionth of the 200 billion stars in the galaxy will probably have some intelligent life form. This implies that a staggering 200,000 stars will have planets harboring some form of intelligent life.
  23. ______________________________________ So you say. Intelligent Design has no problem with evolutionary biology, it is obviously a very intelligent way God has chosen to maintain His creation. As far as the origins of life, the claim made by evolutionary biology of " chance occurrence" defies statistical possibility and requires as much faith as saying God did it. __________________________________ Sweet do you have any evidence for that (and no some christian science magazine does not count)? As far as I know the chances are actually really good. That's also why it is very possible that there are or at least were or will be (timing is pretty crucial when we are talking about 7 billion years) other life forms in the universe.
  24. Hausse

    US calendars

    Lol god bless you for the invention of Vegemite. If we didn't have it there wouldn't be anything to standardize our worst to best scores for food. Just imagine if we would have to take american cheese in case of Vegemite...