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Everything posted by nitrodan

  1. Registration $15 jumps $19 DAN SMITH
  2. Skydive wichita will host Mike Mullins Kingair on june 19th and 20th. we will also debut our new facilities, air cond. restrooms and showers editing room and classroom its really a very nice new place same location just a new building. we look forward to seeing as many of jumpers as possible there will be a dinner saturday night with lots of beer and a bonfire. DAN SMITH
  4. When I grow up, I wanna be just like you!!!!! DAN SMITH
  5. Ask if the loan is compound interest, simple interest or a rule of 78s. Rule of 78s loan make you pay more interest during the first years of your loan so stay away from them. most of your normal bank loans will be simple interest with no early payoff penalty or fee this is what you want, the faster you pay it off the less interest you will pay. I'm a finance manager at a Ford dealer if you need to know anything else PM me and I'll be glad to help. DAN SMITH
  6. Depends on what your using it for. The 45 has a lot more stopping power but the 9mm is a faster flatter shooting bullet (depending on the load) which makes for more accurate target shooting for beginners. However alot of pro shooters use the 45acp. so its probably just a matter of preference. Just my .02 DAN SMITH
  7. BBQ, BEER and one hell of a costume party the chopper guy said he would be there, a week ago but I havn't been able to confirm but I am trying. DAN SMITH
  8. I held a headdown on my third try but after thirty sitfly jumps I still couldn't get there so I went to chicago for summerfest and got some couching from Alaska Jon It was worth every penny I'm still learning to fly, it but it saved me months of trying to figure it out on my own. DAN SMITH
  9. We have contacted the owner of the chopper we had in june and he thinks he can be there, I should know for sure in a few days. Last time he charged $45 to five grand.
  10. We will be hosting Mike Mullins kingair Nov 1st & 2nd it will be next spring before we can get a Turbine to jump from around here again so lets bring in the winter with a great Boogie. There will be a costume party Sat. night so bring your costumes for directions go to
  11. I thought I was the only guy who ever jumped a MAULE M-7 now I'm really a nobody. LOL Was his on floats, maybe I can still win this? DAN SMITH
  12. I jump one its a good camera but its not main stream yet. I have met 4 or 5 other jumpers that use them. I've had nothing but good service out of mine but the owners manual is the size of a sears catalog. DAN SMITH
  13. I hope so! DAN SMITH
  14. $20 reg. and $19 jumps sorry no chopper this time. DAN SMITH
  15. I'll pimp for you anytime! DAN SMITH
  16. Mike Mullins will be at Skydive Wichita this weekend the 23&24 come out and see us if you can. DAN SMITH
  17. Mike Mullins will be at Skydive Wichita this weekend the 23&24 come on out we don't get 14k jumps in KS very often so lets enjoy it while we can. DAN SMITH
  18. I was at sdc thurs. fri. it is the BOMB. DAN SMITH
  19. I never said I lowered safety standards to be able to charge less. I'm all for inspections and I run my dz to very high safety standards. If you've never had the opportunity to run or own a dz I don't expect you to realize the expence involved in doing so. I just don't think charging the dz more money is the answer when, as someone said before they have the money to build a museum... (where would this money be better spent) DAN SMITH
  20. Higher prices would keep more people out of the sport. we've raised our prices over the last year for tandem and student jumps and alot of people didn't mind but you still lose some of the money minded customers who already thought it was expensive, even though our prices are much lower than prices at dzs in other areas. DAN SMITH
  21. A lot of small dzs are barely able to operate as it is. I agree that inspections are a great Idea but puting the cost on the dz would just be another nail in the coffin of alot of small dzs. Not having a dz for a couple hundred miles wouldn't do anyone any good. DAN SMITH
  22. We did have a good time, I would really Like to thank naked Shelly and the other two girls who tried the threeway rodeo with us (If you were not sittin on my back you can't expect me to remember your name) we'll have to try that again next year. DAN SMITH
  23. I'm 5'10'' 250lbs and i'v jumped with a couple people bigger than me but not many its fun to dock with freeflyers on your belly. DAN SMITH
  24. I'll get there on the 4th DAN SMITH
  25. I'm only going to be there on friday but I'd love to meet you and get a jump in with another fast faller. If you get there be sure to look for the skydive wichita crew. DAN SMITH