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Everything posted by skyh2omedic

  1. Check out some of the gorls from MTG who will be making their first tandem during the boogie. "You can't teach what you don't know and you can't lead where you won't go"
  2. Hey brother, In thirty days we'll be talking about the legend that was the great Kansas Boogie. Most of us will be hung over, sore and in dire need of rest and rehydration. Our ETOH level will be prohibited of driving. Our girls will have rocked. We will have loved the turbine, the stunt plane rides, the state record attempts, awesome the night life and a vibe that becomes a midwest legend, -telling stories about the ABC party and bragging about how good the pig was (i hope). How much beer did we go though? Cocunut bras amd grass skirts. I talked to Big Bill tonight and he'll be bringing his great repository of music and hey you old farts we are gonna play some 70 and 80 classics. Pedro will be there and funky Winkerbein. Some hot 40+ fems will be keeping us on the party track. The paratroopers will be waking up the camp in classic fashion-listen, learn and love our noise. Rumor-no good rumor has it that Model Talent Group will make a strong showing with girls (12) who want to add adventure picutres to their portfolios by making tandems.damn i wish i was a TI -they will stay and party. Oh yeah the first boob shot was taken tonight and will be posted soon. Some show me girls are tossiing out the gauntlet. Maybe even an resurrection of an old fashioned prop blast tradition-complete with steel pot and swirl. This is the party, damn glad i'll have a"T" shirt. Legends and legacy-will you be there for the genesis? "You can't teach what you don't know and you can't lead where you won't go"
  3. I was going to mention Greene County at Wellsville. I was part of a group that went out there in 85 i think. Very laid back-somewhere i have some pictures. I jumped my first square there. Some of us were in the army on jump status-our class was basically here's how you climb out, toggles steer left/right ok let's go. This was in the days of no step. Left foot on the tire while the pilot held the brake-of course if you held on too long well the pilot just let off the brake. Bad spot, new canopy-long walk back to the dz-but a great picture with the railroad track and a large brush fire in the background-looked like i just ejected from a plane and was walking away from the burning heap. They had a Cool neon chartruse t shirt that said "jump" on it. Was wearing it on a FD call back and ended up talking a suicide patient off a bridge-the picture in the paper was pricelss-my shirt said Jump and talking down a suicide patient. Good memories. "You can't teach what you don't know and you can't lead where you won't go"
  4. It will be good to see Andrew again. I never heard how he recovered-ought to be a good story. I was going to ask you about a PA-glad we have one. "You can't teach what you don't know and you can't lead where you won't go"
  5. We have beer, skydivers, we want boobs, we have midgets and gun powder has been mentioned, we have a clear "no permit" required, We have a turbine, camping on the DZ-surfboards and Hog roast, beer skydivers from Florida, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska and Texas an ABC party and night jumps, hot college chicks-gonna have to have some video because if it aint on film it didn't happen, but this has the makings of one hell of a party. "You can't teach what you don't know and you can't lead where you won't go"
  6. There for both awesome and pricelss. My sons mom didn't appreciate me road tripping there with my new girlfirend (Soon to be daughter's mom). Daughter's mom was pissed i got to hold her first. Both ex's turned out to be voodoo punanny-but awesome kids. "You can't teach what you don't know and you can't lead where you won't go"
  7. Best job in the world-being a dad-one of each for me-girls are just downright entertainment. Good luck. "You can't teach what you don't know and you can't lead where you won't go"
  8. 3 like minded-hell it's gotta make the shirt now. Like all good mottos it has a good local culture story to go with it. Now we just need some boobs-where and the hell are our girls???? "You can't teach what you don't know and you can't lead where you won't go"
  9. Justin-you need to give up this story-i want to hear it. Gunpwder, beer, fire-yeah i'm expecting to see some of the craziness-so let's get inventive. "You can't teach what you don't know and you can't lead where you won't go"
  10. OK this has to make the boogie t shirt. "No permit Required-this ain't no tulip festival" "You can't teach what you don't know and you can't lead where you won't go"
  11. maybe we need to bring flowers with us. "You can't teach what you don't know and you can't lead where you won't go"
  12. An authentic surfboard is rare-especially one with a history. I don't begrudge your attempt at free lift tickets-but since you have two boobs and i only have one surfboard-i'm jealous. "You can't teach what you don't know and you can't lead where you won't go"
  13. Yes we do. Climbing trips and float trips are also awesome parties. We have some other old farts you need to meet. I'm trying to get them to the boogie. The good news is we all lived and when i'm old and slobbering on myself sitting on my porch the smiles will be from recollections of a life lived having fun and being crazy with great friends. Having said that-i do reflect and say how did we live through that and what the hell were we doing? Some memories even make me shudder-but all make me smile. I'm fortunate enough to keep on making them. You all at KSUPC are part of that. Now where are the Boobies? Also i heard a rumor that the first person that shows up with a surf board to the Luau wins a free lift ticket-any truth to that??? I'm stuck here taking care of itchy asses, sore throats and std's-driving in the sky was clear and beautiful-bet you all are having a great jump weekeend. We'll be there next weekend if the weather holds. "You can't teach what you don't know and you can't lead where you won't go"
  14. A couple of us were talking and reflecting and bragging about our DZ and the vibe we have there. We have awesome folks, great beverage, good food, laid back wild ass undercurrent and we laugh our asses off. This upcoming boogie will have all of these things and more, but one thing we have is awesome girls-great looking, great attitudes, great smiles and just downright cool. So the thought comes up is that we should share some of our great girls with those thinking about attending and what better way to do this than to post some Boobies-now wait a minute they don't have to be naked. So if you gals could help us out and show the rest of our community one of our Kansas assets and what they might be missing by not attending. I'm even going to see if our girls are game at posting-dads turn your heads. Who will be the first K-State chick to start us off. Lead on. "You can't teach what you don't know and you can't lead where you won't go"
  15. 2 Son 20yr-just got his "A" license Daughter 18yrs-will do her first tandem at our Boogie this year. My best friend is similar 2 daughters 20 and 18 one is halfway to her "A" and the other will make her first tandem same day as my daughter-we are hoping for a cool six way in about a year. They all rock in the tunnel. We are both 49yrs old and started jumping in the military in 1981-he just got his"A" and i'll finish mine in June. It's great family fun. We are looking forward to traveling the world to boogies. "You can't teach what you don't know and you can't lead where you won't go"
  16. Alleged. Back before there was spin, some tried to spin it that way. The real story was horny college guys, lot's of beer, tear gas and the creative juice flowing for a panty raid. Nothing like college girls in their underwear. I still remember the birthday kiss from that chick Debbie-wow definatley worth all those hours of interrogation. On a different note. We'll be camping the entire time and if the meat is there-ribs, chicken, goat, lamb whatever-i'm game for doing the cooking-maybe Friday night could be spicy grilled chicken night-i'll bring my smoker and some native hillbilly oak and hockory. "You can't teach what you don't know and you can't lead where you won't go"
  17. Alleged "Domestic Terrorism". That's how the Chicago Sun Times reported it. Actually the girls and boys tying bed sheets together and climbing out of the windows in their undergarments was disturbing to some. Not all
  18. Ok, If we are gonna start with the stories before the beer flows-see me about the one where a certain paratropper wakes in Panama-started in Georgia or maybe even we can discuss tear gassing the girls dormity (panty raid) on CMSU in 83-one of the first alleged "domestic terrorism" cases. "You can't teach what you don't know and you can't lead where you won't go"
  19. Shaun, Any word on the hot air balloon? Also when we get a rough head count/prediction let me know-we need to decide whether we need one or two hogs. I'm thinking of dipping into my culinary toolbox and maybe adding some tradional Luau dishes. I sent our POPS membership off-Les of course will have a number ahead of me since he is the old fart-haha. "You can't teach what you don't know and you can't lead where you won't go"
  20. I'm sending Les's in since he is a few days older than me-of course he doesn't know. I'm sending mine as well. Hoping the girls go for a record as well. Gonna be a great weekend. "You can't teach what you don't know and you can't lead where you won't go"
  21. Hey Shaun, How many tandem slots are you going to have for each day? "You can't teach what you don't know and you can't lead where you won't go"
  22. Hey guys, As always what a great weekend. So good to have the weather cooperate and see so many friends after such a dreary winter-really refreshing. The 60 load day was just what we needed to get the season rolling. It was really fun watching Ben chase and almost top the "Legends" record from our 50 load day last year. Congrats to all who made this a sucess. Special thanks to Andrea for exercising her culinary talents with the very Magiverish spatula. Thanks to Gary for coming out and good to see the Nebraska boys with their plane again. This was a good primer and warm up for the Kansas Boogie-first weekend in June. You guys/gals rock. See you soon "You can't teach what you don't know and you can't lead where you won't go"
  23. We are trying to get out Friday night, but more than likely around 0500 Sat. Looking forward to trying that rig if it's ready Sat. Morn. "You can't teach what you don't know and you can't lead where you won't go"
  24. Hoooorah 30hrs and counting. First load off at 0630. Weather is looking great. Who else is camping on the DZ? "You can't teach what you don't know and you can't lead where you won't go"
  25. Thanks to all the dispatchers. "You can't teach what you don't know and you can't lead where you won't go"