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Everything posted by Thanatos340

  1. Just because she's from the South doesn't mean she got a poor education. And that's still not a reason; lots of people all over get sub par educations. People of all races can be racist. A reason makes sense. An excuse is something you use when there is no good reason but you still don't want to take responsibility for your actions. Ok.. She is mid-Thirties, Working at McDonalds.. Chances are.. Oh Shit!! I Just did that blasted stereotyping too didnt I?
  2. Ironically One of the most unabashed openly racist people I have ever met was British.
  3. I just tell them that my Great Grandmother was Black and if they have anything else to say about my family we can step outside and discuss it. Usually shuts em up.
  4. I just assumed that since she was a person who obviously stereotypes she'd lump us in a category, too, and I imagined that category to be one she'd want to avoid or would recognize as "different." I didn't mean to imply that any of those things make us better than her or anyone else. So you were stereotyping Stereotypers??
  5. Red headed strippers from Alabama Some things are just FACT!!
  6. You honestly think there is more "tact" up north?? WOW!! never heard that before. Having lived on Both sides of Mason Dixon myself, That was certainly not my experience. And Again, Let me make this 100% perfectly clear, I am highly opposed to Racism and stereotypes of ANY type. No exceptions. The difference is I dont see One group that judges/condescends to/stereotypes another group any different than any other groups that do the same thing. All of us are guilty to some degree.
  7. I also see some irony in this statement you made "Why would you say this to the kids in the hybrid car, the boy with long hair and earrings and fire engine red hair?" Should she have treated you differently than anyone else because of this? It sounds like she did not. Would it not be better to treat every single person the exact same way until given a reason not too without regard to how they looked? It sounds like you have your own classification system. Hybrid Car Guy with Long Hair and earrings fire engine red hair These = enlightened to you perhaps? I see all three as nothing more than badges of youthful foolishness. (Not that I have not the Long haired guy with Earrings and had that hair dyed every color under the sun at one time or another) Everyone has tenancies to cast people based on criteria. These are Human nature. The groups and criteria change but one thing remains constant, people judge others by how they look. I think what you fail to see is that you do exactly what she was guilty of only your criteria is different. What really offended you was that her criteria for judging individuals was different than yours and that she was not ashamed of that. I know many people that find Hybrid Driving, Long freaky haired people trying to tell them how wrong they are pretty offensive.
  8. Would it be "honest" to say you a much higher probability of being Robbed, Mugged, Attacked or Raped in some places more than others? Is it not logical to avoid those places if possible? In the south, "Those Places" are generally very poor neighborhoods (Just like everywhere else). Whatever ethnic population that makes up the majority of "Those Places" are generally the ethnic group that others try to avoid because of they have been conditioned to fear them. That is NOT just a southern thing. That is a human thing. It is sad and wrong but it exists everywhere. Of course it is much easier to just look down on one entire group of people based on the action of a few. Kinda like what you are doing now.
  9. You do realize you sound just like one of them? Judging all based on the actions of some.
  10. There ignorant and intolerant people everywhere. It is still very prevalent in the south. Racism exists here but also exists everywhere else. Out west I have heard Disgusting comments like what you heard about the Native Americans out there (I heard Sand Niggers and many other such comments out there), When I lived in Connecticut many years ago (Early and Mid 80`s), People warned us not to go into the neighboring town (Bridgeport) because of all the Portuguese. Stupid people are everywhere. And yes, The south has much more than their fair share of stupid people. If you judge an entire region or group of people by the actions or comments of just a few, Are you not just as guilty as they are?
  11. Why is I picture school administrator as Cartman all grown up screaming "Do not question my AUTHORITI!!!" At My Graduation, We all had Bubbles. Just sat there Blowing Bubble through out parts of the ceremony. But the best prank we pulled was everyone of had a Golf Ball. Each person as they went on stage to receive the diploma Had the golf ball in the hand that we were to shake with the Principal (Basically handing him the golf ball.) So in front of the crown a couple thousand strong, He had almost 500 students each handing him a golf ball. The first dozen or so he tried putting in his pockets, Finally one of the teachers managed to find a Box and slide it up on stage. We thought it was amusing.
  12. Sorry...the idea of soggy bread just doesn't sound right to me. I would agree except that cornbread (True Southern Cornbread) has a far different texture than Northern Cornbread. Also it is not the soggy texture that you would get if you tried something like this with a Flour or wheat based bread. Next time I am at the Farm I will bring you some if you are willing to try it.
  13. I don't care for Buttermilk myself usually. But A Cold Glass about half full and fill the rest with day old Cornbread, Makes a Mush that is eaten with a Spoon and it is whole other thing. Love it!! Definitely a true southern delicacy if you ask me.
  14. Damn Yankees!! (You do know the difference between a Yankee and a Damn Yankee don't you??) I looked up cornbread on Wikipedia. All Pics show Cast Iron Skillets. Nice little Regional guide there that also talks about your Yankee Bread. And if Wikipedia says it... Well it still don't mean shit!! I figure it as good as anything else to argue about today.
  15. There is a lawyer/Bottom feeder joke in there somewhere but I just don't have the heart to make it about someone that is deprived of good Home cooked From Scratch cornbread.. Microwave cornbread. No one, Not even a Lawyer deserves such a punishment. Next thing you know, Some heathens on here will say they don't crumble up day old left over cornbread in a huge glass of milk (Preferably fresh Butter Milk)
  16. Being the good southern boy I am, Mama taught me to cook a good cornbread somewhere along about 4th or 5th grade. The key to a great cornbread that would never stick was to preheat the hell out of the oven WITH the Cast Iron Skillet in it (Along with a Good heaping Spoonful of Crisco (Although now she went and got all health conscious and uses about 1/4 inch of vegetable oil in the bottom of the skillet). Let Skillet and Oil stay in the oven until it is a good 375 degrees or so. Mix up your Cornbread batter (Cant give out that secret), take the heated skillet out of the oven after it is HOT. Pour the Cornbread batter in quickly. You should hear it crackling as it goes into the Skillet. Stick back in the oven till done. As long as the Skillet and the Oil was hot enough when you added the batter, It will never stick (provided of course you have a properly seasoned Cast Iron Skillet) and will have the best golden brown crust ever. Today helpful kitchen hint from Jello-J.
  17. And what part of the country are you from? Just curious which Regions Cook Cornbread in a Square pan and which use a Round pan or Cast Iron Skillet? Important stuff here peoples!! (Non cornbread eating folks need not reply)
  18. Finding X is easy. See Attachment.
  19. Hi Than, And as every country boy would say,"Pi are not square, pi are round!! Cornbread are Square!!!" quote, "Brother Dave Gardner!!" You must be from up north, Someplace like those Carolina`s or something, Down here my mama made cornbread the proper way, Cooked in a preheated Cast Iron Skillet. Cornbread R Round if it is cooked right. Pie R Square = Cobbler!! Cornbread R Round!!
  20. But Skydivers know everything, Just ask one.
  21. Algebra wasn't that much of a problem, It was geometry that always pissed me off. Every time the Teacher referred to "Pie R Squared", I would have to call BULLSHIT!! Everyone knows that if a Pie R Square, Its a Fucking Cobbler!! Got sent to the principals office several times over that argument.