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Everything posted by Thanatos340

  1. Does the shoe rule still count?? If your shoes are off, You went to sleep. If the shoes are still on, You passed out.
  2. Everyone should carry duct tape (Even the not so loud ones). It has many uses.
  3. Oh.. Just remember.. NOTHING Happened!! Always Maintain Plausible Deniability.
  4. Be Safe. Have Fun. Everything else is optional.
  5. Now THAT would be classic. When she asks me "Dad, Why do you always embarrass me so" (Which she asks a lot for some strange reason), I always explain to her that I am contractually obligated to do so. It is a requirement to be a parent. They handed me a baby and said.. Love her, Nourish her and above all.. Embarrass her whenever possible. I am just doing my job. Yes, a TWM Shirt and Zubaz Pants are an absolute must for that trip.
  6. YOU, My friend would a perfect candidate for TWM Shirt. I am Not sure that my puny Frame would be able to extract the full manly "Wolfness" from this shirt, However if YOU were to wear this fantastic garment. One could only imagine how much magic would be unleashed. I am Ordering you a Size Medium right now my friend, What is your address??
  7. The "Three Wolf Moon" Shirt. Read the Reviews of this Ultimate Chick Magnet piece of Apparel!!
  8. Yep, We are planning on doing that Friday Night before we go to the theater. I was hoping for a great Steakhouse like Peter Lugers but the Youngin' is one of those wacko tree huggin Vegetarians (Where O Where Did I ever go so wrong..) so that might be somewhat of a waste.. Since we will be all Gussied up for the theater, I probably cant get away with just handing her a Salt Shaker and Pointing towards the woods like I usually do. (The stuff she eats is not food, It is stuff Food Eats!!) Actually I hoping we can find a really nice Italian Place near the theater district for dinner that night.
  9. How dare you suggest something so Vile and Misogynistic as... Ooops. Sorry, Wrong thread. Saw Blue Man Group in Vegas. Yes, it is a Great show. Last Night I bought us tickets to "In the Heights" on Broadway (Musical with somewhat of a "RENT" flavor). Found a Great coupon code in the link micduran posted that got me 50% off the tickets and got pretty good seats (2nd Row Front Mezz dead center).
  10. Thanks... We are only going to be there 4 days (Thurs - Sunday) and with the Saturday that we are there being the 4th of July (Gotta go watch the Fireworks over the Hudson) is going to limit how much we get to do. Also noticed that several of the theaters are Dark that night (not sure if it is because of the Fireworks or Holiday or what.) I really wanted to do this a different weekend, This was the only Weekend this summer that we were all available. Speaking of which... Anyone have suggestions for Places to watch the Fireworks on the 4th in New York? (And thanks everyone for the suggestions so far... That Jeckel and Hyde place looks like a great time.
  11. She is 17 and going to be a Theater Major. She has seen most of the older Shows already and/or has worked on community theater productions of quite few that are still running.
  12. 11 years ago I went from being in Engineering to being in Client Relations (Sales). My Boss told me on the first day, "Never Forget, The Customer ALWAYS Lies". Now after 11 years, I can say with 100% certainty that so far he has been Correct. The other great tidbit of wisdom he gave that same day.. If we are loosing a Nickle per unit, Don't tell me we will make it up on volume. We just loose more nickles.
  13. Thanks. Found some good Coupon Codes.
  14. Have you tried on of those Day of Show/Half Price Ticket Places??
  15. We are definitely planning on giving that a try while there. Anyone have feedback on the current running Broadway Productions?? We have already seen the Touring productions of most of the Classics that are still running (Phantom, Wicked, Hair, ect..) so we are leaning towards some of the newer productions. So far we are considering In the Heights, Rock of Ages and/or Avenue Q. My Daughter wants to see Avenue Q but I have a problem with paying $450 to see a Play that has Puppets in it. I would like to see Rock of Ages but dont think a 17year old would have the same appreciation for a musical about 80`s hair bands. Also any good Restaurant recommendations would be welcome and appreciated.
  16. I just booked a Trip to New York for 4th of July Weekend. The main purpose of this trip is to take my Daughter to see a real Broadway Show or two and some sight-seeing show her around NY. We are staying at at the Crowne Plaza Time Square (Gotta Love those Hotel Points
  17. Really?? Uh-Oh!! I better agree with them all and kiss their ass for a while cause we all that is the best way to get Skygirl Nookie. seriously.. The guy made some crude comments here and there.. If that is all takes to get sent to the lakanookie bench for ALL skychicks, Most every guy here should be on it. Maybe I missed something, But I still havent seen any posts that were any worse than the usual drivel posted here on a daily basis. Oh well.. I guess I am now on the PermaPussyBan list now too. Shucks. What shall I ever do??
  18. That is the standard greeting round these parts.
  19. That is actually the Official Georgia Girls Mating call. The Official Alabama Girls Mating Call is "NEXT!!!!"
  20. Let me Guess... how do you hold your Liquor?? By the ears??
  21. Fixin - As in I am fixin to whoop your ass. Aint Right - That boy just aint right. dab - Just a dab of sauce on that please. Mess - a Whole mess of people showed up. Sack - You wanna sack for them groceries.
  22. You feel terminology is more important than equality? I disagree. (But I don't think our difference of opinion warrants anything more than spirited debate, I certainly would not try to dig up "Questionable" Photographs and try to ruin you with them over something like this.)
  23. escalator to the ceiling.
  24. Ding!! We have a winner. That was the grand finale for a while. I am going to let this thread rest for while. But Ladies, Please keep those pics coming so that I have a good collection to start with when we do bring this back up later.