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Everything posted by mamajumps

  1. mamajumps


    wow, Im floored someone else who sees the world the way my husband does. The biggest thing that scares me is STD's. Crotch crud is on an all time high - even the minor things that can be cured with a shot, I don't want any of it, which is why monogamy is so important to me. I like to be able to have unprotected sex with my husband of all people and know that my cooter aint gonna fall out in a few weeks.
  2. Yes he does, I speak from first hand experience.
  3. I have lived in Florida my entire life, I keep the AC in my house set on 78, I run fans all the time tho. Its comfy for me, but I grew up without an AC in my house, so I am used to it...
  4. mine doesnt take rocket science to figure out... Im a mama and I jump...
  5. mamajumps


    wow! finally someone who put into words that I couldn't. Thanks!
  6. mamajumps


    So ya'll give me an opinion on something else, is the girl who knowingly gets involved with a "taken" man worse, or is the man worse for doing it to begin with or are they both equally rotten frog shit?
  7. mamajumps


    Damn skippy it is - - Especially (as in my case-) when home is like a freezer. Sorry to hear things aint good for you right now. I've been where you are in my marriage. It wasn't that I didnt want to make love to my husband or wild toe curling monkey sex for that matter, but we had done so much to hurt each other that the flame was really struggling to keep burning. When you love somone so much and so completely, and that love is compromised, it is very hard to forget.
  8. sorry but she's far from beautiful... there are many more big boobies blondes in the world that blow her out of the water... she is total "butter head"
  9. mamajumps


    My biggest bitch is with women who delibertly seek out married men. I have been married for 10 years, I have been thru it all and them some with my husband, luckily were finally on smooth sailing (fingers crossed). My husband is very handsome ( way out of my league) and very out going. You would not believe the number of women who hit on him, and some try their damnest to seduce him knowing damn good and well he has a wife and kids at home. Im sorry, but a woman who will do this is the epitomy of scum and a total whore. Not making excuses for my husband, or any man for that matter but men are weak creatures and their body doesn't hold enough blood to run their pecker and their brain at the same time... You get some girl coming on to him for all she's worth and its hard to walk away....
  10. mamajumps


    That being the case, then I didn't really cheat? IMHO, if your wife didnt know and you purposly kept it from her, it is still cheating, regardless of the "ground rules"...
  11. Thanks so much for the feedback and great insight from a much more experienced jumper than myself. Since I'm not a point where I can work in the field, I can't see it from that side if you know what I mean. Thanks again!
  12. Do you think there would ever be any need for a network per se for people who worked in the skydiving field? It would be free of charge for the instructor/ camera / coach / packer etc... but a network where the DZO or DZM could call one person and that one person could reference a list of people in the area with the skills the DZO/M was looking for and call them and send them out. I know the majority of DZ's have permanent full time people that work for them, but like in the case of someone sick or hurt or unavailable there would be a fast backup plan available to DZ's in a given area for a small fee? What got me to thinking about this is my husband works in the field here in Florida, but his DZ is at times slow. If there was another DZ in the area that needed someone, it would be one call away. He is trying real hard to not go up north or out west for the summer season, he really doesn't want to leave me and the kids behind. I am a very organized person and would love to offer a service like this to all people who work in the field. Let me know what you think and whether or not you would use a service like this. THANKS!
  13. I do both, currently own 2 horses, a paint that I used to barrel race on and a young quarter horse that is my daughters. My horses are incredibly spoiled and I see them more as 4 legged children. My paint who is approaching 16yrs old is a tee total handful, nothing but a very expierenced rider can ride her period. I usually choose to ride her bareback with either just a halter and leadrope or her bridle. I know her very well and know her "I'm about to flip out" signals. I also know she would never intentionally hurt me, however she is still an animal. I have been hurt several times by horses growing up, I have been riding since before I could walk. 90% of the times that I got hurt I can chalk it upto me just being stupid or complacent.... I have only have had one injury from skydiving, it was also caused by me being stupid. Moral of my long winded story is this.... alot of accidents can be avoided, just don't be stoopid. (Thats asking alot of some people)
  14. Yes as a child of the 80's I miss it too.. Skid Row kicked ass, and I was so "in Love" with Sebastian Bach...
  15. mamajumps


    To elaborate: This is all it will ever be (sex) Im not leaving my wife/husband...
  16. mamajumps


    Okay ya'll be honest, how do you really feel? I have been cheated on, I have been the cheater ( I was trying to show the person who had previously cheated on me how it felt - but he didnt care and I still feel like shit for it many many years later.) I have known cheaters and those cheated on. I can't ever figure any good that comes out of it. Someone always gets hurt. So ya'll chime in and let me know what you think. It seems to be more accepted among men to cheat on the girlfriends or wives, and at times I have noticed that fellow men even give out "macho points" for it.... so throw in your 2 cents and let me know how you feel....
  17. Hi Jerry, I have jumped with an Astra before, was comfy with using it, my only issue is that it doesnt have a self turn off feature. I am the single most forgetful person in the whole world when it comes to little things like remembering to turn it off after every jump.... other than that I like the product. Just the cost in batteries from me being forgetful would break the bank.
  18. AbsoulutelY!!! I love that song... it really takes me, that and 1980 something....
  19. I'm not that dumb, but thanks.... I tried searching couldnt find anything that really had the answers I was looking for...
  20. Obviously the Cypres has been around the longest, and is in most people's opinions the top of the crop, but I would like to do a feature by feature comparison on which to buy. Any help anyone here can provide is awesome! Thanks!
  21. I agree w/ ExAFO & DOUGH... when my cat was still in the house full time, her box was in the bathroom, and it was a part of my daily routine to keep it scooped, can't stand the odor. But then she decided she wanted to be indoors & Outdoors, so now I don't have a box at all, its great. But I answered your poll in the kitchen/laundry area, litter is hell to get out of carpets and all cats sling it to kingdom come...
  22. You've seriously never heard of Stephen Hawking? Yeah... seriously? He is only one of the world's foremost scientific minds and math gurus. Yeah seriously, never heard of him....
  23. That is so awesome... Im really happy for him. Seeing how he has too live life makes me realize just how lucky I am. On another note, I had never heard of him before his adventure, where have I been???
  24. Yea, um...I don't want him to shave me, nor do I want to shave him. I also don't want it in my ass. These are my limitations. limitations are good, but you really don't know what you are missing....
  25. woo hoo my first flaming post... I love you guys....