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Everything posted by mamajumps

  1. I think most women shave it nowadays anyway. Hair is gross. High 5 sista!!!! hair is so gag me yesterday.... and totally gross.....
  2. Oh my god, you're my new favorite person ever.
  3. sorry for not elaborating...... my hubby works out of town, and this weekend he lost his car keys and couldnt come home, he found them later, but they had jumpers coming out today thru the rest of the week and couldnt feesibly make the 3 hr drive home....
  4. hairy.... thats just gross.... seriously who eats a chicken with feathers????
  5. Yes I have toys, but solo just aint the same.... he's gonna be a happy man when he gets home....
  6. I normally don't, not sure what has gotten into me lately... but I fully plan on attacking my man when he gets home...
  7. and my hubby wont be home til Monday.... ....thats all.....
  8. Im not understanding the blunt trauma? First hand accounts from people on the jump from the way I understood it was that the first few seconds of the jump were normal and then he turned and tracked off...
  9. mamajumps


    Poor little guy, that could have really been bad...
  10. How about... ARMY - Aint ready for marines yet MARINE - My ass rides in navy equipment ( PS I love all the troops and all they do and am in no way trying to disrespect them, I just wanted to play in the acronym game too) I have another really good one that my hubby told me, but I don't have big enough balls to post it publicly.. its a bit racist, which Im not at all, which is why im not posting it publicly, but its real damn funny.... So PM me and I'll tell ya ..
  11. My predictions are: Next to go will be LaKisha or Chris, followed by Phil Blake, Melinda and Jordin will make the bottom 3, and Melinda and Jordin will be the bottom 2... I am not sure who will win tho, one week I think Jordin, then next I think Melinda, they are both so good...
  12. I personally love the song, its imagined vindication for all of us who have been shit on time and time and time again....
  13. mamajumps

    do I?

    I'm calling bullshit on that one... Im sorry Hugzzz... I posted that before anyone had replied to my other one, is there ever anything I can do to make it up to you???? mama - you are MARRIED - does anal count though? It should only count if you get to show her your 'O' face! My hubby just told me what an "O" face was last night... I guess I've been living under a rock.... How did he see your O face if you were under a rock. I like new things. Sheesh you are too much!!!! ROFLMAO
  14. mamajumps

    do I?

    I'm calling bullshit on that one... Im sorry Hugzzz... I posted that before anyone had replied to my other one, is there ever anything I can do to make it up to you???? mama - you are MARRIED - does anal count though? It should only count if you get to show her your 'O' face! My hubby just told me what an "O" face was last night... I guess I've been living under a rock....
  15. mamajumps

    do I?

    I'm calling bullshit on that one... Im sorry Hugzzz... I posted that before anyone had replied to my other one, is there ever anything I can do to make it up to you???? mama - you are MARRIED - does anal count though? Ceiling fan anal? That would be neat, can I watch?
  16. mamajumps

    do I?

    I'm calling bullshit on that one... Im sorry Hugzzz... I posted that before anyone had replied to my other one, is there ever anything I can do to make it up to you???? mama - you are MARRIED - does anal count though? Yes I am married, and quite happy, got a good honey, but who said it has to be sexual, I meant I could buy him a beer if we were ever at the same dz or even a jump, who knows... {{{chuckles}}} at you dirty minded kids... I swear... LOL
  17. mamajumps

    do I?

    I'm calling bullshit on that one... Im sorry Hugzzz... I posted that before anyone had replied to my other one, is there ever anything I can do to make it up to you????
  18. I plan on getting one on my lower back in the near future, I just have to getmy nerve up, when I got my piercing I watched a girl pass out from the pain, I am a total pain sissy, no pain tolerence at all. But I love the way the look and I want to find something jumping related that also relates to my life, something meaningful....
  19. mamajumps

    do I?

    Hairy ass and all? No hair here, I'm quite bare... thanks! Proof please.
  20. No no reason, if you like it thats all that matters. I just wonder how people feel about it later in life, I mean there are some things that I did when I was younger that I swore would always be a part of who I am and now I can fathom doing those things. Its just so permanet, what if you do change your mind? I love watching Miami Ink, the talent is out of this world, I just don't want to commit to something so permanent, Heck I'm even having issues with buying our house, it just seems so permanet and so forever to me and I can always sell the house....
  21. mamajumps

    do I?

    I about pee'd in my chair at work visioning that... WOW.....
  22. mamajumps

    do I?

    Hairy ass and all? No hair here, I'm quite bare... thanks!
  23. The I am the farthest thing from it. I always take other people's opinions in account. I might not always follow their opinion, but I do listen. He says I'm close minded b/c I don't like some rock music ( I prefer the old stuff, big hair) but I do love Nickelback and am starting to dig 3 Days Grace. I also don't understand people with excessive piercings, I don't judge them, I just don't understand and in my mind I feel like they are doing to get people to look at them, an attention thing. I do however have a one well placed piercing, so its not the piercing thing, that I don't understand. Same with Tattoos, I want one on my lower back, but don't understand those who cover themselves in ink, not b/c I think it looks bad, but b/c I wonder what it will look like when they are 90 and will they still be proud of it? I try to look at the whole picture with everything... But yet he says I'm close minded, but can usually never tell me how so.
  24. WOW! Thanks so much, I can honestly say I only know one other DZ.commer in person ( that I was talking too on here before we met) I would love to be a "pelthead" just seems like a cool number to have ....
  25. mamajumps

    do I?

    You find it FUNNY when someone shoves a bottle in their ass? I crack up every time that I think about that I actually posted that....