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Everything posted by ladyflyer77

  1. Some people like women with tattoos, the only reason they get a second look from me is because a tattoo means there's a reasonable chance she's the kind of woman who will do something impulsive because she thinks it'll be fun, and doesn't worry about regretting it later. You know Grue, its okay to be strong minded but you are way over doing it. And as far as your above statement, you are way off key! Just because a woman has a tattoo or several does not means she's impulsive or doesn't wonders about the consequences of her actions. I have two of them on my back. They are a way for me to express myself and have sentimental meaning to them. Did I think about what they might look like in 10 to 20 years, hell yes I did. I also understand not everyone cares for a woman with tattoos. This is why I chose a location so if i feel like it I can expose them or conceal them. Does this make me easy or impulsive, hell no it doesn't! I take offense to what you said. And since you're on a kick to tell people your own feelings, let me tell you mine. If you can't keep the sterotyping bullshit out and look at each person as an individual then keep your own options to yourself. You don't know me or what my integraties are! By posting what you did offends every woman that has a tattoo. It sounds like you need to be taught better judgment. If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  2. 0:4:0 I completed my coach course this weekend. It was slow, long and a lot of information but I still had a good time. All I can say now is, those poor students. If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  3. It's really not a bad idea. If you're sure you don't want any addition to the family and the wife is okay with it then go for it. Its easier for you then it would be for her. And if for some reason you change your mind, you can always reverse it. Now the down side. It is relatively a painless prcedure. The will give you a numbing shot so you won't feel the vasectomy itself. But that shot they give you to numb your nads will be the most pain you will ever experience. But the bright side is it only lasts for like 3 secs. Now some guys don't feel anything from start to finish but others do feel the shot to get things started. Also, if you don't keep ice on you nads and take it easy for the first few days, your nads will look like bull nads. You won't be able to close you legs, pee and even shit without them getting in the way. You will also have to take in 3 sperm samples to make sure there are coming back as blanks. So yes, that means you will have to jack off and take it to the office in a little cup. And you have to do it within the hour of jacking off so they can get an accurate reading. Does this help?
  4. Turtle sweetie, you're acting like you haven't seen my nekkid body before. Or at least most of me If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  5. whatever you do, don't show turtle I know. If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  6. whatever you do, don't show turtle no worries If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  7. If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  8. If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  9. sent! If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  10. If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  11. damn...I meant to say doing it to my ass If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  12. Toys..oh Toys. I love me some good ol' toys. If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  13. If I'm going to sleep with someone, it better be damn good. I don't want any non-sex satisfying ass wasting my time. If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  14. LMAO!!! I need a after that one. If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  15. Hey bubbles, he's the one that wanted me to ask around. He did seem a little fluffy to me. But if it makes him feel like a bigger person then maybe we should make him think we do fear him. If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  16. No, not feeling it. Nope, no fear! None! sorry hippie. If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  17. duh dump...ching! If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  18. You should have made it a poll. many will not reply b/c they fear my wrath! aaarrrrrrrg! this is why i did not make it a poll to see the challenge. awwwhahahahaha! If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  19. just started a post to see who's cares. If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  20. FEARED?! A statement from the hippie himself, "To know the hippie, is to fear the hippie. just ask around." If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  21. yes and too funny! you haven't meet me yet so I wouldn't say nothing much happens. If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  22. oh hippie day! Hey, are you going to be at the Farm boogie? A large group of us from my dz are heading down and I would love to meet some of you crazy people.
  23. Dont listen to him. I'm sure someone somewhere is planning to stalk you in the very near future. and... Oh don't worry, he is the least of my worries. If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  24. If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!