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Everything posted by ladyflyer77

  1. are they brother and sister or are they married? If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  2. Like that would be anything new. or stopped you before from posting something. It's complicated. Restraining order complicated? If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  3. Like that would be anything new. or stopped you before from posting something. If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  4. The last time I checked it was. But don't rely on me. I could have the dates wrong. but either way, I'm heading down that way. If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  5. a man should never hit a woman as well as a woman should never hit a man. It goes both ways. If a woman did hit a man, I don't find it wrong for him to defend himself. Don't put out what you can't take back. If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  6. Well if YOU are going to be there I might just have to go. I am planning on heading down there as long as the weather is nice. It would be nice to meet some of you "as stated" hot piece of ass! If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  7. well I guess I will have to put that to an end this weekend. That is if you are going to be at the Farm? If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  8. ladyflyer77


    you made it easy! If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  9. ladyflyer77


    go for it big guy!! I already sent her a PM If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  10. you loved me at one time in prior threads...what happen to the love???? If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  11. ladyflyer77


    there is usually a big war that breaks out - lots of marshmallow carnage well I would hate for a marshmallow carnage to explode between the the little ones. So we better not break any of the rules. If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  12. I just think threads like these are silly, because there is so much more to a person than "hotness", so much more to "hotness" than looks, and "hotness" is in the eye of the beholder anyway! Trust me, we're ALL "hot" to someone! hear hear!!
  13. ladyflyer77


    let's put it this way, I would share a lot of the women on with you. If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  14. ladyflyer77


    We can ask the leprechauns. If it makes you feel beter If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  15. ladyflyer77


    Can we share [McBeth] ?
  16. ladyflyer77


    Would you like to share? turtle sweetie, I'll share anything with you. All you have to do is ask. If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  17. ladyflyer77


    See. I try to help - I try - but you can only lead them to the beer - you can't make them drink . . . If he is going to be this naive and not take advice when its being thrown into his face then why lead him to the beer in the first place give it to me! If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  18. ladyflyer77


    what is all this "fluffy" shit?! read the post sweetie, its calledpooting! HELLO!! If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  19. I'm sure being hot like Rosa has its down side as well. The one thing that Rosa does have going for her thats even better then her looks is her personality. That alone makes her HOT! She's seems to be funny and also have a great sense of humor. If you don't like the way your body is turning out to be then fix it. We have control over the way we look. We are the ones that makes ourselves beautiful. Just like Rosa.
  20. ladyflyer77


    Sometimes girls refer to their farts as fluffs so some people might be hung up on symantics. Hey, we call it pootin thank you, get it right! If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  21. Oh come on, Lindercles, a lot of people like you, and I'm sure a lot of them like you for your looks too. post away and lets see what cha got? If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  22. No...not really. We are all beautiful in our own way. You should be happy with what you have to offer. IF someone doesn't like you for who you are, then they are the ones with the problem sweetie, not you. If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  23. Congrats to Nick and you. Not many parents can share an experience like this with their children. Very special! great pics. awesome memories! If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  24. to bad i'm at work or I would come and have a drink with you. So here is a on me till your flight arrives. If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!