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Everything posted by ladyflyer77

  1. okay, you guys just ran this woman off. You are NASTY!!! If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  2. i'm not even going to finish reading that. I'm a trauma nurse and that makes me want to vomit. If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  3. ouch...nice!! If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  4. I dunno--sounds kind of romantic to me! Walt no Walt, not romantic...kinky! If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  5. I'm a trauma charge nurse. Things can get crazy and depressing at times. My weekends at the dz allows me to feel free and at peace. Plus, the parties are kick ass! If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  6. let's're single advertising to be taken by a woman that likes to pop zits. Not looking to cool man If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  7. yeap...same here. No partner, but hell no. Thats just nasty, they can pop their own zits. If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  8. have you heard the term PM's? Hell no I wouldn't want you to post pics on the thread. Although, I would like to see the responses from like, ummmm...turtle, stitch and a few others. If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  9. hot chicks in rigs....oh yeah, forgot about that one. ENJOY!!! If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  10. I only have so many pics I can post for you horny ass guys. How about sharing some love. If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  11. It is Japanese, and it has two meanings. One is Extreme Living. The second is Live for the moment. You see, there are several different meaning when it comes to Japanese language. If you are wanting to put something of that nature on you body, please look into it first. Just by the placement of them can change the entire meaning. If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  12. You know, I think diablo has done a great thing here. And everyone is to damn stubborn to recognize it! It is obovisous we have a situation on our hands with mid air collisions. Let this thread be about ways we could discuss that and try to put a solution to correcting it. Instead of bitching about nonsense! I agree that its not the boogies that are killing people. Its the people themselves. But that doesn't mean we should just ignore it. I'm mean come on, we should take advantage of this and try to come up with a solution. I know I'm in this sport so I can live not die. So we have come up with the idea of making separate landing areas or even separating the loads. What other ideas do you guys have to offer? Lets talk about this. If you don't give a damn, please let me know where you jump so I know not to ever show up there! If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  13. sexy mama! If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  14. A day late and a dollar short, but HB!
  15. Have a great B-day, Besty! If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  16. we are easy and impulsive! If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  17. Tramp Stamp!! Tramp Stamp!! Tramp Stamp!! Tramp Stamp!! Tramp Stamp!! Tramp Stamp!! Tramp Stamp!! Tramp Stamp!! Tramp Stamp!! Tramp Stamp!! Tramp Stamp!! Tramp Stamp!! AND PROUD OF IT!!! now leave you paints up, i want the pleasure of pulling them down so i can spank you! If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  18. I have something to say! yes, sweetie?
  19. Damit it!!! If one more person says one more bad thing about a tat on a woman i am going to pull their pants down and spank the shit out of them. Is this better? If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  20. Right on to her! It's all about how you feel and not others aspect on it. If you want to show off your tats, then I say "hell yeah, go for it!" If you wish to conceal them for whatever reason, then you have that right as well. My line of work would not be appropriate to expose them, so when I'm at work they are concealed (and around my father) but when I'm out and about doing my own thing, I can care less who sees them.
  21. Like I said before, Grue has his own opinion. And I respect that, he should! All I'm saying is be careful with how you word things. He did mention "women with tattoos" so with that, it included me. I'm not ashame of the tats I have and love them till this day. Can I tell you in 10 years I will think the same thing, no. But at least it will remind me of the important reasons why I put them there in the first place. I will be the first to admit I over reacted to my first reply, and for that I am sorry. But I still stand by what I'm saying. Be careful with how things are worded, thats all. Now lets quit beating this into the ground. If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  22. Here is a pic of my tats. As you can see they are in a place where I can conceal them if I choose to. If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  23. don't turtles like pickles? If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  24. POST IT!!! what do you have to lose? Share the love! If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!
  25. K, I appreciate what you are saying. But he does make this sterotype comment in regards to ALL women that have tattoos(which includes me.) My tattoos are also for the memory of a loss, my mother. I did put a lot of thought into the tat that I got in her name. I waited almost a year before I decided to get it. If his post had different meaning than the way it came out, then I'm sorry for getting my blood pressure up. But all I'm saying is he should be careful with what he decides to post on here or anywhere for that matter when he's making reference to someone. Because when you post something on the internet, you are directing it to hundreds of people. That's all. It's important to have your own opition. I respect that he has his, he just needs to be careful how he word things. As we all do If I stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend from here!