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Everything posted by stayhigh

  1. Dude there is a small pocket you can stash your RSL,, it is a bitch to get it in but it is there,,,d-lo at snore pointed that out to me... and I'm pretty sure that you put your riser under the second one... Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  2. i'm 6'6" weighing at 170lbs,,, there is no way i can't get down to the formation just by arching,, i don't understand why people can't see underneath when sitting or standing,,, but getting decent foward rate with stablity is difficult at first.. i personally think that head up gives you better field of vision,,, I have more than 125 jumps i think i know something, but in reality i don't know shit... Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  3. so it was your canopy that landed in motor track,,, after cut away, pattern of canopy got kinda chaotic due to people just looking at cut away main,, atleast your landing on reserve was good tho... Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  4. LSD is awesome, it makes you relize that everything is made of chemical reaction going in your brain, blue sky that we see everyday, the actual color maybe red... LSD during my biology class sucked,,, we had to dissect a mink,,, when you see intestine moving around and when dead mink is talking to you, it is not that pleasent but it makes very interesting day tho... Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  5. Bible talks about weed too.. Now im going into sensitive area here.. Throughout the Bible the ancient patriarchs were brought into communion with God through smoking incense and at Mt. Sinai God talked to Moses out of a bush that burned with fire (Exodus 3:1-12). After Moses brought the Israelite people out of Egypt he returned to Mt. Sinai at which time God made a covenant with Moses in which the Ten Commandments were revealed. Exodus 19:8 describes the conditions at the time of this covenant. Exodus 19:8 "And Mount Sinai was altogether on smoke, because the Lord descended upon it in fire: and the smoke thereof ascended as smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly. The Mysterious smoke mentioned in the covenant on Mt. Sinai is also referred to as a cloud: Exodus 24:15 "And Moses went up into the mount, and a cloud covered the mount. 16 And the glory of the Lord abode upon Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days: and the seventh day he called unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud." What the hell other then weed bush does that to you?? if I was in mountain full of weed smoke for six days, I'll probably come down the mountain with ten commendment too.. God said, "Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth.…To you it will be for meat." … And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. (Genesis 1:29-31 Now people are so gonna bitch at me about this... Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  6. I never said it is harmless,, i don't think it kills brain cells but it kills totally kills your memory and make you lazy.. but i can study better and get better grade when im high... all those history and science really come gets really intersting..but down side is that you kinda have to read it twice... cuz you'll forget half way down the page...,, seriously people,, im out, ill be back around 6 ish,, have to drive to DZ,, Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  7. It is not easy to dectect someone under influnce, what about my 4 years in high school,, no teacher ever suspected me,,, don't really remember my 4 years,, that is why sometime out on street someone will go "hey whut up".. and i go "who are you?" and what is SFSTs....and when you do any kind of testing, blood, urine, hair, saliva, sperm, feces, it will show old traces of drugs.. so are you guilty when you smoked days ago, and test will show more than 1 nanogram traces of THC???? and your columbian friend is ripping you off by selling gr for $100, you can buy 8 ball for that price.. BTW who really has d-420??? No matter how much we bitch and fight about it here it is not gonna solve anything,, im sick of this so im going skydiving, if you wanna see person stay high come on out,, i could probably manage to fall at 105-100 ish... im 6-6 and i weigh 175,, I STAY HIGH, and I RULE,, and I'm getting wing suit.. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  8. Reason for being illegal 1.alot more goverment officials drink alchohol and not that many people smoke... people who doensn't smoke doesn't really care about the issue,, they don't wanna deal with bullshit, so they just make it illegal.. 2. They can't prove that you are driving under infulence... if weed were legal, you can always argue to judge that you smoked last night and that is why i failed the piss test.. vs alchohol, stays in your system for short peorid of time. 3. I've heard people say this,, they won't legalize it because it is very hard to tax, due to everyone can grow it,, but i find this theory very flawed,, not everyone will buy growing equipment, clip the bud out,,, go through a drying process, giving right amount of nutrients and ferterlizer, people will just buy,, most of them don't have time to grow... @.. even if we make it legal we shouldn't lower the price drastically.. and I'm THE EXPERT,, i have d-420 lincence in weed Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  9. when you fly you don't really need muscle strength, but if you wanna play with front and if you have big canopy you might need some strength to pull it down.. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  10. There are alot more smokers out there than you all think... Some one up on the post said, what if people are using drugs on work site,,, people are actually high all the time,, ever wonder about your co-worker who has to hit the bathroom every 20 min, and had sinus problem for years now,,, person is a coke addict,, dude with red eye who is eating Cheetos? stoner... Marijuana is everywhere.....I've been seeing weed since middle school.. and I live in one of the safest city in nation they say... Drive through 5 freeway after school,,, you'll see ton of kids smoking on the freeway while driving,,, one of the safest place not to get caught by cops..... People who is smoking weed are going to smoke weed regardless of law... I went to a Roger Waters concert that was in Hollywood bowl,, so many people were smoking at same time, whole Hollywood bowl smelled like Kush.. If there are no smoker out there,, smoke shop wouldn't sell 2000 dollar bong... this bong had 5 chamber made out of clear glass, it was art.... I hope that one day, we can all pass the peace pipe along the bonfire at DZ after a long day of jumping... add acoustic guitar with some beer to chase cottonmouth.. just imagine dude... if you finish jumping early you can hit the bong, and watch people swoop....sick.......... and where did you come up with an idea that o=35 bucks??? normal pricing my area g=20 8er=45-75 quad=90-120 o=250-400 cutie=950-1050 hp=1750-2000 p= 3750-5000 Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  11. I know that shermantor's friend,, he is the best freeflyer ever,, and he can swoop mad distance too!! Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  12. If you are hardcore coffee mania,, which kind of coffee beans do you use and why??? Do you buy pre-grinded or whole bean??? Do you still drink instant powder??? Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  13. safire 2 189 0.88,, manage to drag my feet across the ground for about 25 feet Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  14. I had a malfuction and I shit my pants...... Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  15. Yeah, they START at 500 bucks more, plus add opt dude. you'll spend about 1000 more, and plus what is with the price changes Every time when I get a copy of Paragear the price went up another 100 bucks. My view is that if you can't fly for shit, tricked out Mirage, Vector, Javelin don't mean shit, expensive rig doesn't make you fly better. You already know what to buy, stick with it...... It took me weeks to figure out what to buy. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  16. Actualy just by watching a good freefly vid, it can make a heart rate go up.... Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  17. Skydiving is far more dangerous. If you crash your car at 30 mph, air bag pops out and you don't break shit beside your car, if you hit the ground at 30 mph your body will break. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  18. I hate those people who would slow down to watch a car accident, I wanna get the fuck off the road already,,, but some people choose to look at the traffic accident as they drive by, causing even more delay..... Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  19. My sight got fixated on wind blades, as I was initiating 90 degree front riser turn, I didn't pay attention to the alti. I seriously thought that my canopy will plane out first and that was why I was holding on to my front riser. I didn't do a proper plf, but I think proper plf would've messed me up even more, there is no way my ankle would've been okay if I had hit the ground feet first. I rotated my body at last moment, and my left side of my shin area hit the ground first followed by my thigh, hip, shoulder then bounce, then split second of canopy flight again, then I some how hit the ground again with left side of my body. Along the way somewhere my arm was limp so I ended up hitting back of my wrist to the ground. I think I'll be back jumping within 4 weeks as soon as I can grab my toggle and also when I get enough grip power to peel off my reserve. I think I just have hair line fracture on my wrist, I'm typing this with my right hand only , I can still lift very light things such as remote control for my TV, but anything heavier, sends pain to my brain..... Surprisingly my first body part that hit the ground seems to be ok.. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  20. what caused me to go hook was that my eye got too target fixated,, I got scared by wind blade, I thoiught I had good alti, but my canopy didn't plane out. Come to think of it now, it was 90 from 150,, too low.. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  21. This message goes out to people with just 100 jumps or so. I just experienced my first bounce action yesterday and it sucks. I was one of those people who didn't have respect for gravity and I was a ignorant fool that thought 190sf will not hurt me, besides torn jump suit. When the ground came up to me yesterday, I thought that it was going to be just another slide. But instead I had weirdest sensation, I was thinking Oh F**k~~. I personally think that number 50-500 are most dangerous jumps, jumper will be cocky, ignorant. At this time, skydivers think they can survive anything and big sized canopy will save you unharmed, but this is far from reality. I felt the ground being cold, and it is very unforgiving. I only post here so people who are just beginning to exploring the canopy won't have to experience ground first hand. Treat your 210 and 190 as if you are riding 88 sf. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  22. I think visual is more intense than the sound. When you hit the ground you can't really hear, but seeing the ground come up,,,I have total respect for the gravity and hard ground... it hurts more than you think,,, people unless you have total control and enough alti do not hook....I learned that even 190 will break your shit..and might kill you.......but i know that even after reading this person will not change their habit, to some people pain and agony is the only teacher. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  23. my Question in can you put HMA lines on Safire 2??? I like those teeth floss thin lines............ Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  24. When I wore basketball shoes, it didn't work out well, it totally restricts your ankle. I saw someone with a running shoe that had spiked bottom, and he ate shit while swooping the ground. He told me that one of the spike thingy got caought on the grass. Only shoe that I can find that is totally flat and have freedom at ankle are tennis shoe or skate shoe. Bernie Sanders for President 2016
  25. If anyone of you live in California Just say NO to prop 86. Bernie Sanders for President 2016