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Everything posted by azdiver

  1. everyone might want to look at what george h.w. bush was doing at the time and then ask if you would really want anyone of his family members to be put in a situation that could have compromised his abillity to do that job. or if anyone in dc would have let it happen. high ranking officials kids dont normally get sent to war. secrecy is very important during war, and giving the enemy a way to try and find those secrets out isnt smart. light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak
  2. this bill will mandate that the us pay the money the un to be distributed as they see fit. its also called the global tax bill. to fund this a new tax would have to be imposed to do so. the dems are trying to get this through, and are pushing for a gas tax as a basis for funding. this bill will take up 1.8 to 2.2 percent of the federal budget. the us currently spends around 89 billion in aid already, and that doesnt include the amount we spend that isnt on the budget, ie disaster aid. the us would also be the biggest source of money for this U.N program. senator kyle is going to be interviewed on monday on this bill. if i learn any more info on it i will post it later light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak
  3. yes i was refering to that bill. didnt know there was already a thread on it. it did pass the committee and the dems tried to pass it in a midnight vote but rep were able to block it for now. light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak
  4. QuoteQuestion, why am I, and all other taxpayers, paying for medication for those in Africa and other places when there are thousands upon thousands of people here who cannot get medication, myself included? It really pisses me off when people around the globe reap the benefits that should help the American taxpayer when they need the help. Quote and now thanks to obama who just volunteered all of us tax payers to pay an additional 845 billion beyond what we already give those in other countries, we will have even less to spend at home on healthcare. light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak
  5. the new law in az is, 5k fine for first off. 2nd is 15k and 10 day suspension of buss. lic. permanent suspension on 3rd light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak
  6. mccain is nothing more than a elite leftist liberal parading around as a conservative. I have lived in az for 14 years and the only reason he is still in dc is the republican party wont boot his ass and dems cant find anyone better to run against him, plus as long as hes in dc hes out of are hair. light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak
  7. no it wasnt walter williams. he has given credit for the ex. to someone else as he has repeated it when co hosting. the person was from mass. and pretty sure was at MIT and was/is a regular for cnn. just to many names to think of to remember theirs. light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak
  8. an economist/professor told that to rush limbaugh as a way of explaining tax cuts and combat the tax cuts for the rich argument. If im recalling correctly it was a democrat economist. light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak
  9. think the pools heated actually light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak
  10. got to go with bb here, screw mill ave you'll have more fun down there than in town light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak
  11. Uh, yes. There is nothing that prevents lenders and borrowers from modifying their existing contracts. That's what a re-fi is. Azdiver - yes, lots of people get affected by the collapse. These people lived pretty well during the bubble, now they won't. Maybe it will result in more motivated contractors - my mom has found them to be remarkably nonchalant about completing their projects. (oh, there's a cloud in the sky - I don't think I'll go 12 miles up the mountain to work today) not all that are effected were living pretty well prior to the pop just because prices go up doesnt mean wages went with them, but when money stops coming in wages do stop. your moms problem might be a shity contractor or one that took to much work and could not complete it in the time he said. light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak
  12. No they aren't. Construction is being completed right now because under the construction loans, they HAVE to finish up. But it's also an industry that has ups and downs - like any other business. Realtors? Yeah, they are facing a hit, but those who are looking into moving REO's are doing all right. The main source that is off kilter is the "property value" loss. Yeah, which means a person wanting to sell their home and buy another realizes no net loss. Those who would sell a large home and buy a smaller one are at a disadvantage. But those seeking similar value, or wanting to buy a larger home, will realize no loss or a long-term gain. The only loss is in refinancing, which ALSO just results in no net money. After all, you gotta pay it back, right? In terms of finance, no, people are NOT getting hurt. They just aren't benefitting as much. construction is beign hurt because there arnt any new homes beign built, no new homes means no work. all the work that is being done right now is finishing up those already started. Ive been in this Industry for 14 yr i know the ups and downs of it, and this is a really bad down due to the sub prime. As for realtors in az there are about 15k of them and their competing against 50k new homes for sale. light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak
  13. I always thought the term "progressive" was complete BS anyway. What exactly are they progressing towards? Insanity light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak
  14. its not just the reckless people that are currently being hurt with the sub prime mess, anyone involved in residential real estate is getting hit hard right now. with the market flooding with forclosed property and decreasing property values you end up with a overstock of homes with no buyers. constructions in the tank, no ones building anything, home builders are going under because they have all thier money tied up in homes already built and cant sell, contractors are laying employees off by the the thousands. realtors are screwed,homeowners wanting to sell cant, and those trying to sell cant sell because there are no buyers. so for those of you thinking its just the reckless getting hurt wake up. the reckless ones are getting hurt but others that didnt have control over what the reckless were doing are getting fucked as well. light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak
  15. here in az its really bad not only at Home depot but at alot of gas stations in areas as well, i have had to chase people out of the back of my truck many of times, they all are wanting to work( No i Dont have a problem with them wanting to work either) and competing with each other for each spot that before any of them ask they dogpile in. in Phx there is a furniture store that tried to get them removed from standing in front of the store, thier are lottering laws in the state but because every time they are tried to be enforced activist comes screaming and yelling about racism discrimanation and profile and the bring lawsuites against who ever tried to do something, as with the furniture store, they currently have people outside in front of the store with picket signs and blocking the front door so people cannot get in and they are beign sued by the illegals. light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak
  16. the un is following in foot step with the IPCC and the science the IPCC uses to back its claims. The Hockey stick Study was a study based on the analysis of tree rings and from those results the IPCC states that what was in your link, But the Hockey Stick was dissproved by other scientist because the study failed to be able to identify known climate changes in the past, The IPCC stance was that if their study didnt identify those changes then they didnt happen. it seem everyone is forgetting the steps taken in scientific research, theories, experimentation, observation, and analysis. instead of following those step they are going from theory to analysis and then how to scam money from people. light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak
  17. conservatives have been upset with and voicing are objections loudly at the lack of restraint shown by lots of republicans in congress and by Bush. the last elections happened the way the did in part of conservatives, but the leftist kooks are just to blind and stupid to realize it, instead they spin it as everyones against the war, and that they were given the power to surrender. several of the republicans that were voted out in the last election were more liberals than republican so to clear some of the deadwood out conservatives either voted against or refrained from voting. light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak
  18. I can't help it if you can't see actual evidence as opposed to the propaganda you've been fed. I can't help it if you can't tell a credible source from a paid shill. The GW Alarmist use ten times more propaganda then those trying to disprove GW. GW supporters are trying to prove to everyone that GW is man made by spouting out that a consensus of scientist believe so. In science there can only be facts , a consensus doesn't meet the burden of proof to be called a fact. To the GW supporters anyone opposed to their cause is just a paid puppet of the evil big oil. and they claim everyone that agrees with them is a smart independent thinker and not like the puppets of big oil ( but what they want is for everyone to be good little sheep and do as those that know best tell them to do and what to think, and with the help of al gore and most of Hollywood they have had lots of success ). Money for research has to come from someplace those that think GW is man made get their money from people and companies that think their way, same for those against. light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak
  19. and that 40% will be voting for hillary in the next election light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak
  20. Your political compass Economic Left/Right: 6.88 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 4.82 im like halfway between blair and bush light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak
  21. they played that on the radio when i was driving home, almost crashed i was laughing so hard. light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak
  22. guns have one function they are not leathermans or swiss army knives, they shoot bullets(or shot for those that will get technical) no gun has ever murder someone , pulled a robbery,or any other crime, they have to be used by someone , and at the risk of restating an old debate, guns were desinged to be used to kill. gun control is in the users hands not the gun, and guns dont kill people, people kill people. light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak
  23. in phoenix if you get a camera issued ticket it is sent by registered mail and has to be signed for, you dont have to sign for it and then you dont get the ticket. for over a year now scottsdales loop 101 has had cameras at 6 points speed limits 65 anyone 75 and over get there picture taken, it has slowed traffic down in that area to an average of 70 miles an hour, before it averaged 80 miles an hour so it has some effects, and in az anything that obstructs the view or covers the plate is illegal and the fine is huge. was in court for expired tags, someone in there was caught with a obstructed plate fine was 1000 bucks. speeding tickets are way cheaper. and you can go to driving school even cheaper and the ticket is dismissed no record of it happening. light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak
  24. It's not the job of the government to improve lives. Legalizing vices certainly won't hurt lives, because those vices are already readily available. Ask any kid in high school where to get drugs. Chances are, they know, and they have access, but they don't use, just like most people have access to cigarettes but only a small percentage use. Most people don't participate in vices because they understand they are bad for you, not because they're illegal. A vice being bad for you won't change based on whether or not it's legal. I wish the government would stop banning things and start educating about them by providing real data, not scare tactics. We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, PROMOTE THE GENERAL WELFARE, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our prosperity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America. I think it could be argued that it is their job, but it does seem to over reach a bit to much at times. light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak
  25. criminals dont stick to only selling things that are illegal to sell outright. movies music jewelry electronics cars ect are all legal to buy on the market, but they still find ways to make money illegally selling these same things, so is your argument that if its legal then criminals wont bother with it. legalizing the selling of organs could result in murder for organs, the murders might not take place in the us but outside of it and then imported into, the reliability of these organs might be questionable as well resulting in more innocent deaths light travels faster than sound, that's why some people appear to be bright until you hear them speak