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Everything posted by bloody_trauma

  1. you should trade it in for a new rig and like 1000 jumps and BTW id feel like less f a man drining that... after a week your balls are gonna shrivel up... what the hell we gotta know the story behind this, did she just up ad buy it for you on a whim or have you been hinting that thats the car youd like to drive? Fly it like you stole it
  2. Its another drunken saturday night sooo....if your drunk you really should let us know. really a post about nothin but i figured us drunks should have some place to go without fear of retribution for posting with typographical errors..... let the stupidity begin!!!! Fly it like you stole it
  3. no your right im a medic, and our scope of practice is very broad for our qualifications, there are 2 different options for her, one M^ course that im doing which gets me a to LPN and then theres the AECP and they put you through nursing school to get a BSN provided you meet certain requirments ie college hours... and i did ask my 1SG about it and he tells me as long as im not doing anything illegal i wont get in any trouble, its just the mater of being physically able to PT in order to take the final PT and also to be able to perform my job like standing and lifting and such Fly it like you stole it
  4. uhhhhhhhhh.... in the US Army Fly it like you stole it
  5. yeah actually now that i think about it i could just save the money i was gona use to jump and then jump my ass off when i graduate Fly it like you stole it
  6. 1 years, like it says next to years in sport... that kind of like you have 1 friends on myspace Fly it like you stole it
  7. lets get drunk and go tp the principals house Fly it like you stole it
  8. may i have my testicle back please? Fly it like you stole it
  9. yeah thats right, i finally got my orders sorted out and i just moved into a 2BR house that were renting thats f in gorgeous!!! but if you didnt know the army messed up my orders and sent me to the right place at the wrong time... during masters week (200$ HOTEL ROOMS), so instead of signing into post i was forced to rent an RV 40 miles off post and drive into work every day at 4AM for PT, finally we were able to move into the house, now its been nearly about a month since my last STP jump, and i was considering going to THE FARM and completing a level but now that im in this military school im thinking of waiting until ive graduated to complete my levels due to the fact that if i injure myself ill be 86'd from the course and that would suck. and to that fact a nursing license will get me alot farther than a skydiving license. lemme know what yall think, granted im jumping a near 300 Sq ft (i think... nt sure what i was flying at spaceland think it was a 280 or 290) canopy still there is the chance that i could injure myself and get screwed. Fly it like you stole it
  10. NO HAPPY ENDING???? WTF?!?!?! Fly it like you stole it
  11. 8 has more holes that 16, but 16 could do its self Fly it like you stole it
  12. so yeah ive only been in the states for about 3 weeks now and i want to go back, i hate to say it but america is way too high strung. and we all drive like assholes... for what reason i dont know but were some damn shitty drivers and we treat our roads like shit. i og tmore damage to my brand new car in 48 hrs from road debris and unsecured truck loads well than ever, i never suffered damage to my car at all in all the three years that i drove in europe, dammit Fly it like you stole it
  13. i just wanna know whats up with the avatar? keeps changin. Fly it like you stole it
  14. thats actually has a little irony for me, on my second STP jump one of the camera men on the load offered me an icebreakers mint and i asked him in classic whuffo fashion "whats this for?" and he told me it was for the EMT's Fly it like you stole it
  15. dunno whos seen it yet but i about shit my pants laughing at it. after a bit of searching i found it, its the one labeled airplane... lets pick it apart Crap your pants laughing Fly it like you stole it
  16. steal slices of the pilots pizza before takeoff Fly it like you stole it
  17. man that would be grest, i could spend all my money on jumps instead of a place to live, but sadly i have to be under the thumb of the military and atlantas 2 hrs from here, we found an army camp ground and rented a travel trailer for somethin like 40 a night tax free, has more amenities than the hotel but its way more far than where i am now, gonna take me like an hour to get there, and now theyre tryin to ammend my orders to where i leave right off as soon as i can to ft sam for the first part of my training Fly it like you stole it
  18. lol... thats right, call me sir again and youll be eatin yer shitty drawers, but seriously i think we are gonna camp out for the next 3 weeks, wow 3 weeks how am i gonna keep my phone charged Fly it like you stole it
  19. one should run out while they are starting the otter and take of with the ignition module. Fly it like you stole it
  20. damn 600? id shit my pants if i opened on my base leg. then id eat it for surviving. YOU OWE BEER!!! Fly it like you stole it
  21. ok so ive been staying in a hotel on my own dime and had planned to do so while i waited out getting new orders, so i was looking around for a cheaper hotel today... in the process of doing so i unwittingley and luckily found out tht coming apr 1st is the beginning of masters week here in augusta... excuse me... FUCK! ok where was I? oh yeah all the hotels in the area including the one im in are upping thier rates to more than 2X the normal rate and higher, not only that all the hotels are booked up for that time, so even in the hotel im in right now, i cant extend my stay cuz some golf watching freaks have booked up all the hotels in the area... thanks golf yuppies HOPE YOU ENJOY MY ROOM AT DOUBLE RATE YA PRICKS!!! looks like were campin out for the next 3 weeks. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!! Fly it like you stole it
  22. FUCK YOU DAVE Fly it like you stole it
  23. thats what i think will happen, on a good note thoough we found a great little house for rent but its not available for another 3 weeks, oh well i think i might actually consider campin out to save money, like every other night Fly it like you stole it
  24. last week i was doing 30 over the limit and got popped, when the officer came up i gave him my military ID and told him i was on leave on my way to spaceland... he ran my ID and plates and then came back and told me to be safe and then proceeded to give me the exact locations of two other traps on 610S Fly it like you stole it