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Everything posted by freeflyit

  1. >>An entire tandem class of over 20 people was taught their class in less time than it took me to pack my rig. The 'instructor' spoke a total of about 75 words and THAT WAS IT! There was no talk of future possibilities regarding the sport with these students...nothing but a sign here, pay there and lets go for a a tee shirt and SEE YA!
  2. >>Or just end up too low to return to full-flight . . . That is indeed an issue. However, landing in brakes and doing a decent PLF will likely result in fewer injuries than hitting said golf cart at full flight. When worse comes to worst, slower is better.
  3. This just happened on my last jump last weekend. I rented a 288 manta and was doing what accuracy jumpers do: pull down on their toggeles so to travel straight (or at least straighter) down because I was going to over-shoot and slam right into the building. I've never done this without any wind. So What you're supposed to do is just "let it fly"- meaning put the toggles all the way up so as to inflate the canopy for about 4 seconds before flaring. Anyways, I put them up too late (due to the no wind factor) and literally came in on the bottom of my heels and my hands just sliding across the ground with my back almost touching the ground. Man I came in fast and I seriously almost hurt myself pretty nicely... but I learned a good lesson. So I just wanted to share that because it's related to what this thread is about.
  4. In that case it was probably just rain because there was no blood or bruises, however our necks and chins looked pretty damn red. The thing abou that jump and why I think it might have been ice crystals is because it wasn't raining on the ground, it was cold on the ground so it was pretty chilly at altitude and the clouds literally started at 10.5. Of course it might be those "supercooled" raindroplets. Either way, I'm glad I didn't end up like you (no offence )
  5. freeflyit


    Hey everyone, I am learning to freefly. I have my sit stable, I can hold it all the way down but what I really want to do is fly on my head. I can do it but obviously you can tell just from my jump number that I can't do it very well. So here is what I'm looking for. What are some essential basics that I should know? For example, I kind of heard of falling straight down the tube.. I think I know what it means but still, I've only got a drift of it. You know when you first start jumping your instructor tells you things like "think of the windsock as a carrot,, u always want to eat the small part first." So those kinds of things is what I'm hoping to get on this thread. Please help me if you can, it's seriously appreciated.
  6. There's nothing you "have" to do. A lot of skydivers don't skydive during winter months and run into the same problem. I suggest you make a coach jump and once you do just one that's all you'll need. It's like riding a bike.
  7. >>Thanks I´ve got to show them how great sport it is:-)))
  8. I've never been in a windtunnel but just because you had a hard time staying in the centre is not an indicator that you will fail levels. You have 3 jumps for f sakes! The main point is that you'll be able to pull at the right altitude and get stable (plus know emergency proceedures). Don't worry about being able to stay at one spot at this point. >> just dont want to start this, and have it take two hundred jumps to get my license.
  9. Edit: I wanted to ask why but then I saw you wrote stuff, I thought it was ur signature at first. >>The tandem passenger is responsible for putting themselves in danger>Becuase that is exactly what they are doing when they agree to be a tandem passenger
  10. That's exactly the kind of thing that gets things messed up. It's like having 2 employees working the same cash and should money go missing there is no way to know. I completely understand that TM are doing the best they can and it's not their "fault" but really, isn't it time for someone to step up and take the responsibility since this is a life-or-death sport and when you have a whole bunch of people pointing fingers at each other what good does it actually do? Personally I think it should be the man in charge (DZO). It's sad because in real life nobody gives a crap about these little things especially when you have like a million things to do at once and it would just be impractical to check everything every single time, but if that's what it takes to live then 'cmon people, give those tandems a fair chance. I dunno what I'm proposing excatly, I guess my main point is that the DZO is responsible for EVERYTHING. That just goes with the territory
  11. Man I've totally been there. We did a jump from 11 in November and the clouds were all the way down to about 5, man did that shit ever hurt. I think it might have been ice crystals, but we also just had to hold our chins and necks.
  12. Holy F***! That was pretty damn crazy, you're so lucky cuz that could have been like a million times whorse. Regardless of what others may say, good job on trying, can't wait to see your next one!
  13. >>if you say "i am doing the diploma course and I want to come and work for you for 3 months 'for free' and after that you can decide whether you want to employ me or not." then you will be welcomed with open arms
  14. Hahaha! Man, that totally reminded me of the couple of days before my first jump: I'd go on the highway, do approx 140 km/h and stick as much of my body out the window as possible without crashing. And it doesn't feel like skydiving, the wind is obviously much stronger on a jump. But in regards to the initial question: I feel like burning!
  15. Right here. Broken collar (which is actually the best bone to break now that I think about it because it's not really a crippling injury although it clicks all the time). I broke my elbow before on a hyper extension skateboarding and I can tell you it takes a lot longer to heal, plus working it back is a bitch. the thing about the collar bone is you can't really sleep at night due to movement in your sleep. Like someone said, unless it's the spine or skull, a joint is much whorse. You're definately right about location.
  16. Dude, that is so crazy (well not really) but anyways, I'm looking to buy a rig and it is also $1300 for a vector. Guess who the seller is: Paul Countenay. I'll steer clear of that just to be sure. Edit: What makes you think this guy is a scammer?
  17. If you find this guy I think you can take him to a small claims court and win. I've seen an episode of judge judy where some kid did exactly that - he shipped bricks to some guy instead of the actual product and got hammered. I don't know if you want to go the length over $150 (not even worth the time, stress, etc...) but it is doable.
  18. Hey dude, sorry I kind of jumped the gun on you there. The fact is I wrote what I did without really thinking about it, but now I did and I didn't mean to diss you...late night. But other than that, that is the reason why I asked.
  19. Like I said, it helps me think. It's interesting to hear the views people have on it. You see, just cuz you make a decision it doesn't mean you have to stick to it forever...the more information you get the more you expand your mind. You can't think of everything yourself and there's always something that someone else says that you wouldn't think of. By all means, sorry if I somehow offended you by asking. Next time I'll be sure to ask your oppinion whether it's worthy enough to be asked.
  20. Yea 4 sure,, I just can't afford one right now (even though u just explained how cheap it is but I can't pay up front because all I can afford is a used rig). I think that I want to skydive bad enough that I'll do it without a cypress. All my jumps have been with a cypress and I know shit can hit the fan in a fraction of a second. This one guy explains risk like this, "it's what actually happens, versus all the possible things that can." And yea, I'm willing to lay it down. Thanks for all the responses by the way, greatly appreciated...helps me think.